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First Conference of the States Parties to the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions -
December 3, 2009 Washington, D.C.


Lista de Documentos CITAAC/CEP/doc. 1/09

Draft Agenda (Approved at the meeting of the Committee on Hemispheric Security held on January 22, 2009) CITAAC/CEP/doc. 2/09

Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions (Update on the status of signatures and/or accessions presented by the Department of International Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs) CITAAC/CEP/doc. 3/09 corr. 1

Draft Schedule CITAAC/CEP/doc. 4/09 rev. 1

Directorio de Puntos de Contacto Nacional de la Convención Interamericana sobre Transparencia en las Adquisiciones de Armas Convencionales CITAAC/CEP/doc. 5/09 rev. 1

Informes  Anuales y Notificaciones de la Convención Interamericana sobre Transparencia en las Adquisiciones de las Armas Convencionales - Annual Reports and Notifications of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions CITAAC/CEP/doc. 6/09

Presentation by the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security to the First Conference of States Parties to the Inter- American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions CITAAC/CEP/doc. 7/09 corr. 1

Presentation by the Delegation of Chile CITAAC/CEP/doc. 8/09

Lista de Participantes - List of Participants
CITAAC/CEP/doc. 9/09

Rapporteur’s Report (Submitted by Counselor Michel Arslanian Neto,  Alternate Representative of Brazil to the OAS) CITAAC/CEP/doc. 10/09

UN Resolution on Transparency in Armaments A/C.1/64/L.50

Statement by Her Excellency Mrs. Marie-France Pagnier, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States CITAAC/CEP/INF. 2/09


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