The Homicide Knowledge Platform is a specialized virtual space dedicated to provide detailed and systematized information on campaigns, projects and programs implemented by Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as non-state actors, both at national and sub-national levels.
Users will also be able to access up-to-date homicide data and indicators as reported by Member States through the UN Survey on Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS), available at the Inter-American Security Observatory.
The Platform is a knowledge hub on homicide prevention and reduction campaigns, projects and programs implemented in the region. It provides three main routes to this knowledge: systematization of lessons learned, interviews to experts and practitioners, and outcome and impact evaluations.
Homicide prevention and reduction initiatives may be searched by country through the sub-regional menu or directly navigating the map. Once the country of interest has been selected, users will have access to detailed information of each individual initiative, including: name, type, status, duration, institution in charge, funding, strategic partners, policy design, geographic scope, approaches, target population, and main topic. Furthermore, when available, each initiative will provide additional information resources including reports, external reviews, videos, pictures, infographics, and other supporting materials.
The initial content of the Homicide Knowledge Platform was obtained from the report “Mapping of Homicide Prevention Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, prepared by Ignacio Cano and Emiliano Rojido from the Laboratory for the Analysis of Violence, in collaboration with the Brazilian Public Security Forum, and the funding of Open Society Foundations. In addition, OAS Member States were invited to complete the initiatives identified and systematized by the aforementioned report as well as to document new ones. The Platform’s content will be updated at least two times a year, according to available information and in collaboration with Member States.