Contributions to Co-TEP - Document Card
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Language: English
Category(ies): Research
Topic(s) & Sub-Topic(s): Professional Development (PD)
  •  Continuing Education
Career Path
  •  Monitoring teacher effectiveness
  •  Management Skills
Special Topics
  •  Literacy
Country: Honduras
Title: Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II): Primary School Reading Study for Honduras
Author: RTI International.
Summary: El propósito de este informe es proporcionar información sobre las prácticas docentes eficaces, el ambiente escolar y la infraestructura, en relación con la enseñanza de la lectura en los primeros grados en Honduras. El informe se organiza en torno a cinco factores clave: • Prácticas de enseñanza eficaces • Uso de materiales de instrucción • Evaluación y retroalimentación del maestro • Preparación y apoyo del maestro • Ambiente escolar y del aula
Reference Website:
Publishing House: United States Agency for International Development.
Year of Publication: 2015
Upload date: 12/19/2016

What transformation/reform does this initiative pursue?

What policy/practice has been put in place to achieve this change?

What evidence exists to demonstrate that this intervention is having the desired result?

Contributor Contact Information
Full Name: , RIED-ITEN
Organization Name: Organization of American States
Address 1:
Address 2:
City / Province:
E-Mail: [email protected]

Download Links
Document: FR_Honduras_EdDataII Final Report.pdf (1226 KB)
Additional Documents:
Video Link:
Keywords: Teacher instruction time, Teacher competency
The ITEN Teacher Policy Center is carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the OAS and the support of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.