Contributions to Co-TEP - Document Card
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Language: English Photo of CoTEP_Publication.jpg
Category(ies): Publications
Topic(s) & Sub-Topic(s): Leadership
  •  Performance
  •  Principal Requirements
Country: All OAS member states
Title: What can principals do to foster collaborative learning among teachers?
Author: Frederick Brown
Summary: As we look to encourage the habitual use of effective collaborative learning practices, what is the role of school leaders in creating cultures that nurture collaborative learning among teachers in their buildings? We understand that the principal is critical to implementing schoolwide shifts in how people learn and how they think about learning.
Reference Website:
Publishing House: The Learning Professional
Year of Publication: 2017
Upload date: 1/25/2018

What transformation/reform does this initiative pursue?

What policy/practice has been put in place to achieve this change?

What evidence exists to demonstrate that this intervention is having the desired result?

Contributor Contact Information
Full Name: , RIED-ITEN
Organization Name: Organization of American States
Address 1:
Address 2:
City / Province:
E-Mail: [email protected]

Download Links
Document: what-can-principals-do-to-foster-collaborative-learning.pdf (111 KB)
Additional Documents:
Video Link:
Keywords: Teacher effectiveness, Teacher competency
The ITEN Teacher Policy Center is carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the OAS and the support of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.