Documents 2012 (CP/doc.)
Final Report of the Mission of Electoral Accompaniment to Nicaragua for the
general elections held on November 6, 2011
Report of the Special Working
Group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights with a view to Strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System for
consideration by the Permanent Council
by the Permanent Council at its regular meeting held on January 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Change of date
and site of the third meeting of Officials Responsible for Penitentiary and
Prison Policies (Presented by the Chair of the Permanent Council)
CP/doc.4676/12 corr. 1
Annual Report on the mechanism
to follow up on the implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the
Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women,
“Convention of Belém do Pará” pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2692 (XLI-O/11)
Annual Report of the Justice
Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) to the Forty-Second Regular Session of
the General Assembly
Final report of the OAS Electoral Observation
Mission for the General Elections in Saint Lucia November 28, 2011
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) to the Forty-Second
Regular Session of the General Assembly
Annual report 2011 of the Administrative Tribunal
to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General Assembly
Report of the Chair of the Style Committee of
the Forty-Second Special Session of the General Assembly of the Organization
of American States
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Commission of women (CIM) to the Forty-Second Regular Session
of the General Assembly
Report of the Secretary General
on the implementation of the “Inter-American Program on the Promotion of
Women's Human Rights and gender Equity and Equality” pursuant to resolution
AG/RES. 2689 (XLI-O/11)
Strategic Vision of the OAS
Procedure and Schedule (Adopted by the Permanent Council at its session held
on May 2, 2012)
CP/doc.4687/12 rev. 3
Report of the Secretary General
on the implementation of resolution AG/RES. 2685 (XLI-O/11) “Strengthening
of the Inter-American Commission of Women”
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Defense Board to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the
General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the Forty-Second Regular Session of
the General Assembly
Draft Declaration of Cochabamba
on "Food Security with Sovereignty in the Americas" (Presented by the
Delegation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia at the special meeting of
the Permanent Council on March 7, 2012)
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) to the Forty-Second Regular
Session of the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Pan
American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) to the Forty-Second
Regular Session of the General Assembly
Institute for Cooperation on
Agriculture (IICA) to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Juridical Committee to the Forty-Second Regular of the
General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) to the Forty-Second Regular Session
of the General Assembly
Draft resolution Change of date
of the Third Conference of States Party to the Inter-American Convention
Against the Illicit
of and Trafficking in
Firearms, Munitions, expLosives and Related Materiales (CIFTA) (Presented by
the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS as Secretary pro tempore to the
Sixteenth Quarterly Report of
the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on the Mission to Support the
Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OAS)
Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights (IACHR) to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General
Informe final de la Misión de
Veeduría Electoral de la Organización de los Estados Americanos de las
Elecciones de Gobernadores, Alcaldes, Asambleas Departamentales, Concejos
Municipales y Miembros de Juntas Administradoras Locales celebradas en la
República de Colombia 30 de octubre de 2011
Report of the General
Secretariat on invitations to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the
General Assembly for which authorization by the Permanent Council is
Draft declaration Declaration of
the Permanent Council on the death of Mr. Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado,
former President of Mexico
Annual Report of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE) to
the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General Assembly
Draft Code of Ethics for the
General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (Draft presented
by the General Secretariat)
Report to the Permanent Council
Annual audit of Accounts and Financial Statements
Hemispheric plan of action to
follow up on the declaration of San Salvador on Citizen Security in the
Americas (Aproved at the meeting of May 2, 2012)
Report of the General
Secretariat on invitations to the Forty-Second Regular Session of the
General Assembly for which authorization by the Permanent Council is
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) to the Forty-Second
Regular Session of the General Assembly
CP/doc.4710/12 rev. 1
Report of the Secretary General
on the recommendations of the Working Group of the Permanent Council to
Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
with a view to strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System and the
Inter-American Juridical Committee
Draft resolution Amendments to
Chapters VIII and IX of the general standards to govern the operations of
the General Secretariat: the Inspector General (Agreed upon by the Permanent
Council at its meeting, held on May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Human Resource
Policy of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (Agreed
upon by the Permanent Council at the meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft annual report of the
Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to the Forty-Second
Regular Session of the General Assembly (Presented to the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolutions to be forwarded to the
General Assembly for consideration at its Forty-Second Regular Session (Approved
at the fourth plenary session, held on May 15, 2012 and subject to
review by the Style Committee) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at
its meeting of May 23, 2012)
CP/doc.4714/12 add. 1
Draft resolution [water as a Human Right
(BO: the Human Right to (US: safe drinking) water and sanitation) (CA:
improving equitable access to safe and clean drinking water and
sanitation) (Presented by the Delegation of Bolivia and cosponsored by
the Delegation of Ecuador. Considered at the meeting held May 15 2012) (Presented
to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
CP/doc.4714/12 add. 2
Report of the chair of the
Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) (2011-2012) (Agreed upon by the
Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Report on the activities of the Committee on
Juridical and Political Affairs (CAJP) in the 2011 – 2012 session (Agreed
upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Report on the activities carried out by the
the Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society
participation in OAS activities (CISC) in 2011-2012 (Agreed upon by the
Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Report of the Chair on the activities of the
Special Committee on Migration Issues 2011-2012 (Agreed upon by the
Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Report of the chair on the activities of the
General Committee 2011-2012 (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Report of the Chair of the Joint Working
Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter
of the Americas (March 2012 - May 2012) (Report presented by Daniel
Cento, Alternate Representative of the United States) (Presented to the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 16, 2012)
Draft resolution Reform of the
Statute of the Administrative Tribunal (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Free trade and
investment in the Hemisphere (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Use of
telecommunications/information technologies and communication to build
an inclusive information society (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Strengthening
the activities of the Inter-American Program of Judicial Facilitators (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Coordination of
volunteers in the Hemisphere in response to disasters and the fight
against hunger and poverty –White Helmets Initiative–(Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution “Promotion and
Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic
Charter” (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Traditional use
and chewing of the coca leaf (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Prevention and
Eradication of Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in
Minors (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution “Recognition
and Promotion of the Rights of People of African Descent in the Americas”
(Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Promotion of
Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution “Strengthening
the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)” (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution “Mechanism to
Follow Up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the
Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women,
‘Convention of Belém do Pará’” (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Network for
Consumer Safety and Health and Inter-American Rapid Product Safety
Warning System (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Adoption of
progress indicators for measuring rights under the Protocol of San
Salvador (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Official Public
Defenders as a Guarantees of Access to Justice for Persons in Situation
of Vulnerability (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Human Rights
Defenders: Support for Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil
Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Internally
Displaced Persons (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Persons Who
Have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Draft Legally
Binding Inter-American Instruments against Racism and Racial
Discrimination and against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Follow-up to
the Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and “the Right
to Identity” (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution IStrengthening
the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Human Rights,
Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Observations
and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Inter-American
Program for the Development of International Law (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Draft American
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Right to the
Truth (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Observations
and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Protecting the
Human Rights of Older Persons (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Access to
Public Information and Protection of Personal Data (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Protection of
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Promotion of
the International Criminal Court (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Observations
and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution The Human
Rights of Migrants, Including Migrant Workers and Their Families (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Follow-up on
the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and on the
Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Fight Corruption (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Strengthening
of the Inter-American Human Rights System pursuant to the mandates
arising from the Summits of the Americas (Considered by the Permanent
Council at its meeting held on May 25, 2012, and transmitted to the
General Committee of the General Assembly)
Draft resolution Support for the
Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Persons with Disabilities and its Technical Secretariat (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Human Rghts
Education in Formal Education in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Program of
Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of
Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016) and Support for Its Technical
Secretariat (SEDISCAP) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Meeting of
Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the
Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Follow-up on
the Recommendations contained in the "Report of the Special Working
Group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights (IACHR) with a View to Strengthening the Inter-American
Human Rights System" (Considered by the Permanent Council at its meeting
held on May 25, 2012, and transmitted to the General Committee of the
General Assembly)
Draft resolution Advancing
Hemispheric Security: A Multidimensional Approach (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Increasing and
Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society and Social Actors in
the Activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits
of the Americas Process (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Support for and
Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution "Strengthening
the topic of Migration in the OAS: Establishment of the Committee on
Migration Issues (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 25, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights with a View to Strengthening the
Inter-American Human Rights System for consideration by the Permanent
Council (Approved by the Working Group at its meeting held on January
25, 2012)
Draft resolution Optimization of
the Structure of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Extension of
the Mandates of the CEPCIDI Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its
Organs (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Extension of
the term of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development
2006-2009 (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
Fifth Inter-American Meeting of the Ministers and Highest Authorities of
Culture in the Framework of CIDI on the celebration of the
Inter-American Year of Culture (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
XIX Inter-American Travel Congress and Holding of the Twentieth
Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of
Tourism (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Seventh Regular
Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Inter-American
Program Education for Democratic Values and Practices (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Strengthening
Partnership for Integral Development (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
Seventeenth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor and Support for the
Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
Third Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology in
the Framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution
International Year of Quinoa, 2013
(Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Existing
Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance
among the Member States (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Promotion and
Incorporation of New Forms of Cooperation for Integral Development (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Third Meeting
of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development within the
Framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Report of the
Seventh Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the
Framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Draft resolution Promotion of
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council
at its meeting of May 23, 2012)
Report of the chair on the
activities of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (For the
July 2011 to May 2012 term) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its
meeting of May 25, 2012)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Dominican Republic to the Chair of the Permanent Council concerning the
situation in the Republic of Paraguay
Note of the Director General of the
Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) on the draft agenda of the 87th
regular meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the Chair of the Permanent Council concerning the
situation in the Republic of Paraguay
Mission of the OAS Secretary General and
Delegation to the Republic Paraguay from July 1 to 3, 2012 (Submitted to the
Permanent Council at its special meeting of July 10, 2012)
CP/doc.4786/12 rev. 1
Work Plan for implementation of resolution
AG/RES. 2761 (XLII-O/12), “Follow-up on the recommendations contained in the
Report of the Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights with a view to Strengthening the
Inter-American Human Rights System” (Adopted by the Permanent Council at the
meeting held on September 10, 2012)
CP/doc.4787/12 rev. 4 corr. 1
Request for OAS Member States to forward their
proposals for implementing the recommendations of the Working Group, by
October 31, 2012 CP/doc.4787/12 rev. 4 corr. 1 add. 1
Request for the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights, the OAS General Secretariat, civil society organizations, the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-AmerIcan Juridical
Committee to forward their proposals for implementing the recommendations of
the Working Group, by October 31, 2012
CP/doc.4787/12 rev. 4 corr. 1 add. 2
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
submitting the draft resolution entitled “Condemnation of the coup d’état
in Paraguay and convocation of a special session of the General Assembly of
the Organization of American States (OAS),” co-sponsored by the delegations
of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Guatemala presenting the draft resolution “Change of date of the Third
Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons,” to be considered
by the Permanent Council at its next regular meeting
Explanatory note and draft resolution on the new
postponement of the third meeting of officials responsible for penitentiary
and prison policies Presented by the Secretariat for Multidimensional
Informe Final de la misión de Observación
Electoral de la Organización de Estados Americanos sobre el Referendum
constitucional y consulta popular República del Ecuador 7 de mayo de 2011
Report of the Joint Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of
American States (OAS) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Presidential and
Legislative Elections first and second rounds Republic of Haiti - November
28, 2010 and March 20, 2011
Distribution of mandates assigned by
the General Assembly at its Forty-second regular session and ongoing
mandates from previous years
(Adopted by the Permanent Council on August 22, 2012)
CP/doc.4793/12 rev. 1
Draft resolution Notice of convocation of the
meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in order “to address
the threats by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
against the state of Ecuador and its diplomatic premises in that country”
(Submitted by the delegation of Ecuador)
Proposed program-budget 2013 submitted by the
Secretary General
Draft agenda for the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of
Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs [Convened under the OAS
Charter, pursuant to resolution CP/RES. 1005 (1863/12)]
Draft rules of procedure of the Twenty-Seventh
meeting of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
CP/doc.4797/12 rev. 1
Informe de la Misión de Observación Electoral de
la Organización de los Estados Americanos del referéndum constitucional para
permitir el voto de los ciudadanos paraguayos en el extranjero República del
Paraguay 9 de octubre de 2011
Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas presenting a candidacy for a position on the
Board of External Auditors
Final report of the OAS Electoral Observation
mission for the General and Regional Elections in the Republic of Guyana
November 28, 2011
Final report of the OAS Electoral Observation
Mission to the General Elections in the Bahamas May 7, 2012
Final report of the OAS Electoral Observation
mission to the General and Municipal elections in Belize March 7, 2012
Note from the Permanent mission of Costa Rica
requesting the inclusion of a draft resolution entitled “Commemoration of
the Fiftieth anniversary since the first OAS Electoral Observation mission”
for consideration in the order of business of the next meeting of the
Permanent Council
Note of the Permanent Mission of Canada
requesting that the consideration of a draft resolution to set place and
date of the Forty- hird Special Session of the General Assembly be included
in the agenda for the meeting that the Permanent Council will hold October,
17, 2012
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
nominating Dr. Wilson Vallejo Bazante, Deputy Comptroller General of the
Republic, to fill a vacancy on the Board of External Auditors of the OAS
CP/doc.4805/12 corr. 1
Nominations to fill the vacancy on the Board of
External Auditors of the Organization of American States (OAS)
CP/doc.4806/12 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent
Mission of The Bahamas withdrawing the nomination of Mr. Terrance S.
Bastian to fill the vacancy on the OAS Board of External Auditors
Draft resolution
Program-Budget of the Organization for 2013 and contributions to FEMCIDI
(Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its special meeting held on
November 14, 2012)
Report of the General
Secretariat on Civil Society Organizations and users of the
Inter-American Human Rights system that have requested to participate in
the meetings of the Permanent Council on the proposals received for
implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the
special working group to reflect on the workings of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights with a view to strengthening the
Inter-American Human Rights System
CP/doc.4809/12 corr. 2
Note from the Vice Chair
of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to the
Chair of the Permanent Council on the report of the CIDI ad hoc Working
Group to Review Integral Development Mandates and Current and Procedural
Mandates idenTified in the area of Integral Development (2007-2012)
Final Report of the OAS Electoral Observation
Mission for the General Elections in Jamaica December 29, 2011
Strategic vision of the
OAS Amendment to the Procedure and Schedule (Proposal presented by the
Chair of the Permanent Council)
CP/doc.4812/12 rev. 1
Proposed draft resolution
for the special session of the General Assembly and appendix: measures
for implementing the recommendations contained in the report of the
Special Working Group to Reflect on the Workings of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights with a view to Strengthening the
Inter-American Human Rights System (Presented by the Chair of the
Permanent Council)
CP/doc.4813/12 rev. 1