Sr. Ronald C. Petersen
Presidente, Technical Committee N° 106, Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC).


Sr. Ronald C. Petersen

Ron Petersen received the BSEE (1968) and MSEP (1970) degrees from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY.  He joined the Bell Labs Solid-State Device Development Laboratory in 1960 and the Bell Labs Environmental Health and Safety Center in 1970 where he managed the Wireless and Optical Technologies Safety Department up until his retirement from Lucent Technologies in July 2001.

Mr. Petersen is the current Chairman of the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES), Chairman of ICES TC-95 (Safety levels with respect to human exposure to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields) and ICES TC-34 (Product performance standards relative to the safe use of electromagnetic energy), Chairman of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 106 (Assessment of exposure of humans to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields), Chairman of ANSI ASC Z136 (Laser safety) and ANSI/ASC Z136 Subcommittee 2 (Safety of optical fiber and free space optical communications systems).  Mr. Petersen served as Chairman of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Committee 89 (Non-Ionizing Radiation) and as Scientific Vice-President of the NCRP Non-Ionizing Radiation Program Area.  He is a member of the New Jersey Non-Ionizing Radiation Advisory Committee to the Commission on Radiation Protection, a member of the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board (SASB) and chairs the SASB New Standards Committee.  Mr. Petersen has published a number of articles and book chapters on laser safety standards, RF safety standards and RF measurements. He is an IEEE Fellow and a Fellow of the Laser Institute of America.

  • Video


  • Presentación: "IEC TC106 - Normas para la Evaluación de la Exposición de los Seres Humanos a los Campos Eléctricos, Magnéticos y Electromagnéticos, de 0 a 300 GHz"

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