AG/RES. 1286 (XXIV-O/94)


(Resolution adopted at the tenth plenary session, held on June 10, 1994)


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on the InterAmerican Program of Action for Environmental Protection (AG/doc.3080/94)~

RECALLING that the Charter of the Organization of American States stipulates in its preamble that "the historic mission of America is to offer to man a land of liberty and a favorable environment for the development of his personality and the realization of his just aspirations"~ and


That maintaining an ecological balance demands a new and more effective partnership among states within the subregion, region, and at world level~

That the Organization of American States is determined to strengthen cooperation among member states with a view to contributing to environmental protection and promoting sustainable development in the region~

That the General Assembly adopted the Inter-American Program of Action for Environmental Protection [AG/RES. 1114 (XXI-O/91)], and has been noting with satisfaction the Permanent Council"s efforts to carry out the regional measures contained in the InterAmerican Program of Action [AG/RES. 1183 (XXII-O/92) and AG/RES. 1241 (XXIII-O/93)]~

That at its twentieth special session, the General Assembly adopted the General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development, as well as the Commitment on a Partnership for Development and Struggle to Overcome Extreme Poverty~


That, in accordance with resolution AG/RES. 1241 (XXIII-O/93), the General Assembly requested the Permanent Council to study and decide on the advisability of updating the 1940 Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere, or of adopting a new Convention~ and

That, through the referenced resolution AG/RES. 1241, the General Assembly asked the Permanent Council to continue monitoring and applying the measures envisaged in the Inter-American Program of Action in light of the results of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), with particular focus on the implementation of Agenda 21 and the deliberations of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development~

That the Permanent Council approved resolution CP/RES. 623 (980/94) "Environmental Protection - Fisheries,"


  1. To thank the Permanent Council for presenting the Report on the Inter-American Program of Action for Environmental Protection (AG/doc.3080/94), and to endorse the report"s recommendations.

  2. To note with satisfaction the efforts made by the Permanent Council to implement the regional measures contained in the Inter-American Program of Action for Environmental Protection.

  3. To request that the Permanent Council evaluate the InterAmerican Program of Action for Environmental Protection [AG/RES. 1114 (XXI-O/91)] and bring its activities up-to-date, in line with the results of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), with particular focus on the implementation of Agenda 21 and the General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development, adopted at the twentieth special session of the OAS General Assembly held in Mexico, and any other instruments considered relevant to this undertaking.

  4. To instruct the Permanent Council to take into account, when implementing its Program of Activities, the importance of effective coordination with other intergovernmental organizations and institutions that carry out programs related to the environment, and especially, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, in an effort to reconcile their activities.

  5. To instruct the Permanent Council to establish the necessary institutional coordination with the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization and with regional intergovernmental organizations for the effective follow-up of all activities having an environmental impact that are carried out at the inter-American level.

  6. To instruct the Permanent Council to support, through the Committee on the Environment, work under way to define future activities that must be carried out within the framework of the partnership for deveI# A0 ing solution to the crisis in Haiti.

  7. To request the Secretary General of the OAS, in collaboration with the Secretary-General of the UN, to convene the third General Meeting on Cooperation between the OAS and UN systems to review and appraise progress on general areas of cooperation and make recommendations for future collaboration.

  8. To take note of the report of the Permanent Council on the OAS/UN relationship and to approve its request for an extension of its mandate.

  9. To recommend that consultations continue on an Agreement of cooperation between the General Secretariats of both organizations to be signed at a date to be determined.

  10. To request the Secretary General to submit to the General Assembly at its twenty-fifth regular session, a report on the implementation of this resolution.

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