Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Civil Society and social actors participation in the ministerial

The DSD is committed to the development and implementation of policies that ensure civil society (individuals, the private sector, the labor sector, political parties, academics, and other non-governmental organizations) and youth participation in planning, managing, and decision-making for sustainable development.

In order to strengthen and guarantee a wide participation of civil society and youth during the preparatory process of the Second Ministerial Meeting, the DSD will conduct different kinds of outreach and public consultations processes, such as informative bulletins, a hemispheric virtual consultation forum, three subregional consultations and a hemispheric roundtable prior to the ministerial meeting (see Informative Bulletin ).

  • Mobilize the support of civil society organizations for the preparation of the Draft Declaration.
  • Build consensus positions among representatives of civil society and obtain recommendations and follow-up activities on the theme and agenda to be considered during the Ministerial Meeting.
  • Benefit from the best practices efforts, including advocacy, of civil society and work on the ministerial theme to be analyzed during the meeting.

Latest News:

► Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas. (Adopted during the eighth plenary session held on November 19, 2010 and subject to review by the Style Committee.) Más...

► OAS Assistant Secretary General Calls for Strong Action on Sustainable Development and Climate Change More... | Photos

Information Bulletin And Accreditation Forms

Financial Support Request Form

Preparatory Process

I Preparatory Meeting for the ministerial

II Preparatory meeting for the ministerial

Civil Society and social actors participation in the ministerial

Official documents


November 17- 19, 2010. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development More...

Contact Us

Department of Sustainable Development

Dominican Republic
Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Consejo Nacional para el Cambio Climático y el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores