PERMANENT COUNCIL OF THE                                             OEA/Ser.G

             ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES                                     CP/CAJP-1942/02

                                                                                                                        30 April 2002

COMMITTEE ON JURIDICAL AND POLITICAL AFFAIRS                         Original: Spanish





















(Presented by the Chair of the Working Group)








(Presented by the Chair of the Working Group)






            REAFFIRMING the principles and provisions contained in the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Charter of the United Nations;


            RECOGNIZING the threat that terrorism poses to international peace and security and that it is a source of profound concern to all member states;


            CONVINCED that the codification and progressive development of international law contributes to the peaceful development of international relations and that the Charter of the Organization of American States and international law constitute the appropriate hemispheric framework for preventing, combating, and eliminating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations;


            RECALLING resolution RC.23/RES. 1/01, “Strengthening Hemispheric Cooperation to Prevent, Combat, and Eliminate Terrorism”  of the Organization of American States of September 21, 2001, which entrusted the Permanent Council of the Organization with preparing a draft Inter-American Convention against Terrorism ;[EB5][EB2]


RECALLING the Declaration of Lima to Prevent, Combat, and Eliminate Terrorism and the Plan of Action on Hemispheric Cooperation to Prevent, Combat, and Eliminate Terrorism , adopted within the framework of the First Inter-American Specialized Conference on Terrorism, in Lima, Peru, in April 1996, as well as the Commitment of Mar del Plata , adopted at the Second Inter-American Specialized Conference on Terrorism, and the work of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE);[EB5][EB4]


            CONSIDERING that terrorism is a serious criminal phenomenon, which is of deep concern to all member states and which violates human rights, fundamental freedoms, and democratic values and threatens the security of states, destabilizing and undermining the foundations of civil society and having a pernicious impact on the economic and social development of states in the region;


            BEARING IN MIND the Inter-American Democratic Charter with regard to the commitment by member states to promote and defend representative democracy and that no democratic state may remain indifferent to the threat that terrorism poses to democratic institutions and freedoms;


            REAFFIRMING that the fight against terrorism must entail full respect for the law, human rights, international humanitarian law, and democratic freedoms, so as to preserve the rule of law and democratic freedoms and values in the Hemisphere, which are essential components of a successful fight against terrorism;


            UNDERSCORING the importance of effective action in cutting off the supply of funds for terrorism, and of coordinated action with international entities competent in the area of money laundering, especially the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD);

            RECOGNIZING the urgency of strengthening and establishing new forms of regional cooperation against terrorism with a view to eradicating it;


            RECOGNIZING the importance and timeliness of the existing international legal materials on combating terrorism, both the 10 international instruments considered for the text of the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism itself and the Convention to Prevent and Punish the Acts of Terrorism Taking the Forms of Crimes against Persons and Related Extortion That Are of International Significance, adopted by the General Assembly itself on February 2, 1971; the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, adopted in Tokyo on September 14, 1963; and the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, adopted in Montreal on March 1, 1991;  and[EB5]


            EXPRESSING APPRECIATION to the member states for their active and productive participation in the Working Group to prepare the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism,




1.         To adopt the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism attached to this resolution and to open it for signature by the member states on this date.


2.         To urge the states to ratify it as soon as possible, in accordance with their domestic constitutional procedures.



3.         To request the Secretary General to present a report to the General Assembly at its thirty-third regular session on progress made toward the Convention’s entry into force.

 [EB1]E. Belisle

 [EB2]E. Belisle

 [EB3]Checked. eob

 [EB4]Checked. eob

 [EB5]Checked. eob