Website de la OEA

Promoting Watershed Management in the Context of Decentralized Water Services: Harmonizing Legal and Institutional Frameworks

(Not presented at Water Policy Roundtables)

Authors: Carla Delfina Aceves, Dolores Lavalle, Marta Bruni Rovere, and Marcela Salazar; Editor: Eric Dannenmaier

Background: Not known who funded this paper

Length: 31 pages, single spaced

Thesis: This paper consists of case studies of Colombia, Argentina, and Mexico that compare the state of drinking water decentralization policies with watershed management policies. Each country places different policy emphasis on local water jurisdiction and watershed management.

Comments: The copy on file is a preliminary draft. (The Colombia case study is in Spanish and needs to be translated. The draft is missing the section entitled Analysis of Integration Challenges.) Is there a more current draft?



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