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Water Scarcity and Regional Security in Latin America

Presented By: Eric Dannenmaier from the North-South Center Environmental Law Program.

Date: January 18, 2001

Background: This presentation was based on the paper “Environmental Security and Governance in the Americas” by Eric Dannenmaier, which was published in final form by the Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL) in March 2001.

Length: The paper as written is twelve pages in length.

Thesis: Human-induced environmental stressors may lead to environmental security consequences if government frameworks do not intervene to address these consequences or to prevent their escalation.

Comments: The existing paper does not directly address water policy issues. However, water policy issues are relevant to the topic of environmental security. Water scarcity is a result of the human-induced environmental stressor of resource depletion. Disputes over water rights lead to the human-induced environmental stressor of resource claims. Pollution discharge into waters leads to the human-induced environmental stressor of resource degradation. Ideas such as these should be incorporated into the existing paper in order to make the paper relevant to a water policy publication.



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