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Water Scarcity, Water Resources Management, and Hydrological Monitoring


Presented By: Jake Brunner from the World Resources Institute (WRI)
Date: March 16, 2000

Background: This is a joint paper with authors Jake Brunner, Yumiko Kura, and Kristen Thompson of World Resources Institute and Charles Vorosmarty, Balazs Fekete, and Pamela Green of the University of New Hampshire. It was presented at the Water Vision Meeting at The Hague in 2000.

Length: The paper as written is eight pages in length (single-spaced, 8.5x11).

Thesis: As a response to growing global water scarcity, increased financing of hydrological monitoring is necessary to improve water resources management.

Comments: If the length of this paper needs to be reduced, Section 2 on Water Scarcity can be summarized. This section contains a detailed scientific explanation of runoff and population data to make the case that a basin-level analysis is more accurate than a country-level analysis when estimating global water scarcity. Section 1(Introduction), Section 3 (Water Resources Management), Section 4 (New Technologies), and Section 5 (Conclusions) should be left as they are.



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