Website de la OEA

Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Water Modeling at the Basin Scale: The Maipo River Basin

Presented By: Mark Rosegrant from the International Food and Policy Research Institute

Date: March 15, 2001

Background: Case study on Maipo River Basin in Chile

Summary: There is increasing water scarcity in the Maipo River Basin, which has resulted in increasing competition among water users. Water quality problems have also increased. The model accounted for hydrologic, agronomic, and institutional characteristics of water allocation in the basin and the economic benefits and environmental consequences of water use. The model analyzed alternative scenarios for water allocation: fixed water rights and tradable water rights. The model shows that there is a benefit to water trading in the Maipo Basin.

Comments: This study is an interesting approach to analyzing water allocation. The power point presentation contains many graphs and equations; however, a document that explains in prose which hydrologic, agronomic and institutional characteristics were studied and how they affected economic benefits and environmental consequences would be useful.


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