Sound Chemicals Management and Environmental Health The OAS Sustainable Cities approach is driven with a set of actions in the fields of Economic Development, Housing, Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection and Sustainable Transport. A plan of action was released as one of the main outputs of this Ministerial Meeting; it refers to urgent need to advance toward sustainable development by strengthening social awareness, with a broad vision that promotes public participation, integration, hemispheric cooperation, equity, and social justice, with special emphasis on women, children, and vulnerable groups. More... B. Sound Chemicals Management To respond to trade-related capacity building development needs in the area of environmental management, the project “Supporting Trade-related Capacity Building in Environmental Management” is based on a thorough analysis and consultation process conducted by the Organization of American States, Department for Sustainable Development (OAS/DSD) and aims to address priority challenges of OAS Member States (Western Hemisphere) on trade-related capacities in environmental management for the Sound Management of Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS). The project is executed with the participation of relevant regional and multilateral organizations, working on similar issues, and in consultation with civil society and considering gender equality measures The project begun in August 2006; it is financed by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and has duration of one and a half years. The end of the Project is estimated by January, 2008. More... C. DSD and Environmental Health The DSD supports economic analysis that identifies the consequences of environmental health impacts in relation to air and water pollution, exposure to chemicals, as well as the longer-term effects of climate change. In addition, recent policy work has supported public participation, through on-line portals and other instruments. DSD is committed to serve not only as a building bridge between the health and environment sectors but also to provide a holistic concept of both environment and health and to promote integration of the health and environment sectors and direct access with Ministers across the region [Visit http://www.oas.org/hema/ for more information on the Health and Environment Ministers of the Americas Initiative] More...
This page was last updated on Monday February 07, 2011. |