
Protected Areas Thematic Network (PATN)

1. Institution: The Coordinating Institution for the Protected Areas Thematic Network is a Consortium leads by "Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza (FBPN)" based in Curitiva, Brazil. Read more...

The members of the consortium are:

Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza (Brazil)

Ecociencia (Ecuador)

The Nature Conservancy (USA)

Instituto de Investigaciones de recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbolt (Colombia)

NatureServe (USA)

World Wildlife Fund (Internacional)

The World Conservation Union (Internacional)

World Institute for Conservation and Environment (USA / Holland)

UNEP – WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Center) (International)


2. Period: 36 months (From 9 March 2006 through 8 March 2009)

3. Amount: US Dollars 230,000

4. Objective: To make available the information regarding protected areas, having as the main priority the information about their management. Read more...

5. Execution Documents

6. Coordinators at FBPN: Verônica Theulen | Eduardo Couto Dalcin | Antonio Cristiano Vieira Cegana





This page was last updated on Monday August 27, 2007.