Caribbean ECD Priority Activities and Expected Results

Caribbean Working Group on Early Childhood Development in the framework of Equity and Quality
Monterrey, Mexico
OAS, Ready to Learn Workshop
May 24-25, 2004


St. Kitts and Nevis (working group coordinator), Barbados, Jamaica, Suriname, St. Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada

List of objectives, activities and expected results :

General objective:

•  To implement a pilot project that provides specialized training for ensuring diversity, equity and quality in early childhood development.

Specific objectives:

A) To reinforce initial and ongoing training in Early Childhood Development in the region

•  Activities

•  To hold a best practice workshop/ training of trainers in Jamaica and invite NCTVET and representative from the School of Education and the 4 Teachers colleges

•  To hold critical transference workshops in Chile and Peru to observe best practices in the delivery of early childhood services and critically transfer the lessons to training.

•  Participate and present at the V International Meeting of Early Childhood Education.

•  Results

•  Improvement, strengthening and enrichment of the early childhood training in the Caribbean region and creating an interest in the international community in Early Childhood Development successes and challenges in the Caribbean.

B) To create and reinforce linkages between key governmental and nongovernmental organizations/agencies

•  Activities:

•  Organize meetings at the local level.

•  Results:

•  Improved coordination of services for the development of children for 6 years and under.

C) To expand parental involvement programs to promote positive parenting practices.

•  Activities:

•  Conduct a serious of early stimulation programs in conjunction with community health personnel for parents, guardians of children of children 6 weeks to 3 years.

•  Implement home based early stimulation programs for parents in children residing in marginalized communities.

•  Develop media education programs of various issues relating to HIV aids and the development of the child ( Translated into indigenous languages).

•  Results

•  Establishment of a framework for delivery of early stimulation programs/services at the regional level.

•  Greater participation of parent/guardians in the holistic development of the child.

•  Adoption of healthier and more effective child rearing practices.

•  Attitudinal changes in parents and community with regards to more informed choices in the selection of early childhood programs, resources and services.

•  A better understanding, tolerance, and respect for persons who are affected by HIV Aids.

•  Documentation/systematization: To facilitate the development of a systematic process of documentation

•  Activities :

•  Hold a local seminar on the role that documentation plays within early childhood development.

•  A regional workshop for the exchange of best practices in documentation with the objective of creating a handbook.

•  Publish and disseminate the handbook.

•  Results :

•  Early childhood educators will be sensitized to the benefits of documentation.

•  Result in improved pedagogical strategies and thus improved disposition to learning.

G)Assessment and evaluation: To introduce a system of regular assessment and evaluation of child development.

•  Activities .

•  Make an inventory of existing monitoring tools

•  Develop or adjust an assessment or monitoring tool

•  Hold a local workshop for building consensus on a local tool

•  Approval of government

•  Produce the assessment and evaluation monitoring tool

•  Introduce the tool through workshops or information meetings

•  Results:

•  Improvement of the monitoring of children to affect their well-being and development

•  Stimulate optimal development

•  Establish a culture of research

•  Plan, interpret, and implement early childhood development activities for the birth to six year cohort in the region

•  Activities.

•  Develop scope and sequence document to develop modules of themes and topics relevant to needs and age appropriateness

•  Sensitization workshops for the Inspectorate and stakeholders in the region. The stakeholders would include the teachers, the parents, and caregivers.

•  Training of instructors

•  Prepilot. Look at 10% of the population in a six week period

•  Evaluation and then feedback.

•  Pilot will be 6 month period in the region using 50% of the population

•  Evaluation and feedback

•  Results

•  Changing curriculum delivery

•  Availability of new curriculum guides

•  Availability of complementary resources

(Estimated cost: 10,000 x 15 = 150,000)

•  Create awareness of HIV Aids and its impact on the developing child

•  Activities

•  To provide training to our teachers so as to enable them to effectively include children with special needs into the early childhood setting.

•  Hold 3 to 5 local workshops

•  Results:

•  From the workshops will come resource materials that the teachers can refer to

•  Trained personnel ,

Task force established to assist and provide assistance for the teachers and children