ESTADOS UNIDOSProgramas Consolidados Programa de Donaciones Desafío (Challenge Grants Program), Estados Unidos de América Programa de Investigación Conjunta (Collaborative Research Program), Estados Unidos de América Programas de Educación (Education programs), Estados Unidos de América Programa de Preservación y Acceso (Preservation and Access program), Estados Unidos de América
Instituciones CulturalesGovernment >University/Research > Foundation > NGO > Professional > Internet > Government Institute of Museum and Library Services http://www.imls.gov/ Enhance museums and libraries and encourage usage and access among the community through grants to museums, libraries, archives, historical societies, and institutions of higher education Museums Census of Service Industries http://www.census.gov/svsd/www/sas0500.html Estimates of revenue and other measures for most traditional service industries Statistics National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) http://www.nasaa-arts.org/ Unites, represents and serves the nation's state and jurisdictional arts agencies. Art promotion Cultural policy Link to State Arts Agency's web sites National Center for Education Statistics http://nces.ed.gov/ Collects information on all types of education statistics. Many of these data sets are available online and contain information that has been used in Sociology and Education literature to discuss the effects of arts participation in primary and secondary school curricula. Culture and Education data National Endowment for the Arts http://www.nea.gov/ Foster, preserve, and promote excellence in the arts, to bring art to all Americans, and to provide leadership in arts education. Art Promotion Cultural policy National Endowment for the Humanities http://www.neh.fed.us/ Supports projects in the humanities that enrich American life. Its four funding areas are: (1) preserving and providing access to cultural resources, (2) education, (3) research and (4) public programs Art promotion Chicago Center for Arts Policy http://artspolicy.colum.edu Academic center which seeks to foster and support a greater understanding of the role of the arts in society, through applied research, public programs, analysis and publications. Research University/Research National Center for Charitable Statistics Unified Database of Art Organizations http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/FAQ/index.php?category=62 A collaborative effort of the IRS, State Arts Agencies (SAA), and NCCS with funding from the Research Division of the National Endowment for the Arts to develop, test, and distribute a comprehensive database of arts organizations in the United States that includes extensive financial data and reliable classifications of their activities. Cultural policy data Archives Ohio State University Cultural Policy Research http://arts.osu.edu/ArtEducation/APA/cultural.htm Research Culture Research Princeton University Cultural Policy and Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA) http://www.cpanda.org/ Interactive digital archive of data on the arts and cultural policy in the U.S., available for research and statistical analysis, with data on artists, arts and cultural organizations, audiences, and funding for arts and culture Cultural policy data Archives Foundation Ford Foundation http://www.fordfound.org/ New Directions/New Donors for the Arts is one of the Foundation's current focuses, which looks to strengthen arts and cultural institutions. Art promotion The Foundation Center http://fdncenter.org/ Collects, organizes, and communicates information on U.S. philanthropy, and conducts and facilitates research on trends among foundations Art promotion National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA) http://www.artsawards.org/ Nonprofit organization with a mission to identify emerging artists and assist them at critical junctures in their educationsl and professional development, and to raise the appreciation for, and support of, the arts in American society. Art promotion Rockefeller Foundation http://www.rockfound.org/display.asp?Context=1&Collection=1&Preview=0&ARCurrent=1 Committed to enriching and sustaining the lives and livelihoods of excluded people around the world through grant-making and sponsoring programs in the several areas, including Creativity & Culture. Culture and Development NGO American Arts Alliance http://www.americanartsalliance.org/ Nationwide consortium of nonprofit performing, presenting and exhibiting arts organizations Art promotion Americans for the Arts http://www.artsusa.org/default.asp Dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts Art promotion Non-profit Center for Arts and Culture http://www.culturalpolicy.org Domestic independent think tank for arts and cultural issues Cultural policy Professional Actor's Equity Association (AEA) http://www.actorsequity.org/home.html Union that represents American theatrical actors and stage managers Intellectual Property Right American Federation of Musicians (AFM) http://www.afm.org/public/home/index.php Union representing the interests of musicians in the United States and Canada. Intellectual Property Right American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) http://www.aftra.org/aftra/aftra.htm Union for actors, other professional performers, and broadcasters in the United States Intellectual Property Right American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) http://www.musicalartists.org/ Union representing the interests of opera singers, choral singers, and dancers. Intellectual Property Right Association of Art Museum Directors http://www.aamd.org/ Aids its members in establishing and maintaining high standards for museums they represent, thereby increasing the contribution of art museums to society Museums The Dramatists Guild of America Http://www.dramaguild.com/ Professional association for composers, playwrights, and composers in the United States Intellectual Property Right Directors Guild of America (DGA) http://www.dga.org/index2.php3?chg= Union representing American Film and Television Directors, Assistant Directors, Stage Managers, and other production staff. Intellectual Property Right The Independent Sector http://www.independentsector.org/ Devoted to mobilizing cooperation and creating influence among America's "independent sector." Culture and cooperation International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) http://www.iatse-intl.org/index_flash.html Labor union representing technicians, artisans and craftspersons in the entertainment industry, including live theater, film and television production, and trade shows. Intellectual Property Right National Artists Equity Association (NAEA) Nonprofit professional association for visual artists in the United States Intellectual Property Right Producers Guild of America (PGA) http://www.producersguild.org/ Professional association for American producers Intellectual Property Right Screen Actors Guild (SAG) http://www.sag.org/sagWebApp/index.jsp Union for actors in the United States Intellectual Property Right Writers Guild of America (WGA) Union representing over 8,500 film and television writers Intellectual Property Right Internet Arts for All People http://www.arts4allpeople.org/ Facilitate the exchange of new research, concrete ideas and "best practices" to promote service to people as integral to the health of arts institutions and to the life of their communities. Web community .............. ................. ............... ................ ............... ................ ................. ............... .............. ................. ............... ................ ............... ................
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