National Observatories of ArgentinaCultural Observatory (Buenos Aires) The main function of this observatory is to investigate the problematic of the cultural sector from the perspective of public policies; to analyze the economic impact of the cultural policies from a national, state and local point of view; to produce, compile and provide specialized information; to generate reflection spaces, debate and analysis about cultural policies; to technically assess public organisms of whatever sector that requires it. To promote training in design, planning, management and assessment of cultural policies. http://www.econ.uba.ar/www/institutos/observ-cultural/index.html The Cultural Industries Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires aims to integrate and analyze a comprehensive database of the current state and of the development of the cultural industries of the city which are directly involved in the production, diffusion and commercialization of cultural goods and services. The Observatory is in charge of integrating and processing quantitative and qualitative information, documents that deal with legal and policy matters, critical studies and analysis of different sectors of the production of cultures, such as books, periodic publishers, phonograms, radio, television, cinema, video and marketing. http://www.buenosaires.gov.ar/suscriptores/newsletters/observatorio/gacetilla1.htm
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