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Cultural Institutions of Canada

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Canadian Cultural Observatory
Observatoire culturel canadien

15 Eddy Street, 8 th Floor
Gatineau QC, Canada
K1A 0M5
[email protected]
Cultural Policy
Culture and Development
Culturescope.ca is an interactive hub provided by the Canadian Cultural Observatory for cultural policy and development professionals in Canada – including decision makers, researchers, planners and managers.

Observatoire de la Culture et des Communications du Québec
Institut de la statistique du Québec

Yvon Fortin, Director General
200, chemin Sainte-Foy, Quebec City
G1R 5T4
(418) 691-2401
1200, avenue McGill College, Montrel
H3B 4J8
(514) 864-8686
1-800 463-4090
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Répondre aux besoins réels et concrets des intervenants des secteurs de la culture et des communications ainsi que de ceux qui traitent avec ces secteurs en matière de statistiques, de soutien à la recherche et de veille.

Government (federal)

Department of Canadian Heritage
Ministère du Patrimoine canadien

25 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0M5
Culture and Development
4 strategic objectives regarding:
•  Canadian Content
•  Cultural Participation and Engagement
•  Connections
•  Active Citizenship and Civic Participation

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: Arts and Cultural Industries
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international : Arts et industries culturelles

Enquires Service
Foreign Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa ON
K1A 0G2
Culture and Trade
Support to the cultural sector through its grant program and its business development program.

Culture Canada

Communication Canada
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1M4
Fax: (819) 953-4330
Culture and Art Promotion
CultureCanada.gc.ca is the Government of Canada's one-stop web access to government Culture, Heritage and Recreation services.

Canada's Cultural Gateway
Passerelle culturelle du Canada

15 Eddy St, 8 th Floor, 18-8-G
Gatineau, QC
K1A 0M5
[email protected]
Explore, find, share the creativity and diversity of Canadian culture on-line.
Culture and Art Promotion

Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Commission canadienne pour l'UNESCO

Canadian Commission for UNESCO 350 Albert St.
Box 1047
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5V8
[email protected]
Culture and Participation
Act as a forum for governments and civil society, and to catalyze the participation of Canadian organizations and committed individuals in UNESCO's mandated areas

Government (provincial)

Alberta Community Development
7 th Floor, Standard Life Centre
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 4R7
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Information on a wide variety of programs and services managed for and delivered to Albertans.

British Columbia Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Local government; housing/building policy; safety; heritage conservation; Aboriginal, multiculturalism and immigration services; seniors, child care and women's services.

Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism
Culture, Patrimoine et Tourisme Manitoba

[email protected]
Culture and Development
Promoting and enhancing the well being, identity and creativity of Manitobans.

New Brunswick Culture and Sport Secretariat
Secrétariat à la culture et au sport

Place 2000, P.O. Box 6000
Fredricton, NB
E3B 5H1
(506) 453-2909
Culture and Development
Assist in the development of the Arts and Culture in New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
2 nd Floor, West Block
Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's NL
A1b 4J6
(709) 729-0862
[email protected]
Culture and Development
To strengthen economic growth and employment in the tourism industry, foster creativity through the arts, preserve and interpret the province's natural and cultural heritage, and promote active living through recreation and sport.

Northwest Territories Culture and Community
Box 1320
Yellowknife NT
X1A 2L9
(867) 873-7817
Culture and Development
Links to Culture and Community resources

Nova Scotia Department of Tourism and Culture
Tourism Division
[email protected]
(902) 424-5000
Culture Division
[email protected]
Culture and Development
To aggressively and effectively develop and promote tourism, culture and heritage.

Nunavut Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth
(867) 975-5500
Culture and Development
Dedicated to preserving and promoting the elements that make up the Inuit identity

Ontario Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture

Room 4320, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M74 1W3
(416) 212-0644
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Encourages the arts and cultural industries, protects Ontario's heritage and advances the public library system in order to maximize their contribution to the province's economic and social vitality

Prince Edward Island Department of Community and Cultural Affairs
Fourth Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 7N8
(902) 368-4550
Culture and Development
Liaison between the provincial government and the culture, heritage organization in the province

Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec
225, Grande Allee Est
Quebec City
G1R 5G5
(418) 380-2300
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Mission de favoriser au Québec l'affirmation, l'expression et la démocratisation de la culture ainsi que le développement des communications et de contribuer à leur rayonnement à l'étranger

Bureau de la diversité culturelle du Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec
225, Grande Allee Est
Quebec City
G1R 5G5
(418) 380-2300
[email protected]
Site consacré à la diversité culturelle

Saskatchewan Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation
4th Floor – 1919 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, SK
S4P 3V7
(306) 798-0697
Culture and Development
Enhances the Province's cultural, artistic, recreational and social life by working cooperatively with diverse groups and communities as we strive to promote leadership, recognize accomplishments, and sustain excellence in the arts, culture and sport

Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2C6
(867) 667-5036
Culture and Development
Works with the Yukon?s diverse arts and cultural communities to foster creativity and quality of life.
National Research Council Canada
Conseil national des recherches Canada

Urbanization, Culture and Society Center
Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Société
Director Gerard Divay
3465 Durocher St.
Montreal, QC
H2X 2C6
(514) 499-4000
[email protected]
Culture and Development
Focuses its research on three closely related areas: urban and regional issues, study of populations and development of science and technologies

University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
(604) 822-2211
[email protected]
The university boasts some of the city's best attractions & recreation facilities, including the Museum of Anthropology, the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, the UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research, and endless opportunities to explore forested trails in the adjoining 763-hectare Pacific Spirit Regional Park.

Université Laval
Quebec City
G1K 7P4
(418) 656-2764

Université de Montréal
Universite de Montreal – Campus Quebec

College Saint-Charles-Garnier 1150, boul. Rene-Levesque Ouest, Quebec, G1S 1V7
(418) 682-8782

York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto ON
M3J 1P3
(416) 736-2100
Culture and Entertainment Research

Coalition for Cultural Diversity
Coalition pour la diversité culturelle

154 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 240, Montreal QC
H2T 2N7
(514) 277-2666
Cultural Diversity
Invite all leading Canadian cultural professional associations to join its rank

Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP)
(416) 487-6116
Support the development of a strong, independent and vibrant Canadian-owned publishing industry; the ACP accomplishes these goals by effectively adhering to the mandate of our three core functions: government relations; research and professional development; and communications and marketing

Association nationales des éditeurs de livres (ANEL)
2514m boulevard Rosemont Montreal
H1Y 1K4
(514) 273-8130
[email protected]
Represents more than one hundred Quebec and French Canadian publishing companies operating in all sectors of activity

The Writers' Union of Canada (TWUC)
90 Richmond St. East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON
M5C 1P1
(416) 703-8982
[email protected]
Unite writers for the advancement of their common interests; to foster writing in Canada; to maintain relations with publishers; to exchange information among members; to safeguard the freedom to write and publish; and to advance good relations with other writers and their organizations in Canada and all parts of the world.

Union des écrivaines et écrivains québécois (UNEQ)
3492, avenue Laval
Montreal (Quebec)
H2X 3C8
[email protected]
Trade union representing some 1 000 members: novelists, poets, playwrights, essayists, scientific and technical writers, etc. Its mission is to promote and disseminate Quebec literature in Quebec and abroad, enhance the recognition of the writers' trade and defend their rights

Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec (APFTQ)
1450, City Councillors
Bureau 1030
Montreal QC
H3A 2E6
(514) 397-8600
Film and Television
Includes more than 130 independent film and television production companies operating in the areas of drama, documentary, variety, animation and advertising film.

Association des réalisateurs de Radio-Canada (AR SRC)
1204 rue de la visitation,
Montreal, QC.
H2L 3B4
(514) 524-3011
[email protected]
Film and Television
Association, which is mandated to promote and defend the professional interests of producers, defender of public radio and television in Canada.

Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ)
Maison de la realization
3480, rue Saint-Denis
Montreal, QC
H2X 3L3
(514) 842-7373
[email protected]
Film and Television
Defend and promote the professional, economic, cultural, social and moral interests of its members

Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
P.O. Box 627, Stn. B
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5S2
(613) 233-4035
[email protected]
Film and Television
Voice of Canada's private broadcasters, representing a $4 billion industry that employs more than 30 000 Canadians.

Canadian Association of Film Distributors and Exporters (CAFDE)
[email protected]
Film and Television
Foster and promote the health of the Canadian motion picture industry by strengthening the Canadian owned and controlled distribution / export sector of feature films (and television programming).

Canadian Film and Television Production Association (CFTPA)
CFTA Ottawa
151 Slater St.
Suite 605
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5H3
1-800 656-7440
[email protected]
Film and Television
Represents more than 400 companies involved in the Canadian media content production industry, promoting the general interests of its members

Directors Guild of Canada (DGC)
1 Eglinton Ave East
Suite 604
Toronto ON
M4P 341
(416) 482-6640
[email protected]
Film and Television
National labour organization representing key creative and logistical personnel in the motion picture industries.

Société des Auteurs de Radio, Télévision et Cinéma (SARTEC)
1229 rue Panet
Montreal QC
H2L 2Y6
(514) 526-9196
[email protected]
Film and Television
Trade union with more than 800 members that is dedicated to the study, defence and development of the economic, social and moral interests of French-language writers.

Writers Guild of Canada (WGC)
Writers Guild of Canada
366 Adelaide St. West
Suite 401
Toronto, ON
M5V 1R9
Film and Television
National association representing over 1 500 professional screenwriters working in film, television, radio and new media production in Canada

American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (A.F.M.)
Canadian Office
75 The Donway West
Suite 1010
Don Mills, ON
M3C 2E9
(416) 391-5161
Representing over 100,000 members in the U.S. and Canada, in every facet of the music industry

Association québécoise de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ)
6420, rue St-Denis
Montreal QC
H2S 2R7
(514) 842-5147
[email protected]
Professional association bringing together more than 250 firms working directly or indirectly in the record, live performance/concert and video production sectors.

Canadian Independent Record Production Association (CIRPA)
30 ST. Patrick St.
2 nd Floor
Toronto ON
M5T 3A3
(416) 485-3152
[email protected]
Represents the interests of Canadian-owned record companies and producers as well as other sectors of the Canadian-owned music industry

Canadian Music Centre (Québec)
Maison Chalmers,
20 St. Joseph Street
Toronto, ON
M4Y 1J9
(416) 961-6601
[email protected]
Encourage the knowledge, the appreciation and the performance of concert Canadian music, here and abroad

Société professionnelle des auteurs et des compositeurs du Québec (SPACQ)
759 Victoria Square, Suite 221
Montreal QC
H2Y 2J7
(514) 845-3739
[email protected]
Studies, protects and develops the economic, social and professional interests of its members

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)
SOCAN Head Office
41 Valleybrook Drive
Toronto, ON
M3B 2S6
Protects the performing rights of its members (composers, lyricists, songwriters and their publishers) and those of affiliated international societies by licensing the use of their music in Canada.

Songwriters Association of Canada (SAC)
National Head Office
31 Madison Ave, Suite 202
Toronto, ON
M5R 2S2
[email protected]
Protect and develop the creative and business environments for songwriters in Canada and around the world.

Association québécoise des auteurs dramatiques (AQAD)
187 rue, Sainte-Catherine Est, et., Montreal QC
H2X 1K8
(514) 596-3705
[email protected]
Performing Arts
Defend the socio-economic, moral and professional rights and interests of French playwrights, librettists, adapters and translators from Quebec and Canada

Canadian Actors' Equity Association (CAEA)
44 Victoria Street
12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5C 3C4
(416) 867-9165
Www.caea.co m
Performing Arts
Professional association representing over 5 000 performers, directors, choreographers and stage managers throughout Canada, who are engaged in English-language live performance, including the stage, opera, ballet and dance

Conseil québécois du théâtre (CQT)
460, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Bureau 808
Montreal QC
H3B 1A7
Performing Arts
To promote and defend the interests of the theatrical milieu, to represent this community within various bodies and to inform the community on all matters related to theatrical practice

Playwrights Union of Canada (PUC)
54 Wolseley St.
2 nd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 1A5
(416) 703-0201
[email protected]
Performing Arts
National association for 350 professionally produced English-language playwrights

Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD)
3575, boulevard Saint-Laurent, bureau 418
Montreal QC
H2X 2T7
(514) 849-4003
[email protected]
Performing Arts
Non-profit corporation, has devoted itself to developing professional dance in Quebec since 1984

Canadian Artists' Representation/le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC)
2 Daly Ave Suite 250
Ottawa ON
K1N 6E2
(613) 233-6161
[email protected]
Visual Arts
To promote a socio-economic climate that is conducive to the production of visual arts in Canada, to promote the visual arts in Canada, and to conduct research and to engage in public education for these purposes

Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV)
Direction: Annie Molin Vasseur
460, Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Bureau 913
Montreal QC
H3B 1A7
(514) 866-7101
[email protected]
Visual Arts
To defend and promote the economic, social, moral, and professional interests of visual artists ; to protect the integrity of the artistic profession and freedom of expression ; to promote the best conditions for the creation and exhibition of the artists' works ; to publicly represent professional visual artists whenever it is in the general interest to do so

Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA)
National ACTRA
625 Church Street
3 rd Floor
Toronto ON
M4Y 2G1
[email protected]
Http://www.actra.ca/actra/control/mai n
Multidisciplinary organizations
Looking after the collective bargaining needs of the 18 000 members and others whose performances entertain, educate and inform Canadians and global audiences

Canadian Conference of the Arts
Conférence canadienne des arts

804-130 Albert Street
Ottawa ON
K1P 5G4
(613) 238-3561
[email protected]
Multidisciplinary organizations
Impress upon governments and the general public the importance of the arts and cultural industries in Canadian society.
The CCA is an independent, non-partisan organization and a registered charity.

Fédération culturelle canadienne française
Place de la francophonie
450, rue Rideau, bureau 405
Ottawa ON
K1N 5Z4
(613) 241-8770
[email protected]
Multidisciplinary organizations
Promotes the development and represents the interests of the cultural and artistic communities of francophones and Acadians living outside Quebec

Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD)
4446, boulevard Saint-Laurent bureau 202
Montreal QC
H2W 1Z5
(514) 738-8877
Elisabeth Schlittler
[email protected]
Multidisciplinary organizations
Represents more than 30 000 writers and is dedicated to defending the material and moral interests of the profession as a whole

Union des artistes (UDA)
1441 boul. Rene-Levesques Ouest
Bureau 400 Montreal QC
H3G 1T7
(514) 288-6682
Multidisciplinary organizations
Union representing professional performers working in french mostly in Quebec and all over Canada


International Network on Cultural Policy (INCP)
Réseau international sur la politique culturelle (RIPC)

Liaison Bureau
International Network on Cultural Policy
25 Eddy Street, 13 th Floor
Gatineau, QC
K1A 0M5
[email protected]
Cultural Diversity
Cultural Policy
Informal, international venue where national ministers responsible for culture can explore and exchange views on new and emerging cultural policy issues and to develop strategies to promote cultural diversity .

Archives Canada, Canadian Archival Information Network
130 Albert Street, Suite 501
Ottawa ON
K1P 5G4
[email protected]
The objective of the Canadian Council of Archives is to provide the Canadian public greater access to the documentary heritage held by archives in this country. Our means of doing this is by improving the administration, proficiency, capacity, and efficiency of archives through initiating and supporting national priorities, policies, and programmes for the development and operation of a Canadian archival system.

Association of Canadian Studies
209 Ste-Catherine East, Suite V5140
PO Box 8888, Stn.
Montreal, QC
H3C 3P8
(514) 987-7784
The Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) is a learned society which initiates and supports activities in the areas of research, teaching, communications, and the training of students in the field of Canadian Studies, especially in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives.

803 Brightsand Terrace
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7J 4X9
Arts Advocacy
Visual Arts
Canadian artists and artisans exhibits and reviews advocacy and professional associations art galleries articles and news items of interest to artists classified ads commercial enterprises providing materials or services to artists educational institutes festivals and competitions government agencies publications.

Canadian Cultural Research Network
William D. Poole, Director
Centre for Cultural Mangement
144 Hagey Hall
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON
(519) 888-4567
[email protected]
Cultural Policy
The Canadian Cultural Research Network is intended to promote the sharing of research and information in the cultural sector in Canada, build linkages between cultural researchers, policy makers and cultural managers and help develop new projects in the field of applied cultural research.

Canadian Library Association
328 Frank Street
Ottawa, ON
K2P 0X8
(613) 232-9625
[email protected]
A large proportion of CLA Members work in college, university, public, special (corporate, non-profit and government) and school libraries. Others sit on the boards of public libraries, work for companies that provide goods and services to libraries, or are students in graduate level or community college programs.

Canadian Urban Institute
100 Lombard Street
Suite 400
Toronto, ON
M5C 1M3
(416) 365-0816
[email protected]
The CUI brings together experts from different disciplines to connect people, money and ideas to build strong communities and equitable and competitive urban areas in Canada and internationally.

Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development
Leopold-Taillon Pavilion, room 410
Universite de Moncton
Moncton, NB
E1A 3E9
(506) 858-4467
[email protected]
It is an independent, non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors. Its mandate is to promote informed public debate on regional development and disseminate objective analyses and information on the subject. It pursues this mandate by delivering research, publishing, conference and scholarship programs.

Canadian Magazine Publishers Association
425 Adelaide Street West, Suite 700
Toronto ON
M5V 3C1
(416) 504-0274
The Canadian Magazine Publishers Association represents a diverse and vital group of 300 Canadian consumer magazines –– titles both large and small –– devoted to covering a wide range of subjects of interest to the Canadian reading public.

43 Queen's Park Crescent East
Suite 306
Toronto, ON
M5S 2C3
(416) 542-1237
Cultural Development
EUCLID Canada is a network of associates supporting cultural development through research & consulting, seminars & forums, and cultural information services.

The Heritage Canada Foundation
5 Blackburn Ave.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 8A2
(613) 237-1066
[email protected]
The program's objective was adaptive reuse of buildings within a district/area. Adaptive reuse, or finding a new use for a building at risk, usually involves restoration or rehabilitation of the façade and renovation of the interior. This recycling of the buildings not only saved them, but helped promote urban renewal and heritage tourism.

The Fraser Institute
4 th Floor, 1770 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC Canada
V67 3G7
(604) 688-0221
[email protected]
Policy As an independent public policy organization, The Fraser Institute focuses on the role competitive markets play in providing for the economic and social well-being of all Canadians.


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