Welcome to the CD-Rom of the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the Organization of American States, which took place in September 24-26, 2003 in Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil.

The XIII IACML was attended by: 26 National Delegations (22 of them headed by Ministers of Labor), 30 representatives from the main union organizations of the Hemisphere, and 14 representatives from the main employers organizations. The International Labor Organization, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Pan-American Health Organization, among other international organizations, also participated in the Conference.

The Delegations adopted the Declaration and Plan of Action of Salvador, which sets out the main priorities and actions to be taken by the IACML during the next two years. In addition, various agreements and documents resulted from the meeting and from its preparatory events, making it pertinent to compile this CD-Rom.

The Unit for Social Development and Education, in its capacity as Technical Secretariat of the IACML, offers this CD-Rom as an information tool to support the consolidation of agreements and commitments made by the Ministers of Labor of the Hemisphere, in accordance with the mandates of the Summit of the Americas.