(Resolution approved at the fifth plenary session, held on August 13, 2003)

Third Meeting of Ministers of Education OEA/Ser.K/V.6.1
August 11 - 13, 2003 CIDI/RME/RES. 8 (III-O/03)
Washington, D. C. 13 August 2003
Original: Spanish

THE MEETING OF MINISTERS OF EDUCATION OF THE INTER-AMERICAM COUNCIL FOR INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT, HAVING SEEN resolutions CIDI/RES.122 (VII-0/02) and AG/RES. 1859 (XXXII-0/02) on the Report of the Second Meeting of Ministers of Education of CIDI and CEPCIDI/RES. 81(LXXXVI-O/02), "Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Education,"


That the General Assembly approved the creation of the Inter-American Committee on Education - CIE -- and instructed the Permanent Executive Committee of CIDI, once the proposal prepared by the G-11 coordination group and the draft rules of procedure of the Committee have been analyzed and agreed upon by the education ministries of the member states, to set up that Committee and adopt its rules of procedure ad referendum of the next regular or special meeting of CIDI;

That pursuant to the mandate of the Meeting of Ministers of Education, CEPCIDI established the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) and adopted its Rules of Procedure.

That, according to the Rules of Procedure of the CIE, they may be amended by the Committee itself ad referendum of the Meeting of Ministers of Education of CIDI.


That it is important that the work of the Chair and Vice Chairs of the CIE receive adequate support and benefit from appropriate coordination through a geographically representative executive mechanism;

That the preparatory meeting for the Third Meeting of Ministers of Education of CIDI, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, reviewed the need to establish an Executive Committee within the framework of the CIE to support the work of the Chair and Vice Chairs and agreed to recommend to the Meeting of Ministers that the Rules of Procedure of the CIE be amended accordingly.


To amend Article 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Education to read as follows:

Chair, Vice Chairs, Executive Committee, and liaison with the Summits process

Article 4. The CIE shall elect, at regular meetings, a Chair and two Vice Chairs for terms of two years, renewable only once. The authorities of the CIE shall work in coordination with the Executive Committee.

The CIE will be the liaison with the Summit of the Americas Process.

The CIE shall have an Executive Committee to support the work of the Chair and Vice Chairs. The Executive Committee shall comprise five member states (principal members) and five alternate member states elected by the CIE for a two-year term, observing the principles of rotation and equitable geographical representation and ensuring that no member state is denied the opportunity of being elected a member and that all regions have the opportunity to be represented at all times.

The Chair, Vice Chairs, and the members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority of the member states present at the meeting, but in no case by fewer than 12 votes. The election shall be conducted by secret ballot, unless the delegations present choose to elect their authorities by acclamation.