The following commitments respond to the Declaration and Resolutions approved by the Ministers of Education:

  • Develop an Alliance of the Americas in favor of education. In its first phase, move forwards on the three priority areas: Equity and Quality, Secondary Education Reform and Teacher Education.

      Implement a hemispheric project on each priority area, ensuring the participation of all the sub-regions and member States.

      Hold a meeting with the hemispheric and sub-regional coordinators of the hemispheric projects, to unify strategies and plan the implementation of the first phase of the said projects.

      Coordinate the use of the Mexican educational satellite to support the hemispheric projects through its continental coverage.

      Promote an Inter-Agency cooperation strategy to support the countries in the hemispheric projects.

      Strengthen the consultation with civil society on the three education priorities that respond to the hemispheric projects.

      Ensure that the second phase of the Summit Projects -such as the Regional Education Indicators Program and the Hemispheric Evaluation Forum - responds and supports the three priority areas as defined by the Ministers of Education and that have been organized into three hemispheric projects

      Strengthen the horizontal cooperation strategy, broadening the Permanent Portfolio of Consolidated Programs and promoting the exchange of educational programs among countries and sub-regions along the three priority areas.

  • Support the work of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE)

      Organize the meeting of the authorities of CIE, to be held in Washington DC on December 4-5, 2003. The main purpose is to define the commitments of CIE and the allocation of the excess resources of the Reserve Subfund of the Regular Fund allocated to the sectoral area of Education of CIDI for the implementation of Summit of the Americas Mandates.

      Support the preparation of the Second Official Meeting of CIE, which will be held during the second semester of 2004.

      Implement a strategy to respond to the functions assigned to CIE through Resolution CIDI/RME/RES. 10 (III-O/03): Functions of the Inter-American Committee on Education.

  • Continue and deepen the national, sub-regional and hemispheric dialogues to analyze the challenges of financing education. In that regard, hold the Videoconferences on "Education as a fundamental variable for economic growth".

  • Move forward on the construction of a Continental Program on Civic and Democratic Values Education.

  • Prepare the IV Meeting of Ministers of Education of CIDI, to be held in Trinidad & Tobago in 2005.