First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XIV IACML
Place and Date: Mexico City , Mexico , April 4 to 6, 2006.
Location: Meeting room “Dr. Gastón Novelo”, at the Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social (CIESS) , Mexico City .
The First Meeting of the Working Groups of the XIV IACML was attended by delegations from 19 Ministries of Labor of the Hemisphere. The delegations from Mexico , Barbados , Ecuador and Paraguay were headed by their Minister of Labor. The Meeting was also attended by representatives from the advisory bodies, COSATE and CEATAL, as well as specialized international organizations such as the PAHO and the ILO.
The Meeting's main purpose was to take action on tasks assigned by the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mexico, approved during the XIV IACML in September, 2005, to both Working Groups 1 and 2 of the Conference:
Working Group 1: “Decent Work as an Instrument for Development and Democracy in the Context of Globalization” .
Working Group 2: “Strengthening the Capacities of the Ministries of Labor to Respond to the Challenges of Promoting Decent Work in the Context of Globalization” .
- Presentation from Venezuela on "Experiences in Employment Services of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela", by Mrs. Elizabeth Pinto, Director of Employment and Labor market Studies, Ministry of Labor. (coming soon)