Untitled Document

Forum of Labour

Untitled Document

As Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML), the Office of Education, Science and Technology of the OAS is providing this virtual space for the Ministries of Labor, COSATE, CEATAL and international organizations. The objective of this space is to facilitate the discussion and provide information about the Ministerial process.

As was decided during the Second Preparatory Meeting of the XIV CIMT, that took place in Mexico City on July 13 and 14, 2005, the Forum is now open to discuss the following:

  • Draft Declaration of the XIV CIMT
  • Draft Plan of Action of the XIV CIMT
  • Proposals from delegations regarding possible recommendations from the Ministers of Labor to the Summit Implementation and Review Group
  • CIDI Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development (comments on the section on “Social Development and creation of productive employment” )

    This Forum will remain open until August 15, 2005. After that date no comments from delegations will be accepted.

    In order to have access to the Forum, you will need to type your user name and password, which have been sent to you by email. If you have not received these, please send an inquiry by email to: [email protected]
    Please click below for a brief set of instructions for navigating this Forum:
    Instructions for navigation in the Forum

    Click here to start navigating the Forum >>

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    Diseño: Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

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