Untitled Document

Summit Mandates

The Summits of the Americas and Labor

From the very first Summit of the Americas in 1994, Heads of State and Government have emphasized the need for the full participation of all segments of society in the economic life of their country. At all three Summits, strategies that promote social integration, productive employment, and the eradication of poverty have been introduced to help achieve this aim. In 1998 the II Summit of the Americas indicated that economic development, stimulated by economic growth brought about by liberalization of trade, should lead to higher rates of employment. The III Summit, of 2001 recognized that employment is the most direct link between economic activity and the quality of life of a population. Also noted, however, was the immutable fact that true prosperity can be achieved only if protection of and respect for the Basic Rights of the Worker are included in the matrix and an effort is made on the part of governments to increase both employment opportunities and the quality of those new positions.

The importance of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor was recognized during the third Summit of the Americas. The Conference was designated to be the mechanism that will deal with future mandates on labor issues originating at the Summits of the Americas. The recent XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor in Ottawa approved a Declaration and a Plan of Action that responds to the mandates from the III Summit. It was proposed that the Plan of Action would be carried out by the member states of the OAS with the support of the Work Groups established by the Conference of Ministers of Labor, numerous international organizations, and the Organization of American States in the capacity of technical secretary.

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