Untitled Document

Second Meeting of the Working Groups in the Framework of the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor(IACML)

Place and Date:Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 11-13, 2005.
Location:Room on Floor 18 of the Ministry of Labor, Employment of Social Security of Argentina
Address: Av. Leandro Alem 650, between Tucumán and Viamonte, Buenos Aires, Argentina. CP:1001


•  To take action on tasks assigned by the Salvador Declaration and Plan of Action to Working Group 1: Labour Dimensions of the Summit of the Americas Process and Working Group 2: Building Capacities of Labour Ministries .

•  To hold a first Preparatory Technical Meeting of the XIV IACML, in order to start the process of consensus building around the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mexico.

Documents on logistics:

Rapporteurs report of the meetings (currently only available in Spanish)

Main conclusions and decisions adopted during the meetings


Information Bulletin

Registration Form

Participants List

Documents and Presentations

Meeting of Working Group 1 – Labor dimensions of Summit of the Americas Process

Meeting of Working Group 2 – Building the Capacity of Labor Ministries

Working Groups 1 and 2 joint meeting

XIV IACML First Preparatory Meeting

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©2006 Organización de los Estados Americanos. Derechos Reservados. Descargo
Preparada y mantenida por DDSE
Diseño: Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

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