Untitled Document

XI Meeting of Ministers of Labour

Chile hosted the Eleventh Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor in Viña del Mar from the 20th to the 22nd of October 1998. The Declaration and Plan of Action proposed by the conference were both approved. The Declaration was framed within the context of the obligations laid out at the first and second Summits of the Americas, and also influenced by the Declaration of Buenos Aires from the Tenth Conference of Ministers of Labor. The formulation of the Declaration and Plan of Action from Viña del Mar was inspired by the theme of globalization of the world economy and its implications for society and labor. Also addressed in these documents was the modernization of the State, in particular the rejuvenation of the Ministries of Labor. The Plan of Action specifically embraces reform of labor markets, labor relations, workforce training, protection of the unemployed, systems to gather labor information, compliance with labor law, the modernization of labor justice, social dialogue, negotiation, and collective bargaining.

Two working groups were established to ensure compliance with the Plan of Action in these matters. It was also agreed upon to convene a meeting to evaluate progress in the implementation of the Viña del Mar Plan within 18 months following the meeting in Viña del Mar. The host country originally chosen for the meeting was the Dominican Republic. Due to certain unforeseen circumstances it was finally resolved to hold the meeting in Washington, DC in February 2000. At this meeting progress made towards the modernization of the hemisphere's Ministries of Labor was examined. The conferees also recognized the importance of the works carried out by member countries and the Work Groups in the identification of common features among the policies designed by the various member countries to help confront the social and labor challenges posed by globalization.

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