Horizontal CooperationThe High Authorities on Social Development, gathered at the High Level Meeting on Poverty, Equity and Social Inclusion, highlighted in their Declaration the importance and their disposition to promote and strengthen cooperation initiatives on areas related to the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequity. They committed to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices that contribute to the elimination of poverty and the reduction of the social gaps in our countries; and to improve coordination for multilateral action, especially among the organizations of the Inter-American system as well as international and regional development agencies. The Inter-American Committee on Social Development receives the mandate of formulating policies on social issues and to strengthen the existing instruments and cooperation initiatives in the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequity. This is one of the main goals of CIDES, as stated in its Rules of Procedure This space is offered to follow-up the cooperation strategy that CIDES approves. The Unit for Social Development and Education, in its capacity as technical secretariat of the Committee, shall support this work and the decisions taken by CIDES. The Social Network for Latin America and the Caribbean, created in 1993 as a coalition of investment funds and other institutions, represents a consolidated model of cooperation that has been functioning for 10 years. Its main objective is to facilitate cooperation among the investment funds and other institutions or programs implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean; so as to execute programs and projects that may allow the efficiency, efficacy and equity on social actions. .............. ................. ............... ................ ............... ................ ................. ............... .............. ................. ............... ................ ............... ................
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Experiences of the Social Investment funds