Second Meeting of the
    Inter-American Committee on Education

    Agreements of the II Plenary Session of the CIE
    Headquarters of the Organization of the American States
    Washington DC, October 18-19, 2004

    The Second Plenary Meeting of the Inter American Committee on Education was held at the Headquarters of the OAS in Washington D.C. on October 18-19, with the participation of twenty-two countries and presided by Mexico.

    The Inter American Committee on Education:

    1) Gives a warm welcome to Dr. Alice Abreu, Director of Education, Science and Technology and Technical Secretary of the CIE, and express their deep gratitude to Dr. Sofialeticia Morales former Director of the Unit for Social Development and Education and Technical Secretary, for her important contributions, from the creation of the CIE to the support of its activities and projects.

    2) In reference to the Hemispheric Projects on Equity and Quality, Secondary Education and Labor Competencies, and Teacher Training:

    • Takes note of the reports of the coordinators on the advances, the challenges and state of expenditures of the Hemispheric Projects.
    • Takes note of the financial situation of FEMCIDI presented for 2005.
    • Requests that the Technical Secretariat continue to inform the Authorities and Executive Committee of the CIE on the financial situation concerning the Hemispheric Projects.
    • Delegates to the Authorities and Executive Committee of the CIE, if necessary and in consultation with the Hemispheric Coordinators, the authority to make decisions on the use of reserve sub funds allocated to CIDI in accordance with RES. CP/RES. 831(1342/02) and RES. CEPCIDI/RES. 89 (LXXXIX-O/03) to complement the hemispheric projects in order to ensure their successful implementation.

    3) In reference to the Summit Projects:

    • Takes note of the reports by Brazil and Mexico on the advances of the Regional Project on Educational Indicators (PRIE) and Evaluation of Educational Quality Project.
    • Approves the re-scheduling of US$271,920.49 for the period 2004-2005. These are funds from 2003-2004 that were not executed by October 18, 2004.
    • Delegates to the Authorities and Executive Committee, if necessary and in consultation with the Coordinating Countries, the authority to make decisions on the use of reserve sub funds allocated to CIDI in accordance with RES. CP/RES. 831(1342/02) and RES. CEPCIDI/RES. 89 (LXXXIX-O/03) to support the execution of the Summit Projects.

    4) In reference to the Inter-American Program on Education for Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace:

    • Takes note of the initial draft proposal developed and presented by Colombia and Ecuador and the presentation of the study “Strengthening Democracy in the Americas through Civic Education” conducted by experts from the University of Maryland and coordinated by the Technical Secretariat.
    • Creates an ad hoc working group on this topic, composed of interested countries, to collaborate with Colombia and Ecuador in the reformulation of the draft proposal.
    • Requests that the Technical Secretariat act as the liaison between the delegates of the CIE, the ad hoc working group charged with developing the program, the Permanent Council of the Organization of the American States, as well as with other International Organizations working on this topic.
    • Delegates to the Authorities and Executive Committee, in consultation with the ad hoc working group, the authority to approve the final proposal.

    5) In reference to the process of selection of projects for FEMCIDI funding:

    • Instructs the Technical Secretariat to prepare and circulate a report by December 1, 2004 concerning the creation of an ad hoc mechanism that will allow the CIE to review, evaluate, and select projects presented for funding from the FEMCIDI education account, before being submitted to the CENPES.

    6) In reference to the Questionnaire on Current Practices in Educational Reporting:

    • Takes note of the presentation made by the Technical Secretariat on the initial results of the questionnaire answered by 32 countries of the hemisphere and congratulates the Technical Secretariat for its outstanding work and excellent presentation.
    • Instructs the Technical Secretariat to disseminate the data base and the report of the results of the Questionnaire among member countries.
    • Creates a working group on Educational Reporting Practices, comprised of the three countries that participated in the initial formation of the Questionnaire( Canada, Mexico and the United States) and any other country interested in participating. The CIE elects the United States of America to be coordinator of the group. This working group, with support of the Technical Secretariat, the PRIE, and the Project on the Evaluation of the Quality of Education will undertake the following tasks:

      a) Continue the analysis of the results of the Questionnaire on Educational Practices and consider its periodic administration.
      b) Design and develop a workshop on educational reporting in the within the framework of the Education Evaluation Forum to be carried out in May 2005, in Brazil.
      c) Design and propose activities to contribute to the technical capacity of the countries facing the greatest challenges in the production and dissemination of educational information, in coordination with the Summit Project PRIE.
      d) Coordinate reports that the CIE or the Authorities and Executive Committee require for their presentations at the IV Meeting of the Ministers of Education, so as to inform the Ministers' report to the Heads of State and Government for the IV Summit of the Americas in Argentina.
      e) Propose to the CIE or the Authorities and Executive Committee, other activities to respond to the mandate of the Special Summit of the Americas.

    7) Accepts the proposal to create a working group between the CIE and COMCYT in order to prepare a joint work plan in science education from the early years of education and to be presented at the IV Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI in Trinidad and Tobago. The liaison will start with the Hemispheric Project on Teacher Education.

    8) Regarding the Preparation of the IV Ministerial Meeting

    • Requests that Trinidad and Tobago take note of the suggestions of the II Plenary of the CIE and develop a second draft agenda for distribution. With support of the Technical Secretariat, Trinidad and Tobago will receive comments and suggestions on the second draft agenda from member countries until December 15, 2004.
    • Requests that Trinidad and Tobago, with the support of the Technical Secretariat, present a proposed work schedule for preparations for the IV Meeting of Ministers of Education by December 15, 2004 for feedback.
    • Request that member countries submit comments about the Guidelines for the Draft Declaration and draft paragraph proposals for developing the declaration before March 2005.

    9) On the support activities of the Technical Secretariat:

    • Takes note of the activities carried out by the Secretariat in support of the work of the CIE.
    • Request that the Technical Secretariat submit additional information, including information on resources available from the regular budget, budgetary arrangements for other relevant OAS commissions, and additional detail on expenditures from the $30,000 provided by the CIE to the Technical Secretariat in order to consider a new allocation of resources to support its activities in support of the CIE and in the preparatory activities for the IV Meeting of the Ministers of Education in the framework of CIDI.
    • Delegates to the Authorities and Executive Committee the authority to make decisions on the use of reserve sub funds allocated to CIDI in accordance with RES. CP/RES. 831(1342/02) and RES. CEPCIDI/RES. 89 (LXXXIX-O/03) to support the proposal.
    • Establishes November 15, 2004 as the deadline to present the requested budgetary and additional information to the Authorities and Executive Committee.
    • The final decision will be made by December 15, 2004.

    10) Concerning other initiatives:

    • Creates of an ad hoc working group to discuss the link between Health, Labor, and Education and propose mechanisms for increased sector-wide collaboration. The liaison will begin with Hemispheric Project on Secondary Education and Labor Competencies.
    • Creates an ad hoc working group to discuss collaboration with the PAHO/WHO regional initiative on Health-Promoting Schools. The liaison will begin with the Hemispheric Project on Equity and Quality.
    • Request the Technical Secretariat to report on the activities undertaken to explore the possibility of debt swaps for education.

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