Hazard Mitigation Roles of Lending Institutions and Insurance Companies in Antigua/Barbuda and St. Kitts/Nevis

First Roundtable Meeting Agenda

9:00 Welcome & Introductions
9:15 Review of Discussion Base materials
10:30  Break

Separate sessions for A. Lending Institutions & B. Insurance Companies

With a primary focus on hurricanes (and associated flood/surge), discuss:

  1. Our vision for our sector’s Vulnerability Reduction role in three years time (2004).
  2. What do we have to have, have to do, and have to put in place, to activate our vulnerability reduction vision? 
    ~ Short-term (<12 months) ~ Mid-term (<24 months) ~ Long-term (>2years)
12:30  Lunch Break

Continue the separate session discussions to include:

  • Outline draft of our short-term vulnerability reduction plans and action steps.
  • Setting out and selecting mid-term and long-term vulnerability reduction proposals, also indicate research resource and other needs to progress them to implementation.
  • How we should structure/organize ourselves to fulfill our vulnerability reduction role?
  • Draft agenda for Second Roundtable meeting.
2:45 Break

Joint session to:

  • Discern common areas of concern and/or opportunity to identify action and research steps meriting joint progressing between us.
  • Agree our Next Steps – both by sector and joint.
  • Review and agree structure proposals and nominate people to coordinate ongoing progress.
  • Propose date and daft agenda for Second Roundtable meeting.
  • Draft press release of our meeting and plans.
4:30 Close