Payment for Ecosystem Services

The OAS, through DSD, signed a contribution arrangement with the Canadian International Development Agency for the “Trade and Environment in the Americas” Project.


To respond to trade-related capacity building development needs in the area of environmental management, the DSD is working towards improving market-based approaches to the conservation of biological diversity, through the support of Payment for Ecological Service Payments (PES). Innovative financial instruments for conservation including Payment for Ecological Services (PES) are increasingly used as tools to implement conservation policies at the national level. The DSD is identifying innovative private sector partnerships in environment-related financing through the compilation of recent and proposed PES systems, recent trends in nature and conservation swap-payment schemes, and systems, as well as an assessment of the enabling public sector mechanisms required to support such PES systems. This will include the role of land tenure and property rights, fiscal and regulatory systems, and other policies


The project activities reflect priorities identified by countries of the region and will aid them in the development of the capacities needed in the areas of good governance, the sustainable management of natural resources and trade policy decision-making. The objective of these activities is to build the necessary skills and capacities among government, private sector and civil society actors on a sustainable, long-term and people-centered basis. The four clusters of the project are the following:  

  • Strengthen environmental management systems in support of cleaner production objectives in general, and the sound management of chemicals in particular;

  • Improve mechanisms related to the effective enforcement of environmental laws;

  • Innovative approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity;  Development of a “toolkit” of training courses on trade and environment.

The project’s geographical scope includes: 

  • Andean Community and wider Amazon River Basin Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname),

  • Eastern Caribbean region (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and St. Lucia), and  

  • Central American region (Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic).

Inventory on Payments for Environmental Services


The DSD has launched an Inventory on Payments for Environmental Services. The main objective of the inventory is to catalogue transactions and projects intended to support Payments for Environmental Systems (PES), with an emphasis on those programs underway in the hemisphere of the Americas. More...


Legal provisions related to Payment for Ecosystem Services


News and Latest Updates


November 1-5, 2010. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Fundglode in partnership with the OAS/DSD, organized a course on Payment for Environmental Services in Latin America and the Caribbean. Evaluations l More... (Spanish)

August 18, 2009. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) in partnership with the DSD and the GTZ, is organizing an event on Payment for Environmental Services in Latin America and the Caribbean. Agenda


June 19, 2009. Washington D.C. DSD launches the publication: "Legal Institutional Frameworks for Payment for Ecosystem Services: Eight Country Analysis" . More...


June 15-19, 2009. Washington D.C. Training Course on the Designing and Implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Services. Spanish: Evaluations l More... (Spanish)


Payment for Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Agriculture for Conservation and Development in Paraguay More...


November, 10  2008. Belize. 10th General Assembly RedLAC. l OAS Presentation


June, 4  2008.  Sao Paulo, Brasil. Workshop: Trends in the Implementation of Payments for Environmental Services in the Americas. More...




Legal Institutional Frameworks for Payment for Ecosystem Services: Eight country Analysis. (spanish only)


Draft Conceptual  and methodological guidelines for  design of PES schemes in Latinamerican and the Caribbean (spanish only)


Payments for Environmental Services


Environmental Valuation as a supporting tools for environmental services payment




This page was last updated on Thursday April 28, 2011.