Untitled Document


Instituciones Culturales

Government >
University/Research >
Foundation >
Internet >
Cultural Industries >
Other >


National Institute of Culture and History
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Department of Archives

Link to Institut e for the Creative Arts, Museums and Houses of Culture, Institute of Archaeology, Institute for Social and Cultural Research
Preserve and promote Belize culture

Ministry of Rural Development

Empowerment of rural communities to achieve sustainable rural development based on, among all, respect for cultural diversity.
Cultural diversity
Rural development

Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Information and Broadcasting
Department of Archaeology

Management of cultural resources of Belize, emphasize the protection, promotion, research and development of Belize's cultural heritage Cultural heritage and Antiquities laws, national museums.

University/ Research

Lamanai Field Research Center
Http://www.lamanai.o r g/Home.htm
Research the natural and cultural resources of Lamanai region, Belize
Develop education and conservation activities.
Craft workshops to local communities.
Sustainable development
Natural and cultural resources of Lamanai region, Belize.
Craft workshops.

University of Belize
Faculty of Education & Arts
Faculty of Management & Social Sciences
Http://www.ub.edu .bz/

Social sciences


The Cornerstone Foundation
Http://ww w .peacecorner.org/human_rights.htm

Culture programmes
Peace, education, participation Cultural tourism


Belize magazine
http://www.pe a cecorner.org/belize.htm

Cultural review
Links to museums, book review and performing arts
Arts and culture section

Cultural industries

Belize Arts Council
Http://www.belizemall.com/b a c/

Arts and the creative expression of the cultural diversity of Belize. Information exchange
Links to Ethnic Councils of Belize
Art promotion
Performing Arts


Maya Leaders' Alliance
Http:// w ww.geocities.com/mayacomanage/

Monitor development in the Toledo district Cultural heritage
Culture and development



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©2004 Organización de los Estados Americanos. Derechos Reservados. Descargo
Preparada y mantenida por la UDSE
Diseño Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

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