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G E N E R A L      S E C R E T A R I A T





The following provisions are issued by decision of the Secretary General:



1. Contents. This Administrative Memorandum governs the procedures to be followed henceforth for the provision of cleaning and maintenance services, security services, and temporary secretarial and/or administrative support to the offices in the member states, the national projects, the inter-American centers operated by the General Secretariat, and the specialized agencies and organs that are required to follow the administrative and budgetary regulations of the General Secretariat (the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Children's Institute).

2. Objective. The purpose of this Administrative Memorandum is to help to resolve existing cases of so-called ''local-locals" and avoid such cases in the future. The General Secretariat is giving careful study to the cases of persons currently working away from headquarters in this situation, and it is hoped that an equitable solution to each, in keeping with the nature of the activities they perform, their years of service, and funds available' will be found very soon.

3. Definition. The term "local-locals" is used to identify persons who perform services in the offices in the member states, projects, inter-American centers, and specialized agencies or organs under the following conditions:

a. Work day. The person works a regular work day for the General Secretariat or for the specialized agency or organ, or a different work day that is no shorter than that established by national law as constituting an employer-employee relationship (generally more than four hours a day);

b. Juridical relation. The person has no employment contract or appointment as a staff member, which implies, among other things, that he does not enjoy staff benefits and that no contributions are made to the General Secretariat's social security system (the Provident Fund or the Retirement and Pension Fund, as the case may be);

c. Supervision and responsibility. The person performs duties as a subordinate under the direct supervision of a staff member and is not employed elsewhere; and

d. Nature of duties. The duties performed by the person are regular rather than temporary, and would therefore be performed, under other circumstances, by staff members.

4. Application. For the preceding reasons, this Administrative Memorandum applies at two levels:

a. First, to regulate for all cases in which a new provision (or contract) for such services is necessary because of termination of the current arrangement (owing to the cancellation o a contract with a company or to the retirement or resignation of the persons currently providing such services) and

b. Second, to provide guidance to orient the consideration that should now be undertaken of possibilities for adapting the ways in which such services are currently rendered to those established below as preferred options.

5. Decision and information. The directors of offices in the member states, projects, Inter-American centers, and specialized agencies and organs shall be authorized to decide, on the basis of the instructions given below (and subject to the pertinent rules, regulations and procedures and to the availability of funds), the manner in which the services referred to in this Administrative Memorandum are to be provided and shall send a note to the Assistant Secretary for Management explaining the decision taken. The directors shall also be responsible for strict compliance with the regulations contained in this Administrative Memorandum.

6. Kinds of services. The scope of each kind of service (cleaning and maintenance, security, and temporary secretarial and/or administrative support services), the options to be considered and explored in order of priority, and the procedures to be followed in each case are explained below.

7. General Guidelines. In general, where an employment contract for the services is thought to be necessary, the standards, regulations, and procedures established for the selection and appointment of staff members shall be applied, subject to the availability of funds. Only in very special cases may a performance contract (CPR) be issued to an individual to provide cleaning, maintenance, security, secretarial, or administrative support services to the General Secretariat. When the services are rendered through a CPR and a situation arises in which the prevailing practices and customs of the country require concessions not contemplated in the CPR regulations and forms, the Secretariat for Management shall be consulted for guidance.





1. Scope. These consist of the traditional services of cleaning and maintenance of the premises and shall be limited to these duties (duties not related with cleaning and maintenance may not be added) and in time (in general, not more than four hours a day) to what is actually needed.

2. Options. The following options, appearing in order of preference, shall be used:

a. The services be provided by the governments of the member states as part of their contributions to the functioning and operation of the offices, national projects, inter-American centers or specialized agency or organ, even when this may require a proportionate reduction in the current contribution in cash (Fund 18 or other specific funds) or in the national counterpart for the projects or inter-American centers.

b. The services be provided by the owner or lessor of the premises as part of the lease, even if this requires a proportionate increase in the rent.

c. The services be provided by the tenants' association of the building in which the premises are located. This method or option may be used even where there is no formal tenants' association, since in some cases a number of tenants may wish to contract jointly for the services of a company or individual. In such instances, the offices, projects, inter-American centers, or specialized agencies or organs may join those tenants provided that they confine themselves to paying their share to them and that the General Secretariat consequently does not appear as one of the parties hiring the firm or individual.

d. The services be performed by an established firm engaged in such services. In this case, a performance contract shall be issued.

e. Where none of the proceeding methods can be followed, and as a final option, that the services be performed by an individual. This option may be applied by contracting:

i. A staff member of the General Secretariat, where a post is available for that purpose, following the procedures for competition and selection established in the current regulations and giving special consideration to the possibility of part-time employment, or

ii. A performance contractor, through a CPR, in which case the text appearing as an appendix to this Memorandum shall be added to the terms of the contract. This contract must conform to the regulations in force.

3. Procedure:

a. Prior information. The offices, national projects, inter-American centers or specialized agencies or organs shall send a note to the Secretariat for Management to explain the decision taken, describing in detail the steps taken to obtain the services, in accordance with the various options, and their results.

b. Inquiry. When a new lease or a renewal of an existing lease is to be negotiated, the option of having the cleaning and maintenance services provided by the owner or lessor shall be specifically explored.

c. Quotations by companies. When the services are provided by a company, the director shall, if possible, obtain quotations from three different firms.

d. Competition among individuals. In the event that the only feasible alternative were to hire an individual under a performance contract, the director shall make every effort to consider at least three candidates and shall send two copies of the signed contract, together with a note of explanation and the selection, to the Department of Human Resources.



1. Scope

a. Temporary and exceptional nature. Under international law, every government is responsible for ensuring the physical security of the diplomatic missions representing other countries or international agencies. It is, therefore, up to the governments to decide on the security measures necessary. Consequently, in general the General Secretariat shall not be directly involved in the performance of these services.

b. Wage supplement. If the established practice of the country requires the payment of moderate wage supplements to the government agencies (National Police) responsible for performing such services, these payments shall be entered as an office maintenance expense (Object of Expenditure 07), and therefore no contracts of any kind (including CPRs) shall be given to such agents.

c. Additional services. In exceptional circumstances, certain offices have hired security or guard services for their premises in addition to those provided by the government. The need to hire special services of this kind relates solely to the protection of the physical safety of staff members and/or persons visiting the premises and not to the protection against theft of equipment and furniture appearing in the official inventories, which is covered by the General Secretariat' s comprehensive insurance policy. Therefore, special contracts for such services issued by the General Secretariat shall be limited in time to the duration of the exceptional situations or emergencies justifying them.

2. Options. If such services are not provided by the governments' and in cases of absolute necessity, the following options may be used in the following order of preference:

a. The services be provided by the lessor or owner as part of the lease of the premises.

b. The services be provided by the tenants' association or a group of tenants of the building, in a manner similar to that mentioned for cleaning and maintenance services.

c. The services be provided by an established firm engaged in such services. In this case a performance contract for a period limited to the duration of the emergency shall be issued.

3. Procedure

a. Options a and b. Options a and b, as well as the provision of such services by the governments, shall be explored continuously and do not require prior consultation with headquarters.

b. Option c. Option c shall be cleared in advance with the Secretariat for Management. Whenever feasible, the proposal shall include three quotations from companies specializing in such services. The proposal shall also contain an estimate of the time during which the services will be necessary.




1. Scope


a. Temporary and exceptional nature. In principle, projects do not require services of this kind because they are usually provided by the government as part of the national counterpart. However, under certain circumstances and when the present staff cannot handle the work load, the temporary hiring of secretarial and administrative support services (librarians, secretaries, clerks, chauffeurs, messengers, etc.) may be authorized. Examples of situations in which the need for these services may arise are the prolonged absence of a staff member due to illness or vacation -when actual staffing does not allow for a temporary rearrangement of duties- or the preparation of special project reports, should direct contracting of services for project of the General Secretariat be necessary, shall naturally be temporary.

b. Financing. Such contracting shall be subject to the availability of funds in the respective offices, projects, inter-American centers, or specialized agencies or organs.

c. Regular personnel services. Should the services referred to become regular or permanent and the funds available permit, the only way in which they may be performed shall be by staff members selected and appointed through competition. Services shall be understood as permanent or regular when they must be performed by the same person and are expected to be required for a continuous period of one year or more, regardless of whether they are rendered in the same office or at the same project, inter-American center, or specialized agency or organ.

2. Options. The following options, appearing in order of preference, shall be used:

a. The services be provided by a company.


b. The services be provided by an individual under a CPR. In no case may the CPR be for longer than three months. Although it may be extended, the local length    of the contract plus its extent may not exceed one year.

3. Procedure

a. Prior information. The need for these services must be duly justified. The proposal must be accompanied by three quotations from companies that can provide the services, or, in the case of CPRs with individuals, by the curricula vitae of three candidates with proof of aptitude.

b. Execution. Once the CPR has been approved by the Secretariat for Management, two copies of the signed contract must be sent to the Department of Human Resources.




  This Administrative Memorandum revokes any other administrative memorandum, information instrument applied as a regulation, or practice to the contrary by the General Secretariat, and may be amended through a subsequent regulatory instrument at the same or a higher level.





  This Administrative Memorandum shall become effective on the date on which it is signed.




Don C. Eller*

Assistant Secretary for Management



March 24, 1986

Original: Spanish

* Original Spanish version signed by the Assistant Secretary for Management


OAS Form 607

(5/84 )




1. The contract covers performance by the contractor of cleaning services for the premises of the Office of the OAS General Secretariat in __________________. The contractor is not subject to the schedule of the General Secretariat nor does it have any subordinate or exclusive relation whatsoever therewith. Notwithstanding, for purposes of the corresponding means of access to and security of the aforementioned premises, the contractor undertakes to provide the services indicated between _________ and _________ on (indicate the days). In no case shall such services extend beyond an average of four hours per day.

2. The service shall be limited to the regular activities of cleaning the office premises so that the office may be in the optimum state of cleanliness.*


* If the CPR also includes other activities, such as preparing and serving coffee, making photocopies or answering the telephone, the above text must be changed appropriately (for example, "the service shall be limited. . . cleanliness, and the preparation and serving of coffee").



__________________________                          _______________________________

(signature)                                                       (signature)

__________________________                           _______________________________

                   (name)                                                            (name)

__________________________                           _______________________________

               (title) (date)                                                     (title) (date)

