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Costa Rica’s legislative framework will be strengthened through the National Plan of Action

On October 28 and 29, 2010, the Department of Legal Cooperation of the OAS Secretariat for Legal Affairs, and the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Costa Rica, held a workshop in San Jose, for the purpose of evaluating and strengthening the efficiency of the National Plan of Action for the implementation of the recommendations formulated to that country by the Mechanism for Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC).

The Draft Action Plan, prepared by a Costa Rican expert in anti-corruption and transparency issues, evaluates the level of implementation of the recommendations formulated by the MESICIC during the First, Second, and Third Rounds of Review. These recommendations are wide in scope, as the cover a wide range of topics, such as institutional measures for protection of corruption whistleblowers; standards for the prevention of conflicts of interest; the hiring of public servants and the procurement of works, goods and services by the State; and systems for disseminating public information in order to spread a culture of transparency and stimulate civil society participation in the fight against corruption. The Plan of Action program is critical for ensuring that the recommendations formulated during the MESICIC meetings go beyond agreements, and into concrete actions for their implementation.

In his opening remarks, the First Vice-President of the Republic, Alfio Piven Mesen, made reference to the importance of the Plan for combating corruption. He went on to encourage the participants to do everything possible to enrich the Plan, in order for it to serve as a useful tool for Costa Rica to use to combat this scourge.

The diversity and the large number of participants at the workshop reflect the importance of the Plan of Action. More than 80 representatives from public institutions, professional associations, the private sector, and civil society, as well as high-level authorities, including the Attorney General, the Prosecutor General and the Sub-comptroller, were present in order to review the proposed Plan of Action and express their opinions and suggestions to facilitate the implementation of the MESICIC recommendations in Costa Rica. Their specific knowledge and in the corresponding areas allowed them to critically evaluate the proposed actions and timetables, the institutions involved in the implementation process and the indicators on progress in this process, which were all included in the proposed Plan of Action.

The pertinent recommendations and suggestions made by the participants will be incorporated in the final version of the Plan of Action, with the goal of ensuring that the private sector and civil society in general take on responsibility for the fight against corruption and the encouragement of greater transparency in Costa Rica. In fact, the diversity of the participants was an essential component for the success of the national workshop. Being able to count on the participation of high-level representatives with decision-making authority, from all branches of the Costa Rican government, as well as from civil society in general, was a concrete achievement for the OAS and the Office of the Attorney General.

With this workshop, Costa Rica joins the growing number of countries of the hemisphere that have a Plan of Action for the implementation of the MESICIC recommendations by having taken advantage of the cooperation program offered by the OAS General Secretariat in order to facilitate the preparation and adoption of the plans for this purpose.

Edition N° 43 - November 2010

What is the MESICIC?

The Mechanism For Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, known as MESICIC for its Spanish acronym, is a tool to support the development of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption through cooperation between States Parties.

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