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With the consent of the Government of Belize, an on-site visit took place on April 23, 24 and 25, in Belize City, by a team of the OAS Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC). The team was comprised of Mr. Douglas Breithaupt, Director and General Counsel of the Criminal Law Policy Section of the Department of Justice of Canada, as well as the Solicitor General of Jamaica, Mrs. Nicole Foster-Pusey. The General Secretariat of the OAS, through its Department of Legal Cooperation also participated in this visit. 

During the three days of work, meetings were held with representatives of the Auditor General’s Office, the Ministry of the Public Service, the Offices of the Services Commission, and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, in order to obtain objective and complete information and reveal potential difficulties in the implementation of the Inter-American Convention.

The team also met with representatives from the Liaison Office of the Prime Minister, the Government Press Office, and the Attorney General’s Ministry, in order to discuss matters related to the implementation of recommendations that were formulated by the MESICIC to Belize in the First Round of review, pertaining, among other issues, to the establishment of post-employment conflict of interest restrictions, as well as issues related to access to information.

The team also had the opportunity to meet with several civil society and private sector organizations in order to learn their perspectives regarding the fight against corruption in Belize.

The results of this visit forms part of the review process for the Fourth Round that is currently being carried out by the Committee of Experts of the MESICIC, which will conclude with the adoption of the Belize country report by the Committee at its Twenty-Fourth meeting to be held in September 2014, in Washington DC at OAS Headquarters.

The MESICIC is a cooperation mechanism between States, with the participation of civil society organizations, established within the framework of the OAS, in which the legal/institutional framework of each country is reviewed for suitability with the Inter-American Convention against Corruption as well as the objective results achieved therein. The incorporation of on-site visits as a stage and integral part of the MESICIC review process represents an innovative and pioneering initiative in the context of the OAS, especially for a peer review mechanism and the importance of the issues it addresses.

For more information, please visit the Anti-corruption Portal of the Americas.

Edition N° 180 - April 2014

What is the MESICIC?

The Mechanism For Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, known as MESICIC for its Spanish acronym, is a tool to support the development of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption through cooperation between States Parties.

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