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AG/RES. 1949 (XXXIII-O/03)


(Resolution adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 10, 2003) 


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization (AG/doc.4228/03), in particular as they pertain to the annual report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) (CP/doc.3711/03); 

REAFFIRMING its commitment to the principles and purposes set forth in the 1986 Inter-American Program of Action of Rio de Janeiro against the Illicit Use and Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Traffic Therein and in the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere, in particular, that anti-drug efforts are a common and shared responsibility that requires a comprehensive and balanced approach with respect to the principles established in the United Nations Charter and in international law; 

PROFOUNDLY CONCERNED by the grave threats posed by the links between illicit drug trafficking, terrorism, and other national and transnational criminal activities, such as money laundering, corruption, the illicit trafficking in arms, and the diversion of precursor chemicals; 

RECOGNIZING that alternative development is an important component of national anti-drug policies, which creates and promotes sustainable licit economic options to replace the cultivation of illicit crops, and that alternative development programs require continued funding;  

NOTING WITH CONCERN the rising trend in the abuse of synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals in the Hemisphere, in addition to an increase in injecting drug use and related negative health consequences; 

FURTHER CONCERNED by the significant increase in heroin trafficking in the Hemisphere in recent years, as suggested by a greater volume of seizures; 

NOTING with satisfaction the approval by CICAD, at its thirty-second regular session, of the hemispheric report and 34 national reports resulting from implementation of the second round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM); and 

CONSIDERING that, in the CICAD Declaration in Mexico City (CICAD/doc.1206/02 rev. 3), the member states reaffirmed the priorities for inter-American cooperation in combating the drug problem, in particular by enhancing integral prevention actions, with special emphasis on supply and demand reduction, while combating corruption and transnational organized crime in all of its manifestations; renewing their commitment to the MEM; and recognizing that hemispheric cooperation is the path to follow, 


1.         To recognize the important role that the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) plays in the control of all aspects of the drug problem; and to note with appreciation the progress made in the programs and projects undertaken by CICAD under the mandates issued in the plans of action of the Second and Third Summits of the Americas concerning efforts to combat the world drug problem.  

2.         To urge member states to continue to strengthen their drug abuse prevention policies and programs for specific populations deemed to be high-risk, and to carry out research to determine the true dimensions of the problem of drug abuse, in order to design appropriate prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in accordance with the needs of each country. 

3.         To urge member states, permanent observers, and international trade institutions to seek to maintain and strengthen existing trade preference systems that support alternative development programs aimed at reducing illicit crops in the region and to continue to contribute funding for those programs and projects in order to ensure that they continue. 

4.         To urge member states and permanent observers, in line with the principle of shared responsibility, to promote the opening of markets, where appropriate, for products of alternative development programs designed to eliminate the production of illicit crops, in order to improve the competitiveness of those products and enhance the sustainability of these programs. 

5.         To urge member states that, with the goal of preventing, controlling, and eliminating the funding of terrorist activities and, in general, all criminal acts of transnational organized crime, they incorporate into their respective national law the provisions of the CICAD Model Regulations concerning Laundering Offenses Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offenses, including the amendments thereto proposed by the CICAD Group of Experts and adopted at the thirty-second regular session of CICAD in Mexico City, which make terrorist financing a predicate offense to money laundering and which incorporate the eight special recommendations on terrorist financing drawn up by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF). 

6.         To urge states to strengthen the mechanism for pre-export notification of chemical substances used in the production of organic and synthetic drugs, established in Article 12 of the 1988 United Nations Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, as an effective instrument to prevent the diversion of these substances to illicit markets, among other methods for the effective control of chemical substances. 

7.         To encourage states to strengthen international judicial cooperation and extradition mechanisms among member states, in order better to address crimes related to the global drug problem, corruption, and the manifestations of transnational organized crime, as well as to combat impunity. 

8.         To invite member states to incorporate into their national law the provisions of the CICAD Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition, including measures to reinforce controls on exports, imports, and  transit of firearms; and to urge CICAD at its thirty-fourth regular session to consider the draft Model Regulations on Arms Brokering, prepared by the CICAD Group of Experts on Firearms Control, in order to strengthen controls over the brokering of firearms. 

9.         To thank CICAD for its recommendations to the preparatory body of the Special Conference on Security (CICAD/doc.1203/02 rev. 5), in accordance with General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 1882 (XXXII-O/02). 

10.        To instruct the Executive Secretariat of CICAD:  

a.         Through the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs, to step up efforts to assist member states in developing and maintaining uniform data collection systems that will make it possible to measure the problem of substance abuse and to follow up on new trends in drug abuse; 

b.         To promote the evaluation of substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, so as to determine which are the most effective and have the greatest positive impact on the target groups; 

c.         To assist member states and nongovernmental organizations in developing substance abuse prevention programs for primary school children and stepping up their professional training programs in the demand reduction field; 

d.         To assist member states in strengthening actions to control the diversion of controlled pharmaceutical products and chemical substances used in the production of organic and synthetic drugs and in improving the mechanisms for timely information exchange on matters related to the application of control measures; 

e.         To continue to provide technical and financial assistance for implementation of alternative development projects in member states affected by the presence of illicit crops; and to continue to identify viable funding sources for programs that aim to prevent and eliminate illicit crops; 

f.          To give priority to providing technical assistance to member states to help them strengthen their national drug control commissions and other national entities involved in combating the drug problem in all of its manifestations; 

g.         To continue, where appropriate, assisting member states in strengthening financial controls through the establishment and implementation of their Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) and the training of prosecutors and financial sector personnel; 

h.         To assist member states in the adoption of national laws and regulations, in accordance with pertinent international instruments, including the CICAD Model Regulations concerning Laundering Offenses Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offenses, so as to prevent the activities of the financial and non-financial sectors from being used to launder assets derived from drug trafficking and other related crimes; 

i.          To help member states incorporate into their national law the provisions of the CICAD Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition, including measures to strengthen controls over the exports of firearms; 

j.          To support the work programs and activities of the CICAD Expert Groups devoted to the following five thematic areas: firearms control, pharmaceuticals, chemical precursors, money laundering, and demand reduction, so that they may continue to improve and facilitate cooperation and coordination and information exchange among member states in these areas; 

k.         To strengthen cooperation and information exchange among the various pertinent inter-American committees and mechanisms, in particular the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) and the Consultative Committee of the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA), whose work is related to control of the drug problem and other manifestations of transnational organized crime; and 

l.          To prepare a study on the status of illicit maritime drug trafficking in the Hemisphere.

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