Secretary for Legal Affairs
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AG/RES. 1945 (XXXIII-O/03)


(Resolution adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 10, 2003) 


            HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization (AG/doc.4228/03), in particular as they pertain to the annual report of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) (CP/doc.3695/03); 

            TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that an agreement was reached at the third regular meeting of the Assembly of CITEL, held from August 12 to 16, 2002, in Washington, D. C., on principles for continuing to strengthen CITEL, with a view to enabling it fully to meet its obligations; and 


            That, in fulfillment of its mandates during 2002, the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission pursued different activities, among which the following are particularly noteworthy: 

a.                   Development of an Agenda for Connectivity and a Plan of Action that addresses the topic of connectivity in the Americas and serves as a guide for the development of individual connectivity agendas and plans of action in countries where this is deemed appropriate; 

b.                   Preparation and distribution of publications on the Global Information Infrastructure and on tele-education in the Americas; 

c.                   Advanced implementation of the Mutual Recognition Agreement on Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment with the eight countries participating, or having indicated that they will participate, in Phase I in 2003, which includes the Procedures for Mutual Recognition of Testing Laboratories as Conformity Assessment Bodies and Mutual Acceptance of Test Reports, and the two countries participating in Phase II, which includes the Procedures for Mutual Recognition of Certification Bodies as Conformity Assessment Bodies and Mutual Acceptance of Equipment Certifications; 

d.                   Publication of the CITEL magazine, which underscores the activities of the Commission and current topics pertaining to the telecommunications community in the Americas; 

e.                   Development of common inter-American proposals, which were presented to, and, for the most part, adopted by, the 2002 World Telecommunication Development Conference and the 2002 Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), thereby ensuring that the region of the Americas is loudly heard within the International Telecommunication Union global forum; 

f.                     Different activities to ensure coordinated spectrum allocation in the region, including the ongoing updating of the spectrum usage database available via the CITEL Web page; 

g.                   Partnerships established through cooperation agreements with nine telecommunication organizations from different parts of the world to improve coordination with other telecommunications organizations for the development and implementation of effective and sustainable programs.  These agreements were not a CITEL initiative and are therefore indicative of the status CITEL has acquired in the eyes of the telecommunications community worldwide; 

h.                   Provision of an appropriate environment for its member states to exchange experiences and best practices, thereby making it possible to keep updated legal and regulatory frameworks that are predictable, consistent, nondiscriminatory, and transparent and that will contribute to the development of, and universal access to, telecommunications; 

i.                     Shared experiences during the training courses and over 200 fellowships awarded to individuals in the Americas for the study of telecommunications topics essential to the region.  Relations with the CITEL Regional Training Centers and the ITU Center of Excellence for the Americas Region were strengthened; 

j.                     Improvement of working methods through more competent use of electronic documents; and 

k.                   Increased participation of associate members through promotion of their activities and organization of seminars and workshops, 


1.                     To recognize the efforts of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) in facilitating and promoting the ongoing development of telecommunications in the Hemisphere.


2.                     To take note of the important activities undertaken and accomplished by CITEL in 2002.


3.                     To request CITEL to present a follow-up report to the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth regular session.

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