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AG/RES. 1933 (XXXIII-O/03)


(Resolution adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 10, 2003) 


RECALLING its resolution AG/RES. 1718 (XXX-O/00), on reform of the Inter-American Indian Institute; 

HAVING SEEN the Annual Report of the Inter-American Indian Institute (CP/doc.3712/03); 

RECOGNIZING that indigenous issues are a priority on the inter-American agenda; 

BEARING IN MIND that the Inter-American Indian Institute was established in 1940 in the Pátzcuaro Convention, with the main purposes of requesting, compiling, or organizing scientific research, legislation, historical archives, and other documents related to indigenous peoples in the American Hemisphere, and carrying out publication and dissemination activities to bring about an increased awareness of indigenous peoples;[1]/ 

AWARE of the difficult financial situation that the Inter-American Indian Institute has been facing for several years, and of the need to redress this situation by lending increased support and financial stability; and 

RECOGNIZING the work of the Inter-American Indian Institute in compiling and analyzing documentation and archives related to the indigenous peoples of the Americas in order to develop a store of historical information on the subject,  


            1.         To recognize the work of the Inter-American Indian Institute and to encourage its Governing Board to continue its restructuring process, to give fresh impetus to fulfilling its objectives and functions, and to invite indigenous peoples to express their opinions in this process. 

            2.         To take note of the signing, on February 6, 2003, of the Headquarters Agreement between the Inter-American Indian Institute and the United Mexican States. 

            3.         To urge states with obligations to the Inter-American Indian Institute to make timely payment of their contributions, thus enabling the Institute to carry out its work fully. 

            4.         To invite member states that are not members of the Inter-American Indian Institute to consider joining it as an expression of support for its work and for its restructuring process. 

            5.         To request the Inter-American Indian Institute to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth regular session on the Institute’s work and on the progress made in its restructuring and its financial situation.

[1].      The United States understands that the use of the term “peoples” in this resolution cannot be construed as having any implications as to the rights that attach to the term under international law.

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