Secretary for Legal Affairs
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AG/RES. 1921 (XXXIII-O/03)


(Resolution adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 10, 2003) 


            HAVING SEEN the Annual Report of the Permanent Council to the General Assembly (AG/doc.4156/03), in particular as it pertains to the implementation of resolution AG/RES. 1845 (XXXII-O/02), “Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law”; 

            TAKING NOTE of the “Report on the Inter-American Program on International Law: Activities conducted by the Secretariat for Legal Affairs (June 2002-February 2003)” (CP/CAJP-2028/03); and 

            CONSIDERING that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law [AG/DEC. 10 (XXVI-O/96)] and the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law [AG/RES. 1471 (XXVII-O/97)], 


            1.         To reaffirm the importance of the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law in the framework of the inter-American system; and to instruct the General Secretariat to continue, through the Secretariat for Legal Affairs, to implement that Program. 

            2.         To acknowledge the work of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs in editing and publishing summaries of the events it organizes and in updating the legal information posted on its Web page; and to urge it to continue to expand the services provided to the member states by these means, including dissemination of the list of books published and events held during the past year. 

            3.         To recognize that the Course on International Law organized each year by the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the General Secretariat in Rio de Janeiro was strengthened in 2003 through the provision of interpretation services; and to urge that budgetary measures necessary for that purpose be maintained, in particular, with respect to simultaneous interpretation services and an increase in the number of fellowships, to bring about increased participation from all subregions of the Hemisphere. 

            4.         To invite the member states to promote the establishment of professorships of international law devoted, in particular, to increasing knowledge of the inter-American system, for which they will receive, to the extent possible, collaboration from the General Secretariat in developing manuals and other teaching materials in the four official languages of the Organization. 

            5.         To request the General Secretariat to continue conducting the Workshops on International Law, the Course on International Law in Rio de Janeiro, which it organizes jointly with the Inter-American Juridical Committee, and the subregional courses on developments in specific subject areas in the OAS framework, and to continue entering into agreements with academic institutions for the teaching and dissemination of inter-American law. 

            6.         To request the Permanent Council and the General Secretariat to examine procedures for enhancing the dissemination and distribution of the Organization’s legal information, contained in its publications and available via its Web page, and for making it available in all the official languages. 

            7.         To request the Permanent Council to follow up on the implementation of this resolution, which shall be effected within the resources allocated in the program-budget of the Organization and other resources; and to request the Council to present a report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth regular session.

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