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Declarations and Resolutions: GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2002


June 2, 2002 - Bridgetown, Barbados


AG/DEC. 27 (XXXII-O/02)
The multidimensional approach to hemispheric security

AG/DEC. 28 (XXXII-O/02)
Declaration on democracy in Venezuela

AG/DEC. 29 (XXXII-O/02)
Declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands

AG/DEC. 30 (XXXII-O/02)
Centennial of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

AG/RES. 1840 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Convention against Terrorism

AG/RES. 1841 (XXXII-O/02)
The situation in Haiti

AG/RES. 1842 (XXXII-O/02)
Human Rights Defenders in the Americas: Support for the individuals, groups, and organizations of civil society working to promote and protect human rights in the Americas

AG/RES. 1843 (XXXII-O/02)
Accomplishments of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission during 2001.

AG/RES. 1844 (XXXII-O/02)
Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee

AG/RES. 1845 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law

AG/RES. 1846 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Specialized Conferences on Private International Law

AG/RES. 1847 (XXXII-O/02)
Support for and follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process

AG/RES. 1848 (XXXII-O/02)
The OAS restructuring and modernization process

AG/RES. 1849 (XXXII-O/02)
Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas

AG/RES. 1850 (XXXII-O/02)
Observations and recommendations of the member states on the annual report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

AG/RES. 1851 (XXXII-O/02)
American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

AG/RES. 1852 (XXXII-O/02)
Increasing and strengthening civil society participation in OAS activities

AG/RES. 1853 (XXXII-O/02)
Implementation of the Inter-American Program on the Promotion of Women's Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality

AG/RES. 1854 (XXXII-O/02)
Poverty, equity, and social inclusion

AG/RES. 1855 (XXXII-O/02)
Adoption of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 2002-2005

AG/RES. 1856 (XXXII-O/02)
First meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology within the framework of CIDI 

AG/RES. 1857 (XXXII-O/02)
Report of the Third Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development

AG/RES. 1858 (XXXII-O/02)
Report of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor

AG/RES. 1859 (XXXII-O/02)
Report of the Second Meeting of Ministers of Education of CIDI

AG/RES. 1860 (XXXII-O/02)
XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress

AG/RES. 1861 (XXXII-O/02)
Trade and integration in the Americas

AG/RES. 1862 (XXXII-O/02)
Responsibilities of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development in accordance with Resolution AG/RES. 1814 (XXXI-O/01)

AG/RES. 1863 (XXXII-O/02)
Continuing participation in the Inter-American Council for Integral Development by member states that have not ratified the Protocol of Managua

AG/RES. 1864 (XXXII-O/02)
The socioeconomic and environmental impact of climate change on the countries of the Hemisphere

AG/RES. 1865 (XXXII-O/02)
Follow-up on the International Conference on Financing for Development

AG/RES. 1866 (XXXII-O/02)
Annual Report of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development

AG/RES. 1867 (XXXII-O/02)
Modification of the Statutes of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development

AG/RES. 1868 (XXXII-O/02)
First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture Within the Framework of CIDI

AG/RES. 1869 (XXXII-O/02)
Promotion of democratic culture

AG/RES. 1870 (XXXII-O/02)
Follow-up to the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and its Program for Cooperation

AG/RES. 1871 (XXXII-O/02)
Promotion of corporate social responsibility in the Hemisphere

AG/RES. 1872 (XXXII-O/02)
Appointment of women senior management positions at the OAS

AG/RES. 1873 (XXXII-O/02)
Career service

AG/RES. 1874 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials

AG/RES. 1875 (XXXII-O/02)
Support for action against mines in Peru and Ecuador

AG/RES. 1876 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Support for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

AG/RES. 1877 (XXXII-O/02)
Support for the work of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism

AG/RES. 1878 (XXXII-O/02)
Support for the Program of Integral Action against Antipersonnel Mines in Central America

AG/RES. 1879 (XXXII-O/02)
Confidence and security building in the Americas

AG/RES. 1880 (XXXII-O/02)
Summit-mandated Meeting of Experts on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in the Region

AG/RES. 1881 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions

AG/RES. 1882 (XXXII-O/02)
Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission and the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism

AG/RES. 1883 (XXXII-O/02)
Observations and recommendations on the annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization

AG/RES. 1884 (XXXII-O/02)
Free trade and investment in the Hemisphere

AG/RES. 1885 (XXXII-O/02)
Natural disaster reduction

AG/RES. 1886 (XXXII-O/02)
Special security concerns of small island states of the Caribbean

AG/RES. 1887 (XXXII-O/02)
Limitation of military spending

AG/RES. 1888 (XXXII-O/02)
Proliferation of and illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons

AG/RES. 1889 (XXXII-O/02)
The Western Hemisphere as an antipersonnel-land-mine-free zone

AG/RES. 1890 (XXXII-O/02)
Evaluation of the workings of the inter-American system for the protection and promotion of human rights with a view to its improvement and strengthening

AG/RES. 1891 (XXXII-O/02)
Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Prevent and Remedy Cases of International Abduction of Minors by One of Their Parents

AG/RES. 1892 (XXXII-O/02)
The protection of refugees, returnees, and internally displaced persons in the Americas

AG/RES. 1893 (XXXII-O/02)
Cooperation between the Organization of American States and the United Nations System, the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System, and the General Secretariat of the Caribbean Community

AG/RES. 1894 (XXXII-O/02)
Observations and recommendations on the annual report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

AG/RES. 1895 (XXXII-O/02)
Study on the access of persons to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

AG/RES. 1896 (XXXII-O/02)
Human rights and the environment in the Americas

AG/RES. 1897 (XXXII-O/02)
Study of the rights and the care of persons under any form of detention or imprisonment

AG/RES. 1898 (XXXII-O/02)
The human rights of all migrant workers and their families

AG/RES. 1899 (XXXII-O/02)
Cooperation between the Organization of American States and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

AG/RES. 1900 (XXXII-O/02)
Promotion of the International Criminal Court

AG/RES. 1901 (XXXII-O/02)
Declaration of La Paz on Decentralization and on Strengthening Regional and Municipal Administrations and Participation of Civil Society

AG/RES. 1902 (XXXII-O/02)
Cooperation in the prevention and settlement of maritime boundary disputes among member states in the Caribbean Region.

AG/RES. 1903 (XXXII-O/02)
Consolidation of the Regime Established in the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco)

AG/RES. 1904 (XXXII-O/02)
Promotion of and respect for international humanitarian law

AG/RES. 1905 (XXXII-O/02)
Prevention of racism and all forms of discrimination and intolerance and consideration of the preparation of an inter-American draft convention

AG/RES. 1906 (XXXII-O/02)
Human rights and terrorism

AG/RES. 1907 (XXXII-O/02)
Promotion of democracy

AG/RES. 1908 (XXXII-O/02)
Special conference on security

AG/RES. 1909 (XXXII-O/02)
The program-budget of the Organization for 2003; quotas and contributions to the Voluntary Fund for 2003

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