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AG/RES. 1873 (XXXII-O/02)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session held on June 4, 2002) 


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on the Career Service, CP/doc.3601/02; 


            That by Resolution AG/RES. 1596 (XXVIII-O/98), the General Assembly requested the Permanent Council, with the assistance of the General Secretariat, to prepare a study with recommendations on the career service policy of the General Secretariat for review by the General Assembly at its twenty-ninth regular session; 

            That the General Assembly has renewed its request to the Permanent Council to prepare and present for its review the study on career service policy by resolutions AG/RES. 1647 (XXIX-O/99), AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00), and AG/RES. 1839 (XXXI-O/01), and it has authorized the Permanent Council to adopt ad referendum of the General Assembly, “such amendments to the General Standards and Staff Rules as are necessary in order to implement a career service system and a personnel policy more in keeping with the needs and interest of the Organization and with the principles established in the Charter”;

            That to assist the Permanent Council in studying the Career Service, the Secretary General presented the “Report of the Secretary General on a Consensus Proposal for Redefining the Career Service in the OAS General Secretariat,” CP/doc.3469/01, in May 2001 (“the Consensus Proposal”), which was prepared by a joint working group of the Staff Association and the Administration; 

That at the request of the Permanent Council, the General Secretariat has presented other valuable documents for evaluating current career service policy and proposals for changing it; 


            That a dedicated, committed, and competent staff is the General Secretariat’s most vital asset; 

            That as stated in the Secretary General’s Consensus Proposal, “an enterprise committed to keeping employees that it no longer needs and cannot quickly and economically retrain becomes inefficient and noncompetitive with other organizations that provide similar services,” that “the public sector must take measures to maintain organizational competitiveness to avoid further reductions and job loss;” and that “the OAS General Secretariat must demonstrate to its supporters and constituencies that it is able to deliver services at a level competitive with that offered by other potential providers”; 

            That as also stated in the Secretary General’s Consensus Proposal, “a career service system must be flexible enough to meet the demands of future direction while ensuring the development and retention of its institutional memory and, as well, provide for the selection and growth of the people who will implement that future direction;” and that “it is in the interest of the Organization to support job security for its staff, to the extent that such security does not materially effect its competitiveness and efficiency”; 

            That the Consensus Proposal advises that, “it is not feasible to abolish the career service and establish a new system which would modify the rights and preferences of staff members already in the career service, unless the basic job security protections which attach to current career service status are maintained for those staff members”; 

            That other international organizations are moving towards eliminating permanent appointments and replacing them with Continuing Contracts, which may be terminated at any time for cause, subject to the payment of an indemnity in all cases except termination for serious misconduct; 

            That both the Career Service and the Consensus Proposal, which proposes replacing Career Service Appointments with “Indefinite Appointments,” do not sufficiently address the Organization’s current needs for flexibility and competitiveness because they both require time-consuming and costly systems for protecting the preferential placement and retention rights of Staff, or in the case of the Consensus Proposal, of staff with “Indefinite Appointments”; 

            That the elimination of the Career Service Appointment within the OAS General Secretariat and its replacement with a Continuing Contract similar to that which is currently under consideration at the United Nations and other Inter-American Organizations, is more consistent with the Organization’s financial condition and its needs for institutional competitiveness, flexibility, and its ability to recruit and retain competent staff than the Consensus Proposal; and 

That the replacement of the Career Service Appointments by a Continuing Contract as the employment mechanism for current and future non-Career Service Staff members seeking greater job stability than that provided under fixed-term contracts should take into account the special needs and circumstances of the Organization and fully respect the acquired rights of current Career Service Staff, 


            1.         To close the Career Service and phase it out by attrition in accordance with the following provisions: 

a.         The members of the Career Service shall include only those staff members who entered the Career Service prior to June 30, 1994, and who are still members of the Career Service as of June 30, 2002; 

b.         Pursuant to Article 18.b.iv of the General Standards, all career service vacancies, also known as “career service slots,” are hereby eliminated, and future career service vacancies that occur as a result of the separation from service of Career Staff members shall be automatically eliminated and not be assigned to any other staff members; 

c.         All Career Service Staff members as defined in section “a” above shall retain their acquired rights under the Career Service provisions in force prior to the adoption of this resolution. 

            2.         To create under Article 17 of the General Standards a new type of employment known as the “Continuing Contract,” as further described in Article 19 of the Amendments to Chapter III of the General Standards attached to this Resolution. 

            3.         To adopt the Amendments to Chapter III of the General Standards attached to this Resolution. 

4.         To instruct the Secretary General to modify the Staff Rules as required to reflect the Amendments to Chapter III of the General Standards attached to this Resolution, and to inform the Permanent Council of those modifications.  Any such modification which requires additional personnel expenditures other than the modification of Staff Rule 110.7 to accommodate the termination indemnity expressly approved in Article 19 of the amended General Standards, shall not enter into force without the Permanent Council’s approval. 

5.         To instruct the Secretary General to establish a Special Fund to which unused authorizations from Object 1 of the Program Budget shall be transferred at the end of 2002 to finance a reserve for termination indemnities and other termination entitlements for Career Service Staff and staff on Continuing Contracts.  At the end of 2003, the General Secretariat shall report on how the funds were used to the Permanent Council, which will determine if this process should be renewed in following years. Unless authorized by the Permanent Council, the amount that may be held in that Special Fund shall not exceed two percent of the amount budgeted for Object 1 in any given year. 

6.         To reiterate the need for appropriate geographical representation of General Secretariat Staff, and to request the Secretary General to implement this mandate, as set forth in Article 120 of the Charter. 

7.         To request the Secretary General to submit a Report before the next regular session of the General Assembly with Proposals for human resources management reform to the Permanent Council.  The Report should address, inter alia, the following concerns: 

a.         Increasing responsibility and accountability of staff members at all levels; 

b.         Building strong leadership skills of all employees of the organization, especially those in positions of management and supervision;

c.         Providing opportunities for the professional development of all staff members; 

d.                   Ensuring strict adherence to the newly implemented performance evaluation system and its use as a tool for strengthening professional development; and 

e.         Revising the current recruitment process to require Human Resources to set up a system to refer only the best qualified candidates for selection.  

8.         To instruct the General Secretariat to issue the Personnel Register to all member states and Department Heads on a quarterly basis and to include statistics on average grade and ratio of supervisors to employees for each dependency of the General Secretariat and for the General Secretariat as a whole, together with statistics on the distribution of staff members by fund, grade, gender, and geographic distribution.  Geographic distribution statistics shall be computed by methods similar to those used by other major international organizations and shall include both country of origin and nationality. 

9.         To instruct the Secretary General to strengthen the transparency and rigor of the competition and recruitment process for long-term contracts funded by the Regular Fund by amending the Staff Rules to provide that: 

a.          All appointments to long-terms contracts financed by the Regular Fund shall be made by way of competition in accordance with the external recruitment process, which shall include advertisement of the post on the internet, timely and immediate notification of the recruitment announcement to the Permanent Missions to the OAS, and other effective means of publicizing the recruitment notice. Nonetheless, appointments to reclassified posts funded by the Regular Fund and already occupied by a qualified incumbent under a long-term contract, Continuing Contract, or Career Service Appointment, may proceed by way of competition in accordance with the internal recruitment process;  

b.                   Every candidate in a competition for a professional-level long term contract financed by the Regular Fund who has been certified by the Department of Human Resources Services as satisfying the minimum requirements for the post and has been ranked among the top three candidates by the Director who requested the recruitment shall be required to submit to a personal or a teleconference interview by a panel of three or more persons.  The panel shall include the Director of the Department that requested the recruitment, a specialist from the Department of Human Resource Services, and a member of the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion.  The panel shall report the interview results to the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion, which shall take them into account in its evaluation of the candidates.  The Secretariat shall not pay or otherwise reimburse candidates for their interview-related expenses from the Regular Fund. 

c.                   In every phase of the recruitment process the importance of obtaining as wide a geographic representation as possible shall be taken into account.

10.        The Following Transitional Provisions shall apply to Article 19 of the General Standards with regard to Personnel on Continuing Contracts: 

a.          For purposes only of determining eligibility for a Continuing Contract under Section (a) of Article 19 of the General Standards and for inclusion in the "Eligibility List" under Section (b) of that Article, staff members in Regular Fund Posts who began service under fixed-term contracts prior to January 1, 2000, who have been selected for a long term contract by competition, who have more than five years of continuous service under either long-term or short-term contracts financed by the Regular Fund since July 1, 1997, and who as of June 30, 2002, are serving under a long term contract financed by the Regular Fund, shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement for five years of continuous service since appointment to a long-term Regular Fund contract by competition. The reference to fixed term contracts in this provision includes “contracts for a limited time”. 

b.          For purposes only of determining the seniority of each of the staff members covered by Paragraph (a) above for placement on the Eligibility List, the Secretariat shall use the date which is twelve months after the date upon which the staff member began service under his/her first-fixed-term Regular Fund contract in the series of continuous fixed-term Regular Fund contracts under which he/she has served continuously for at least five years. 

c.          For 2002 only, the 40% minimum Target Percentage set out in Sections (c) and (d) of Article 19 of the General Standards shall be 48%.





Article 17.  Types of Personnel and Other Human Resources 

            The Human Resources of the General Secretariat include its Personnel hired under employment contracts and Independent Contractors retained under Performance Contracts: 

a.         Personnel (also “staff members”):  The personnel of the General Secretariat shall include only the following: 

i.          Career Service Personnel, appointed to the Career Service under Article 18 of the General Standards or its predecessor provision prior to June 30, 1994, and who were still members of the Career Service as of June 30, 2002; 

ii.          Personnel on Continuing Contracts, in accordance with Article 19 of these General Standards; 

iii.         Personnel on Fixed Term Contracts, including Series A and Series B Contracts, contracted in accordance with Article 20 of these General Standards; 

iv.         Trust Personnel, appointed at the discretion of the Secretary General in accordance with Article 21 of these General Standards; 

v.          Local Professional Personnel, contracted in accordance with Article 22 of these General Standards;

 vi.         Temporary support Personnel, contracted in accordance with Article 23 of these General Standards; 

vii.        Associate Personnel, retained under an Agreement with an institution participating in programs of common interest, in accordance with Article 24 of these General Standards. 

b.         Independent Contractors:  Persons contracted to provide work product or services to the General Secretariat under a Performance Contract (also known as a “CPR”) are independent contractors.  They are not staff members, personnel, or employees of the General Secretariat.  The Performance Contract does not create an employment relationship between the General Secretariat and a person. 

c.         Financing:  As stated in Chapter V of these General Standards, personnel are funded under Objects 1 and 2 of the Regular Fund Program Budget.  Performance contracts with Independent Contractors are funded under Object 8 of the Regular Fund Program Budget.  Contracts for Independent Contractors and for Personnel other than those in the Career Service or under Continuing Contracts may be funded by the Special Multilateral Fund for the Inter-American Council for Integral Development and specific funds, subject to the special provisions governing those funds in each case.   

Article 18.  Career Service Personnel 

a.         Phase-out of Career Service:  The Career Service is permanently closed and is being phased out by attrition.  It includes only those staff members who were appointed to the Career Service under this Article of the General Standards or its predecessor provision prior to June 30, 1994, and who were still members of the Career Service as of June 30, 2002 (“Career Service Personnel” or “Career Service members”).  There are no Career Service vacancies.  As current Career Service Personnel leave the service, their Career Service designations, also known as “Career Service vacancies,” shall be automatically eliminated and shall not be assigned to any other staff members; 

            b.         Special Rights of Career Service Personnel 

i.          The status of the Career Service member is independent of the post, function, or tasks performed.  Consequently, without losing his/her career status, any Career Service member shall perform any function or task or hold any post corresponding to his/her grade to which the Secretary General may assign to him/ her, taking into account his/her abilities and the needs of the service. 

ii.          No staff member other than those described in section “a” above, regardless of the terms of the contract or the nature of the functions or tasks he/she is performing or has performed, may be considered a Career Service member; 

iii.         Inherent in the status of Career Service member is the right not to be separated from the General Secretariat except on any of the grounds expressly set forth in these General Standards. 

iv.         The Secretary General shall give preferential consideration to members of the Career Service, and other conditions being equal, to those of greatest seniority in it, to fill vacancies and to continue in service when reductions are made in the staff of the General Secretariat. 

v.          The General Secretariat shall encourage and assist the members of the Career Service to improve their skills and qualifications. 

vi.         All promotions of Career Service personnel shall be made by competition in which the evaluation of previous work performance in the General Secretariat shall be taken into account.  The competition shall be subject to the provisions on selection contained in Article 44 of these General Standards. 

vii.        Career Service members shall participate in the Organization’s Retirement and Pension Plan, in accordance with the Provisions of that Plan. 

c.         Salary and Other Benefits:  The salary and other emoluments of Career Service personnel are set out in Articles 40, 48-52, and 61-62, together with the corresponding provisions in the Staff Rules.

Article 19.  Personnel Appointed Under Continuing Contracts 

a.         Eligibility:  Staff members who have already been selected by competition for a post financed by the Regular Fund and who have worked for the General Secretariat under a fixed term contract or series of fixed term contracts for at least five continuous years since that competition may be contracted under a Continuing Contract, provided: 

i.          The staff member has observed good conduct; 

ii.          The staff member has not received any unsatisfactory performance evaluations for the last three years and not more than one during his/her entire service with the General Secretariat;  

iii.         The staff member has passed language proficiency exams administered by the appropriate dependency of the Secretariat for Management in at least two of the following languages:  English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish;  

iv.         The staff member has, since joining the staff of the Secretariat, satisfied the training requirements for his/her duties, and has kept his/her skills up to date as necessary for the efficient and competent performance of those duties.  

v.          The contract is to be financed in full by the Regular Fund, and based on reasonable projections provided by the Assistant Secretariat for Management, full Regular Fund financing for the contract is likely to continue for at least three years; and 

vi.         The staff member has requested a Continuing Contract and the Director of the area in which the staff member is working or to which the staff member is to be assigned upon receiving that Contract has recommended the staff member for the Contract, based on the staff member’s skills in relation to program needs. 

b.         Eligibility List:       The General Secretariat shall maintain a list of all eligible staff members by order of seniority.   The order of seniority shall be based on length of continuous service from the date the eligible staff member was first appointed by competition to a post under a fixed-term contract financed by the Regular Fund.  The General Secretariat shall regularly review and modify the list to add new eligible candidates and remove those who have since become ineligible, and it shall provide copies of the current list to interested staff members upon request. 

c.         The Target Percentage:  The Target Percentage is the percentage of staff members employed under Career Service Appointments and Continuing Contracts in the General Secretariat.  It is computed by dividing the number of staff members with Career Appointments and Continuing Contracts by the entire number of staff members financed by the Regular Fund under Articles 17(a)(i) – (iv) of these General Standards --  Career Service Personnel; Personnel on Continuing Contracts; Personnel on Fixed Term Contracts; and Trust Personnel. The Target Percentage shall have a range of between 40% and 50%.   No staff member shall be awarded a Continuing Contract if it will cause the Target Percentage to exceed 50%, and the Secretariat shall maintain the Target Percentage so that it does not fall below 40% by way of the process of appointment described below.  

d.         Process of Appointment:  The following provisions shall govern the appointment process: 

i.          The Secretary General shall review the Eligibility List in April and October of each year. If the Target Percentage at that time is below 40%, the Secretary General shall award the  number of Continuing Contracts necessary to bring the Target Percentage back to 40%; and if the Target Percentage at that time is below 50%, the Secretary General may  at his/her discretion award additional Continuing Contracts until the 50% Target Percentage is reached.  All those appointments shall be made by order of seniority from the Eligibility List, and shall enter into force on the first day of the following semester; 

ii.          The Secretary General may not issue any Continuing Contracts during a Reduction in Force mandated by the General Assembly; 

iii.         No staff member may be awarded a Continuing Contract until the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion established under Article 44 of these General Standards: 

(a)          Has conducted, by way of the plenary or a special subcommittee of its members appointed for this purpose, an interview of the candidate and has concluded, based on its examination of the candidate in the interview (which may include questions about the candidate’s work, training,  contributions to the General Secretariat to date and his/her profession), that the candidate is suitable for a Continuing Contract; and 

(b)          Has certified to the Secretary General:  (i) that the staff member currently meets the eligibility requirements in section “a” above; (ii) that the staff member is suitable for a Continuing Contract based on the interview described in part “a” of this section above; (iii) that the staff member has the appropriate seniority on the Eligibility List to receive the Contract; and (iv) that the awarding of the Contract  will not exceed the Fifty Percent Target Ratio.   

            e.         Duration, Termination, and Indemnification 

i.          Prior to reaching his/her sixty-fifth birthday, a staff member on a Continuing Contract may be terminated from service by the Secretary General only for cause. 

ii.          A Continuing Contract shall expire without notice or right of indemnity on the final day of the semester in which the staff member employed under that contract reaches his/her sixty-fifth birthday. 

iii.         Termination for cause shall entitle the staff member with a Continuing Contract to sixty-days’ notice and a separation indemnity, except under those conditions under which an indemnity is not payable under Article 62 of these General Standards.  The indemnity shall equal one month of basic salary for each year of continuous service immediately prior to separation up to a maximum of nine months. 

            f.          Mobility and Reemployment 

i.          A staff member with a Continuing Contract who is transferred to or promoted to another post in the General Secretariat fully funded by the Regular Fund shall remain contracted under that Continuing Contract.  A staff member on a Continuing Contract who is transferred or promoted to a post financed by non-Regular Fund sources has no right to remain under the Continuing Contract; however, in those cases where the statutes of the corresponding funds and the needs and resources of those funds permit the establishment of a reserve to pay the staff member’s termination entitlements accrued while in that post, the Secretary General may allow the staff member to retain the Continuing Contract.  

ii.          A staff member whose Continuing Contract is terminated and who is subsequently selected by way of competition to fill a Regular Fund post in the General Secretariat may rejoin the staff of the General Secretariat under a Continuing Contract provided he/she had good conduct, had not received an unsatisfactory performance evaluation while serving under a Continuing Contract, and the post for which he/she has been selected satisfies the requirement set out in Section a(iv) of this Article above.   

iii          The number of months of basic salary of any separation indemnity paid at the termination of a Continuing Contract shall be deducted from any separation indemnity that staff member may otherwise be entitled to receive under any future contract with the General Secretariat so that the staff member may not receive a total of number of months of basic salary as termination indemnity from the General Secretariat during his/her life-time in excess of the maximum nine months payable under these General Standards and the Staff Rules. 

iv.         The amount of any repatriation grant paid at the termination of a Continuing Contact shall be deducted from any repatriation grant entitlement that the staff member may otherwise have under any future contracts with the General Secretariat so that the staff member may not receive during his/her life-time a total number of weeks of basic salary as repatriation grant in excess of the maximum payable under the Staff Rules in accordance with his/her dependency status. 

g.         Pension Rights:  Staff members on Continuing Contracts are required to join the OAS Retirement and Pension Plan. 

h.         Promotion:  Staff members on Continuing Contracts may only be promoted by way of the competitive selection process subject to the provisions on selection contained Article 44 of these General Standards. 

i.          Training:  The General Secretariat shall encourage and assist the staff members on Continuing Contracts in improving their skills and qualifications, subject to the availability of resources allocated for that purpose in the Program-Budget. 

j.          Salary and Other Benefits:  The salary and other emoluments of personnel on Continuing Contracts are set out in Articles 40, 48-52, and 61-62, together with the corresponding provisions in the Staff Rules. 

Article 20.         Personnel Appointed Under Fixed Term Contracts 

a.         General Characteristics:  A fixed term contract is an employment contract for a specific term of days, months, or years expressly stated in the contract.  It may be for a term up to five years in duration.  It expires without notice upon the termination date stated in the contract or stated on any extension or renewal thereof.  There is no right to renewal, but it may be renewed at the discretion of the Secretary General.  It may be terminated only for cause as stated in these General Standards and the Staff Rules. 

b.         Fixed Term Contracts may be either Series A Contracts or Series B Contracts, as further specified below: 

i.          Series A Contracts:  Series A Contracts are contracts for up to three years and under which the staff member is not appointed through the competitive selection process in Article 44 of these General Standards.  No staff member may serve for more than three years under one or more Series A Contracts funded by the Regular Fund, regardless of whether the service is non-consecutive or consecutive.  Series A Contracts also include Special Observer Contracts specifically governed by additional limitations established under the Staff Rules and pertinent administrative issuances of the General Secretariat. 

ii.          Series B Contracts:  Series B Contracts are contracts for periods of between one and five years.  There are two types of Series B Contracts:– those financed by the Regular Fund and those financed by funds other than the Regular Fund (Other Funds”). 

(a)        Series B Contracts Funded by the Regular Fund:  Series B Contracts funded by the Regular fund are filled by competition under Article 44 of the General Standards. 

(b)        Series B Contracts Funded by Other Funds:  Series B Contracts funded by Other Funds are filled by competition, unless exempted in those cases in which a competition is deemed inconvenient in accordance with procedures established in the Staff Rules.  

c.         Salary and Other Benefits:  The salary and other emoluments of personnel on Fixed-Term Contracts are set out in Articles 40, 48-52, and 61-62, together with the corresponding provisions in the Staff Rules.  Staff members on Series A Contracts are ineligible for the dependency allowance and their salary is computed under the salary scale for staff members without dependents. 

Article 21.  Trust Personnel 

a.         Identification of Trust Positions  The following shall be considered positions of trust: the Executive Secretary for Integral Development designated Director General of the IACD, as well as the Assistant Secretaries, the advisors to the Secretary General and to the Assistant Secretary General, and the directors and deputy directors of such departments as the Secretary General may determine.[3] 

            b.         Description and Special Provisions

i.          Staff members in positions of trust are appointed at the discretion of the Secretary General to hold the posts that these General Standards define as positions of trust.  Trust appointments shall last as long as the Secretary General is in office and the appointees enjoy his/her confidence. 

ii           The Secretary General may appoint to a position of trust any staff member, whether or not he/she is a member of the Career Service, or anyone outside the General Secretariat.  

iii.         When the Secretary General terminates the services of a person who holds a position of trust, he/she shall give the person concerned the notice provided for in Article 59 of these General Standards, except in the case of a member of the Career Service.  In the latter case, the member of the Career Service shall have the right to continue in that Service in a post of the same grade as that of the post he held before his appointment.  

iv.         Unlike other positions of trust under this article, the appointment to the position of Executive Secretary for Integral Development (the Director General of the IACD) shall be for a term of four years, renewable once for a period of up to four years and terminable only for cause, as provided under Article 12 of the IACD Statutes.  Cause shall include insubordination, failure to observe the rules and regulations of the General Secretariat and of the IACD, failure to perform assigned functions to the satisfaction of the Management Board, and such other causes as are stated in these General Standards and the Staff Rules. Such termination shall not require the convocation of a disciplinary committee under Article 53 of the General Standards and the corresponding Staff Rules.[4

v.          A staff member under a Continuing Contract and who is appointed to a Position of Trust shall maintain his/her Continuing Contract status while in the Position of Trust, and subject to agreement with the Secretary General, may, upon the termination of the Trust Appointment, be placed under a Continuing Contract in a non-Trust position at the grade he/she had immediately prior to accepting the Trust Appointment .  

c.           Salary and other Benefits:  The salary and other emoluments of personnel on Trust Appointments are set out in Articles 40, 48-52, and 61-62, together with the corresponding provisions in the Staff Rules. 

Article 22.  Local Professional Personnel 

a.         General Description:  Local professional staff members are persons with professional degrees contracted as specialists to work in accordance with the labor laws of the country in which they provide services as determined by the Secretary General.   

b.         Special Provisions, Salary and Benefits:  Unless otherwise expressly stated in these General Standards, in the document of appointment issued pursuant to Article 25 of these General Standards, the Staff Rules, and other administrative issuances of the Secretary General, the benefits and rights accorded all other staff members under the General Standards, the resolutions of the General Assembly, the Staff Rules, and other administrative issuances of the Secretary General shall not apply to local professional staff members;  

Article 23.  Temporary Support Personnel [5] 

a.         General Description:  Temporary Support Personnel who are contracted locally and to the extent feasible, in accordance with the conditions of the duty station in which they serve, for the sole purpose of providing support services to temporary projects, observer missions, and other temporary activities carried out by the General Secretariat in the Member States.[2] 

b.         Special Provisions, Salary, and Benefits:  Appointments of individuals as Temporary Support Personnel ("TSP") shall be governed by the following provisions: 

i.          TSPs are not funded by Regular Fund resources; however, under exceptional circumstances as determined by the Secretary General, they may be funded under a specific temporary project supported in part by the Regular Fund. The General Secretariat shall include in the amount budgeted for each TSP the necessary reserves for all benefits required under the local laws of the duty station, including, but not limited to, termination benefits, accumulated vacation, and termination notice. 

ii.          Periods of employment under a TSP shall not be counted for determining eligibility for career service nor for any other purpose. 

iii.         TSPs shall not be participants in the OAS Retirement and Pension Fund; however, they shall participate in the social security system provided under the laws of the duty station. In the event such participation is unfeasible, TSPs shall be provided a monthly lump sum payment equal to the value of the required contributions to the national social security system, or, alternatively, and as determined by  the Secretary General, TSPs shall participate in the Provident Plan or other retirement-savings plans established by the General Secretariat for temporary employees and in insurance programs provided by the General Secretariat for temporary employees. 

iv.         Salaries for TSPs shall be established in accordance with market conditions at a level no lower than the amount paid for work of a similar nature under the corresponding national legislation of the duty station, and no greater than the salaries paid by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for work of a similar nature. 

v.          The following articles of the General Standards shall not apply to TSPs, unless otherwise stated in their individual employment contracts: Article 18 (Career Service); Article 38 (Classification of Posts); Article 40 (Salaries); Article 43 (Medical Examination); Article 44 (Selection to Fill Vacant Posts); Article 46 (Probationary Period); Article 48 (Vacations); Article 49 (Leave); Article 50 (Social Security); Article 51 (Travel, Installation, and Repatriation expenses); Article 58 (Notice); and Article 61 (Separation Indemnity). 

vi.         Unless otherwise provided by Executive Order or the express terms of the Contract Document under which a TSP is contracted, the Staff Rules shall not apply to TSPs. 

Article 24.  Associate Personnel 

a.         General Description:  Associate staff members, who are persons appointed primarily to perform functions of a professional, technical, administrative, or scientific nature, in accordance with agreements or contracts concluded with other institutions participating in programs of common interest, or to provide services ad honorem with authorization of the institutions to which they belong.  Associate staff members are considered staff members solely for the purposes of securing for them the privileges and immunities necessary for them to carry out their functions as personnel of the General Secretariat to the extent permitted under the corresponding agreements on privileges and immunities with the member states and for integrating them into the administrative structure of the project or activity to which they are assigned.  They are not staff members for any other reason. 

b.         Special Provisions, Salary, and Other Benefits:  Associate staff members  are not entitled to any of the rights and benefits of staff members set out in these General Standards and the Staff Rules.  The terms of their relationship with the General Secretariat, including their compensation and emoluments, shall be established exclusively in the agreement between the institution to which they belong and the General Secretariat. 

Article 25.  Document of Appointment 

            At the time they are appointed or hired, staff members and the Secretary General or his authorized representative shall jointly sign a document that shall state the nature and conditions of the appointment or contract.   Such document shall be in conformity with these Standards and with the applicable provisions in force, including the resolutions of the General Assembly. 


Article 26.  Subjection to the Authority of the Secretary General 

            With respect to the performance of their duties, staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary General. 

Article 27.  Status of International Civil Servants 

            The staff members of the General Secretariat are international civil servants and, in the performance of their duties, are responsible only to the General Secretariat.  In accepting appointment to a position in the General Secretariat, they shall undertake to perform their duties and to regulate their conduct in conformity with the nature, purposes, and interests of the Organization.   

Article 28.  Autonomy in the Performance of Duties 

            In the performance of their duties, staff members shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any authority outside the Organization. 

Article 29.  Limitation of Activities 

            Personnel shall refrain from any action that may be incompatible with their position as staff members of the Organization.  In this regard, they may not conduct any activity that the Secretary General considers undesirable from the standpoint of the efficient performance of their duties or the prestige of the Organization.    

Article 30.  Public Activities and Statements 

            Staff members shall not act or express themselves publicly in any way that might damage or adversely affect the member states. 

Article 31.  Discretion 

            Staff members shall exercise the utmost discretion with respect to all matters of official business.  They shall not communicate to any person any restricted information except in the course of their duties or in accordance with the procedure for so doing established by the Secretary General.  Nor shall they at any time use such information to private advantage.  These obligations undertaken by staff members do not cease upon separation from service. 

Article 32.  Provision of Services and Acceptance of Benefits 

            No staff member shall render services to any government or entity under conditions other than those specifically approved by the Secretary General.  No staff member may accept a decoration from any government.  Neither may he/she accept honors, awards, remuneration, favors, or gifts when, in the opinion of the Secretary General, this is incompatible with his status as an international civil servant or with the interests of the Organization. No staff member shall be seconded to another international organization, governmental agency, or other entity unless the entity to which the staff member is seconded first agrees to reimburse the full cost of salary and benefits of the staff member as well as any other expenses incurred by the General Secretariat in relation to the secondment.[6]

Article 33.  Nomination for Elective Public Office 

            The acceptance by a staff member of nomination to an elective public office of a political character shall imply the staff member’s resignation from his/her post in the General Secretariat. 

Article 34.  Acceptance of a Governmental Post 

            The acceptance by a staff member of appointment to a governmental post shall imply his resignation from his/her post in the General Secretariat. 

Article 35.  Statement of Loyalty 

            Before beginning work, every staff member shall sign a statement in which he/she undertakes to perform his/her duties in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and of these Standards and other pertinent provisions. 

Article 36.  Government Influence and Support 

            No staff member may seek the influence or support of a representative on an organ or other entity of the Organization, or of any government, in matters affecting the administration of or discipline in the General Secretariat.  All questions regarding these matters shall be settled in accordance with the applicable regulations. 

Article 37.  Privileges and Immunities 

            The privileges and immunities that should be granted to the staff members of the General Secretariat, necessary for the performance of their duties, shall be determined by multilateral agreements among the member states or bilateral agreements between the General Secretariat and the member states. 


Article 38.  Classification of Posts.  The Secretary General shall issue the administrative provisions for the classification of posts in the professional and general services categories in accordance with the resolutions of the General Assembly and the nature of the pertinent duties and responsibilities.  The Secretary General shall include in the proposed program-budget the necessary funds for an audit of classifications of all posts, which shall be conducted at least once every four or six years and completed no later than six months prior to the Preparatory Committee's review of the proposed program-budget for the following fiscal period. 

Article 39.  Work Performance Evaluation.  Staff members’ work performance shall be evaluated periodically.  Accordingly, the Secretary General shall issue regulations for an evaluation system pursuant to the provisions of Article 120 of the Charter, which provide for: 

a.         Evaluation of the staff at least once a year; 

b.         The manner of conducting the evaluation process and its stages; 

c.         The guarantees for the staff subject to evaluation; and 

d.         The consequences of the evaluation process. 

Article 40.  Salaries 

a.         The salaries in force for the staff of the General Secretariat shall be the salaries in force at the United Nations Secretariat, to the extent stated below as permitted within the framework of resolution AG/RES. 1319 (XXV-O/95), entitled "Modification and Clarification of Resolutions AG/RES. 1275 (XXIV-O/94) and CP/RES. 631 (989/94) for the Modification of the General Secretariat's Staff Compensation System." 

b.         The salary scales in force for net basic salaries shall be those applied by the United Nations Secretariat for the corresponding duty station, based on salary schedules recommended by the International Civil Service Commission. 

c.         The post adjustment schedules adopted for the United Nations Secretariat shall apply to the staff of the OAS General Secretariat. 

d.         Pensionable remuneration, as set forth in the salary scales, shall be computed under the formula established in accordance with the objectives of the Retirement and Pension Plan and the resolutions of the General Assembly. 

e.         The basic salary for the Secretary General shall be computed on July 1, 1995, by deducting from the June 30, 1995, OAS remuneration (basic salary plus cost-of-living adjustment and 2 percent transition payment) the corresponding UN post adjustment factors for Washington, D.C.  Subsequent increases in basic salary shall correspond with the decisions of the United Nations to incorporate post adjustment factors into basic salary for all professional level staff members, and the post adjustment factors for Washington, D.C., shall apply to those basic salaries. 

f.          The basic salary on the scale for staff with dependents for the Assistant Secretary General and the Assistant Secretaries shall be computed on July 1, 1995, by deducting from the June 30, 1995 OAS remuneration for those positions (basic salary plus COLA and 2 percent transition payment) the corresponding UN post adjustment factors for Washington, D.C.  Basic salaries for those positions on the “without dependent” scales shall be 90.3 percent of the basic salaries on the scales for a staff with dependents for those positions.  Subsequent increases in basic salary shall correspond with the decisions of the United Nations to incorporate post adjustment factors into basic salary for all professional level members, and the post adjustment factors for Washington, D.C., shall apply to those basic salaries.[7] 

g.         Upon consultation with the Management Board of the IACD, and as provided under applicable budgetary provisions, the Secretary General shall establish the basic salary of the Executive Secretary for Integral Development (the Director General of the IACD).  The basic salary so established shall be based on conditions applicable to comparable positions in other international organizations, but shall not be equal to or more than the basic salary of the Assistant Secretary General.  It shall also incorporate the post adjustment factors for Washington, D. C. applicable to all staff members in the professional category.[8] 

h.         In addition to the basic salary and other benefits established in these Standards and the other rules and regulations of the General Secretariat for professional staff, the Secretary General, in consultation with the Management Board, may provide the Executive Secretary for Integral Development (Director General of the IACD) with additional emoluments, in accordance with the availability of the resources of the IACD.[9] 


Article 41.  Basic Conditions 

a.         In selecting the personnel of the General Secretariat, first consideration shall be given to efficiency, competence, and integrity; but at the same time, in the recruitment of personnel of all ranks, importance shall be given to the necessity of obtaining as wide a geographical representation as possible. 

b.         Persons shall be selected for appointment as staff members without regard to race, creed, or sex. 

Article 42.  Nationality 

            Staff members shall be chosen from among nationals of the member states, except in special cases where the needs of the service require the appointment of nationals of other states. 

Article 43.  Medical Examination.  In order to be appointed to the staff of the General Secretariat, the candidate must first prove by means of a medical examination that he meets the physical and health requirements necessary to perform his duties.  

Article 44.  Selection to Fill Vacant Posts [10

            The following provisions shall govern selection of staff members to fill vacant posts, in accordance with articles 113 and 120 of the Charter: 

a.         Except as provided in Section b. below, the Secretary General shall fill all vacant posts in the General Secretariat by competition, with the advice of the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotions appointed by the Secretary General.  The President of the Staff Association shall be a member of that Committee and all subcommittees thereof. 

b.         The Secretary General may fill the following vacant posts without competition: 

i.          Positions of Trust, regardless of the source of funding; 

ii.          Posts to be filled by staff members under a Series A Contract,  regardless of the source of funding; and

iii.         All other posts financed by funds other than the Regular Fund (“Other Funds”); however a post filled by a staff member under a Series B Contract financed by Other Funds is not exempt unless the competition requirement is deemed inconvenient in accordance with procedures established in the Staff Rules. 

c.         Any person who has served under Series A Contracts financed by the Regular Fund for a total of three years is ineligible to continue serving the General Secretariat under such contracts, unless that person is selected through competition. 

d.         All appointments to Series B contracts financed by the Regular Fund shall be made by way of competition in accordance with the external recruitment process, which shall include advertisement of the post on the internet, timely and immediate notification of the recruitment announcement to the Permanent Missions to the OAS, and other effective means of publicizing the recruitment notice; nonetheless, appointments to reclassified posts funded by the Regular Fund and already occupied by a qualified incumbent under a Series B Contract, Continuing Contract, or Career Service Appointment, may proceed by way of competition in accordance with the internal recruitment process;  

e.         Every candidate in a competition for a professional-level Series B Contract financed by the Regular Fund who has been certified by the Department of Human Resources Services as satisfying the minimum requirements for the post and has been ranked among the top three candidates by the Director who requested the recruitment shall be required to submit to a personal or a teleconference interview by a panel of three or more persons.  The panel shall include the Director of the Department that requested the recruitment, a specialist from the Department of Human Resource Services, and a member of the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion.  The panel shall report the interview results to the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion, which shall take them into account in its evaluation of the candidates.  The Secretariat shall not pay or otherwise reimburse candidates for their interview-related expenses from the Regular Fund. 

f.          In every phase of the recruitment process, the importance of obtaining as wide a geographic representation as possible shall be taken into account. 

Article 45.  Preference in Filling Vacant Posts 

            In filling vacant posts, the Secretary General shall give preference, other conditions being equal, first to Career Service personnel, and second to the other staff members.   This preference shall not apply to staff members who are contracted under new contracts after June 30, 2002, or whose contracts are extended, or renewed after that date. 

Article 46.  Probationary Period 

a.         Persons appointed for a period of one year or more shall be required to serve a probationary period of six months, beginning on the day that they report for duty in the position.  In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by the Secretary General, but in no instance shall the probationary period exceed twelve months. 

b.         The Secretary General may terminate the appointment of a staff member who has not completed his probationary period, when he/she considers this advisable in the interest of the General Secretariat.  The probationary period requirement shall not apply to members of the Career Service or staff members on Continuing Contracts. 

Article 47.  Register of Staff Members 

            The General Secretariat shall distribute each quarter to the member states an up-to-date register of the staff members, by dependency, indicating name, type of employment, grade, nationality, country of origin, duty station, fund financing the post, gender, date of entry into the General Secretariat, and date of entry into the grade.  The register shall also include statistics on average grade and ratio of supervisors to employees for each dependency of the General Secretariat and for the Secretariat as a whole, together with statistics on the distribution of staff members by fund, grade, gender, and geographic distribution..  Geographic distribution statistics shall be computed by methods similar to those  used by  other international organizations and shall include both country of origin and nationality. 


Article 48.  Vacations 

a.         Staff members shall be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the following scale: 

i.            Those with 1 through 3 years of service: 21 working days; 

ii.           Those with 4 through 5 years of service: 24 working days; 

iii.          Those with more than 5 years of service: 30 working days. 

b.         The staff members may accumulate unused annual leave up to a maximum of sixty working days. 

Article 49.  Leave

            The Secretary General may authorize special leave in exceptional cases. 

Article 50.  Social Security 

            The General Secretariat shall maintain a system of social security for the staff which shall include, to the extent determined by the competent organs of the Organization, provisions for health protection, sick leave and maternity leave, reasonable compensation in the event of illness, accident, or death resulting from the performance of official duties in the service of the General Secretariat, and for retirement and pension or savings.    

Article 51.  Travel, Installation, and Repatriation Expenses 

            In accordance with the General Standards and the budgetary provisions established by the General Assembly, the General Secretariat shall pay travel, installation, and repatriation expenses of staff members and their dependents, and shall issue pertinent regulations.

Article 52.  Other Entitlements and Benefits 

            Staff members shall enjoy those other additional entitlements and benefits resulting from provisions or rules issued by the competent organs of the Organization in accordance with such general standards and budgetary provisions as may be established by the General Assembly.  The Secretary General may periodically recommend to the Permanent Council changes in benefits and benefit levels.  Changes in benefits and benefit levels shall not be binding on the Organization unless the corresponding funding is expressly provided for and itemized in the program-budget. 


Article 53.  The Staff Association and Staff Committee 

a.         In order to maintain continuing contact between the staff and the Secretary General, there shall be a Staff Association, made up of all the members of the staff of the General Secretariat.  The Staff Committee shall be the executive organ of the Association, and it shall be empowered to make proposals and to discuss them with the Secretary General or with the representative he designates, on all matters that are of common interest to the staff members or that affect their well-being, including their working conditions.    

b.         In the membership of the Staff Committee, equitable representation shall be given to the various categories of personnel included in the classification system.  The members of the Staff Committee shall be elected in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Association, adopted by the Association and approved by the Secretary General.    


Article 54.  Adoption of Disciplinary Measures 

            The Secretary General may adopt, in accordance with the pertinent regulatory provisions, disciplinary measures for unsatisfactory performance of work or for conduct not in conformity with these Standards. 

Article 55.  Types of Disciplinary Measures 

            Disciplinary measures shall consist of oral or written admonition, written censure, suspension, and dismissal. 

Article 56.  Advisory Committee on Disciplinary Measures 

            The Secretary General shall establish a committee to advise him on the subject and application of disciplinary measures.  The Staff Association shall be represented on that committee. 

Article 57.  Separation from Service 

            The Secretary General is empowered to terminate the appointment of a staff member: 

a.         In case of prolonged illness, in accordance with the pertinent regulatory provisions; 

b.         When with respect to a member of the Career Service it becomes necessary to abolish a post, as a result of the reduction in staff or of the reorganization of an office of the General Secretariat, after application of the provisions of articles 18(b)(v) and 45 of these Standards; 

c.         When, with respect to all staff members other than members of the Career Service: 

i           The post occupied by the staff member is either abolished or assigned to a member of the Career Service under Article 18(b)(v) as the result of a secretariat-wide reduction in force or the reorganization of an office; 

ii.          When the object of the staff member’s employment is to carry out a specific program or attain a stated purpose and the specific program ends or the stated purpose is attained; or 

iii.         When funding for the post occupied by the staff member is not approved in the Program Budget; and 

iv.         When the staff member’s post is reclassified to a higher level and the staff member is not selected in the competition to fill it. 

d.         When the staff member’s services are not satisfactory; 

e.         Whenever the staff member fails to fulfill the requirements of service contained in these General Standards, in the Staff Rules, or in his employment contract; 

f.          When he has attained the age of sixty-five; and 

g.         When, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary General, the Executive Secretary for Integral Development, the Assistant Secretaries, and the staff member's immediate supervisor, it is considered to be in the best interest of the Organization.  In this case, the staff member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Secretary General and shall be entitled to all the benefits and indemnities to which he would be entitled had his service been terminated for any of the other reasons specified in this article. 

Article 58.  Notice.  All staff members whose services are terminated under Article 57 above shall be entitled to a termination notice given prior to the effective termination date.  Notice period shall be sixty days for career staff members.  For all other staff members, the notice period shall be no less than seven days and no more than sixty days prior to the effective termination date, as determined by the General Secretariat and stated in the staff member’s Document of Appointment.[11] 

Article 59.  Summary dismissal

            The Secretary General may summarily dismiss any staff member for serious misconduct. 

Article 60.  Resignation

            A staff member may resign from his position in the General Secretariat by presenting his resignation to the Secretary General, with the advance notice stipulated in his document of appointment. 

Article 61.  Separation indemnity [12] 

            Except as provided in Article 63, the General Secretariat shall provide a separation indemnity to all members of the career service and to all other staff members who are separated from service after having been employed continuously for more than three years under fixed term contracts.  Such indemnity shall be calculated and paid in accordance with the pertinent Staff Rules.    

Article 62.  Inapplicability of Indemnity Provisions [13] 

            A separation indemnity shall not be paid when: 

a.         A staff member’s services are terminated during the probationary period of Article 46 of these Standards; 

b.         A staff member resigns;

 c.         A staff member under fixed-term contract is separated from service by way of termination or expiration of contract before completing more than three years of service under fixed term contracts; 

d.         A staff member’s appointment to a position of trust is terminated or otherwise expires in accordance with Article 21; 

e.         The staff member's services are terminated or the staff member is dismissed for serious misconduct, including, but not limited to: 

i.          Abandonment of post; 

ii.          Having made serious false statements related to the staff member’s employment;  

f.          The staff member is retired in accordance with the provisions for compulsory retirement of the Retirement and Pension Plan; 

g.         A staff member on a Continuing Contract is separated from service on or after his/her sixty-fifth birthday. 

Article 63.  Right to Hearing 

            Every staff member shall be entitled to a hearing with respect to the application of disciplinary measures or other administrative measures that affect his interests. 

Article 64.  Right to Reconsideration 

            Every staff member shall be entitled to request the Secretary General to reconsider any disciplinary measure taken against him, or any administrative measure with respect to which he alleges noncompliance with the conditions set forth in his appointment or with any pertinent provisions of these General Standards or of the Staff Rules. 

Article 65.  Advisory Committee on Reconsideration 

            The Secretary General shall establish a committee to advise him in those cases of reconsideration referred to in the preceding article.  The Staff Association shall be represented on that committee. 

Article 66.  Appeal to the Administrative Tribunal 

            When the procedures set forth in these Standards and in the other provisions in force in the General Secretariat have been exhausted, an interested party who considers himself injured shall have the right to appeal to the Administrative Tribunal of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of that Tribunal. 


Article 67.  Scope of the Term "Staff Members" 

            For the purposes of these General Standards, it shall be understood that the term "staff members" shall include the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary General, the Executive Secretary for Integral Development, and the Assistant Secretaries, in any matters that may be applicable to them. 

Article 68.  Applicability of the General Standards on Personnel Matters 

            The standards in this chapter shall apply, according to the provisions established in each one and unless otherwise stated herein, to all staff members.

Article 69.  Amendments to the General Standards on Personnel Matters 

            These General Standards may only be amended by the General Assembly.  


[1].       Adopted by the General Assembly through resolution AG/RES. 123 (III-O/73) and amended through resolutions AG/RES. 248 (VI-O/76), AG/RES. 256 (VI-O/76), AG/RES. 257 (VI-O/76), AG/RES. 301 (VII-O/77), AG/RES. 359 (VIII-O/78), AG/RES. 404 (IX-O/79), AG/RES. 438 (IX-O/79), AG/RES. 479 (X-O/80), AG/RES. 671 (XIII-O/83), AG/RES. 672 (XIII-O/83), AG/RES. 731 (XIV-O/84), AG/RES. 791 (XV-O/85), AG/RES. 842 (XVI-O/86), AG/RES. 981 (XIX-O/89), AG/RES. 1036 (XX-O/90), AG/RES. 1137 (XXI-O/91), AG/RES. 1321 (XXV-O/95), AG/RES. 1322 (XXV-O/95), AG/RES. 1. (XXV-E/98), AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99), AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) and AG/RES. 1839 (XXXI-O/01), and by the Permanent Council through resolutions CP/RES. 652 (1033/95), CP/RES. 703 (1122/97), and CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) pursuant to the authority conferred by the General Assembly in resolutions AG/RES. 1319 (XXV-O/95), AG/RES. 1382 (XXVI-O/96) and AG/RES. 1603 (XXVIII-O/98), respectively. 

[2].       Paragraph added ad referendum of the General Assembly as a result of resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000.  

[3].       Paragraph amended by resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99) of the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth special session in November 1999.  

[4].       Paragraph added as a result of resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99) of the General Assembly at its twenty sixth special session in November 1999.  

[5].       New Article added ad referendum of the General Assembly as a result of resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000.   

[6].       Article amended by resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXV-E/98) of the General Assembly at its twenty-fifth special session in November 1998.  

[7].       Paragraph amended by resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99) of the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth special session in November 1999.  

[8].       Paragraph added as a result of resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99) of the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth special session in November 1999.  

[9].       Paragraph added as a result of resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99) of the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth special session in November 1999.  

[10].      Article amended ad referendum of the General Assembly by resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000.  

[11].      Paragraph amended ad referendum of the General Assembly by resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000.  

[12].      Article amended ad referendum of the General Assembly by resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000.  

[13].      Article amended ad referendum of the General Assembly by resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99) of the Permanent Council, and approved by resolution AG/RES. 1725 (XXX-O/00) of the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session in June 2000. 

* For a complete Section-by-Section analysis of these articles of the General Standards see document entitled Draft Resolution Career Service, CP/CAAP-2618-02-rev.1 (May 9, 2002), approved by the Permanent Council on May 15, 2002.(CP/doc.3601/02).

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