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AG/RES. 1868 (XXXII-O/02)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session held on June 4, 2002) 


            HAVING SEEN resolution CIDI/RES. 127 (VII-O/02) "First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture within the framework of CIDI"; 


That CIDI at its Sixth Regular Meeting held in December 2001, by resolution CIDI/RES. 109 (VI-O/01), agreed to hold the First Meeting of Ministers of Culture within the Framework of CIDI and requested that CEPCIDI convoke it;  

            That CEPCIDI at its LXXVI Regular Meeting by its resolution 71 convoked the First Meeting of Ministers of Culture, and accepted with pleasure the site offered by the Government of Colombia so that the Meeting could be held in Cartagena de Indias on July 12-13, 2002; and 

            That it is CIDI’s responsibility to stimulate dialogue and cooperation activities in favor of integral and sustainable development; 


            That the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas held in Quebec City, Canada, in April 2001 recognized that respect for and value of cultural diversity contribute to social and economic dynamism and are positive factors in the promotion of good governance, social cohesion, human development, human rights, and peaceful co-existence in the Hemisphere; and

            That the aforesaid Plan of Action encouraged the convocation of a ministerial or other appropriately high-level meeting, with the support of CIDI of the OAS, to address cultural diversity with a view to enhancing hemispheric cooperation on this issue;  

That CIDI at its Sixth Regular Meeting approved the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 2002-2005, which includes cultural development among the priorities of the Organization; and 

COMMITTED to the aim of fostering regional dialogue and formulating a hemispheric program on the most relevant challenges associated with the protection and promotion of the cultural values of the Americas and respect for cultural diversity, 


            1.            To stress the importance of holding this First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture in the framework of CIDI, to discuss cultural diversity with a view to deepening hemispheric cooperation on this issue.  

2.                  To thank the Government of Colombia for its generous offer of the site for holding this Meeting at Cartagena de Indias, on July 12-13, 2002. 

3.                  To instruct the General Secretariat, through the Social Development and Education Unit and in coordination with the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, to support the preparatory and organizational work for the First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture.

4.         To instruct CEPCIDI to report to the General Assembly in its thirty-third regular session on the results of the First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture in the framework of CIDI.

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