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AG/RES. 1860 (XXXII-O/02)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session held on June 4, 2002) 


            HAVING SEEN resolution CIDI/RES. 126 (VII-O/02) "XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress"; 


That CIDI at its Sixth Regular Meeting held in December 2001, by resolution CIDI/RES. 109 (VI-O/01), agreed to hold the First CIDI Meeting of Ministers of Tourism and the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress and requested that CEPCIDI convoke it;  

            That CEPCIDI at its LXXVIII Regular Meeting adopted a resolution convoking the First CIDI Meeting of Ministers of Tourism and the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress, and accepted with pleasure the site offered by the Government of the Dominican Republic; 

That the Government of the Dominican Republic proposed that said meeting be held in Punta Cana from September 24 to 26, 2002; and 

            That it is CIDI’s responsibility to stimulate dialogue and cooperation activities in support of integral and sustainable development; 


            That the sustainable development of tourism can contribute to a more equitable distribution of and greater community participation in economic growth; 

That CIDI at its Sixth Regular Meeting approved the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 2002-2005, which includes the sustainable development of tourism among the priorities of the Organization and identifies the improvement of mechanisms for policy dialogue as one of its strategic objectives; 

That the Inter-American Travel Congress constitutes a Specialized Inter-American Conference that meets periodically, previously within the framework of CIES, and currently within the framework of CIDI; 

That the Inter-American Travel Congress has not had the opportunity to express itself regarding its possible conversion from a Specialized Inter-American Conference to a Ministerial Meeting of CIDI; and 

That prior to holding the First Meeting of Ministers of Tourism of CIDI, the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress should take it upon itself to explore the various institutional alternatives that exist for its future operation, including that of maintaining its status as a Specialized Conference within the framework of CIDI, 


1.                   To convene the holding of the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, from September 24 to 26, 2002, and to thank the Government of the Dominican Republic for its generous offer to host the meeting. 

2.                   To highlight the importance of holding the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress so that it can consider "The Role of Hemispheric Cooperation to Address the New Challenges of the Tourism Sector." 

3.                   To instruct the General Secretariat to present for the consideration of the XVIII Inter-American Congress an analysis of the institutional alternatives that exist for its future operation and structure, including the possibility of maintaining its status as a Specialized Conference within the framework of CIDI. 

4.                   To request the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress to consider and pronounce itself on its future operations and structure so CIDI, and ultimately the General Assembly, can adopt the corresponding resolutions. 

5.                   To instruct the General Secretariat, through the Inter-Sectoral Unit for Tourism, in coordination with the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, to support the preparatory and organizational work for the XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress.

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