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AG/RES. 1672 (XXIX-O/99)


Adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 7, 1999)


HAVING SEEN the report of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on the Special Program of Support for Guatemala (CP/doc.3212/99);

RECALLING the mandate to support the strengthening of democracy and the peace process, issued to the General Secretariat in resolution MRE/RES. 2/93 of the ad hoc Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Guatemala; in resolution AG/RES. 1378 (XXVI-O/96), adopted by the General Assembly in Panama City, Panama; in resolution AG/RES. 1466 (XXVII-O/97), adopted in Lima, Peru; and in resolution AG/RES. 1533 (XXVIII-O/98), adopted in Caracas, Venezuela;


That the peace agreements signed in Guatemala City on December 29, 1996, put an end to over three decades of internal armed conflict;

The firm commitment of the Government of Guatemala to implement the accords and thereby strengthen peace and democracy in Guatemala; and

The solidarity of the international community, expressed in its commitment to continue supporting the country in its efforts to carry out those accords fully; and

BEARING IN MIND the progress made toward fulfilling the decisions made by the foreign ministers and heads of delegation of the member states of the Organization of American States by way of resolution AG/RES. 1533 (XXVIII-O/98),


1. To congratulate the Government of Guatemala on the progress made in implementing the peace accords.

2. To reaffirm its support to the Government and people of Guatemala in their efforts to strengthen democracy and build firm and lasting peace in that country.

3. To recognize the work of the General Secretariat in the fulfillment of resolution AG/RES. 1466 (XXVII-O/97).

4. To instruct the General Secretariat to continue to lend full support to the efforts to strengthen democracy and peace, to rebuild, and to achieve reconciliation in Guatemala, through the Organization's Special Program of Support, adopted by the General Assembly in resolution AG/RES. 1378 (XXVI-O/96).

5. To note with satisfaction the recent initiation of the democratic values and policy management program as a new component of the Special Program of Support for Guatemala, AG/RES. 1378 (XXVI-O/96).

6. To request the General Secretariat to continue to support the components of the Special Program of Support for Guatemala, within resources allocated in the program-budget and other resources, with particular emphasis on technical assistance for elections; the Culture of Dialogue: Program for Resource Development for Building Peace in Guatemala (PROPAZ); democratic values and policy management; legal assistance to the Guatemalan Congress; and assistance in clearing mines and explosive devices in Guatemala.

7. To laud the efforts launched by the Government of Guatemala and the General Secretariat to explore ways to institutionalize the Culture of Dialogue: Program for Resource Development for Building Peace in Guatemala (PROPAZ), and the possible creation of a regional entity devoted to training, research, and the promotion of disciplines associated with conflict prevention and resolution.

8. To acknowledge in particular the Governments of Canada and the United States of America, the Governments of Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Soros-Guatemala Foundation for their financial contributions to the various components of the Special Program of Support for Guatemala.

9. To renew its request to the General Secretariat to continue its coordination with the United Nations General Secretariat and other international organizations for the purposes set forth in this resolution.

10. To request the Secretary General to present a progress report to the Permanent Council on the Special Program of Support for Guatemala before the thirtieth regular session of the General Assembly.

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