Secretary for Legal Affairs
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AG/RES. 1665 (XXIX-O/99)


(Resolution adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 7, 1999)


RECALLING its resolutions AG/RES. 1334 (XXV-O/95) and AG/RES. 1405 (XXVI-O/96), on support for the work of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIHR);

EXPRESSING ITS RECOGNITION of the work of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in the countries of the Hemisphere in terms of building democracy and respect for human rights, and of its technical assistance in the drafting of modern legislation and the incorporation of international rules of law into domestic law;

NOTING the outstanding work of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in promoting human rights by creating educational programs to inform the public about the rights internationally recognized by their states;

RECOGNIZING the specialized training and technical assistance provided by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to judges, electoral tribunals, ministries of education, government human rights offices, police forces, armed forces, civil society organizations, educators, jurists, and political parties;

COMMENDING the initiative taken by the Inter-American Institute to include the gender perspective in all its programs and to promote the adoption of new international instruments designed to ensure the rights of women;

RECOGNIZING the important contribution made by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to the current discussion on the future of the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights; and

COMMENDING the contribution made by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to fostering a culture of peace and respect for human rights in the Hemisphere by way of the comprehensive plan approach, which promotes the optimal use of resources and of investments made in education and specialized training,


1. To support the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights so that it may continue to carry out promotional, educational, and specialized training activities in the field of human rights at the national, regional, and hemispheric levels so as to strengthen the full effectiveness of those rights.

2. To encourage international and regional financial institutions to support to the various programs of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights and to strengthening the Institute itself.

3. To urge the member states, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, in view of their background of work in the Hemisphere, to coordinate on preparations for celebrating the 30th anniversary of the American Convention on Human Rights in San José, Costa Rica.

4. To instruct the Permanent Council, in fulfillment of resolution AG/RES. 1488 (XXVII-O/97), to include the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in the dialogue it is promoting together with the other organs, agencies, and entities of the system to strengthen and improve the inter-American human rights system.

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