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AG/RES. 1638 (XXIX-O/99)


(Resolution adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 7, 1999)


REAFFIRMING the Declaration of Washington signed by the heads of state, heads of government, and representatives of the American republics on September 7, 1977, which recognizes "the importance hemisphere and world commerce and navigation of arrangements for ensuring the continuing accessibility and neutrality of the Panama Canal" set forth in the treaties concluded on that date by the governments of the Republic of Panama and the United States of America, known as the Torrijos-Carter treaties;

UNDERLINING the extraordinary importance of the historic event whereby, at noon on December 31, 1999, on the threshold of the 21st century, the Canal with all its improvements will come under the sovereign control of the Republic of Panama;

UNDERLINING ALSO that the Republic of Panama is fully prepared to fulfill such an important mission, as it exercises complete sovereignty over its territory and takes on all the tasks associated with managing the Canal in the interests of all free peoples on earth;

NOTING WITH APPROVAL the efforts undertaken by the Government of Panama and the Government of the United States during this process;

EMPHASIZING the need to establish favorable conditions for regional cooperation based on a consensus about the importance that the inter-oceanic canal, oceans, seas, and coastal areas, as well as the utilization of marine resources, have for human communities and for their management and rational use;

REITERATING that maintenance of the neutrality of the Panama Canal is important for trade and the security of the Republic of Panama, for the peace and security of the Western Hemisphere, and for the interests of world trade;

RECALLING resolutions AG/RES. 324 (VIII-O/78), "Deposit with the General Secretariat of the OAS of the Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal," and AG/RES. 427 (IX-O/79), "Call for Accession to the Protocol to the Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal"; and resolution AG/RES. 1376 (XXVI-O/96) "The Panama Canal in the 21st Century";

RECOGNIZING the decisive role of the inter-oceanic waterway in an open, multilateral system, which requires that the Canal be modernized in the 21st century and that its operations be adapted to the new environment created by globalization of the economy and the opening of markets, with the attendant increase in international trade; and

WELCOMING the harmonious transition process in which the two governments have engaged through their diplomatic representatives, the Panama Canal Commission, the Inter-oceanic Region Authority, and the Panama Canal Authority,


1. To pay tribute to the governments of Panama and the United States for their efforts to promptly implement the provisions of the Panama Canal Treaty and the Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal of 1977.

2. To reaffirm the importance of continuing accessibility to the Panama Canal for world trade and navigation and sustainable management of the ecosystem of its catchment basin.

3. To call on all nations of the region and the world that have not yet done so to accede to the protocol to the treaty declaring the permanent neutrality of the Panama Canal, so that at all times it will always remain secure and open to peaceful transit by ships of all nations on terms of complete equality.

4. To support the efforts of the Panamanian Government, the Panama Canal Commission, and the Panama Canal Authority to continue the modernization of the Panama Canal so that the inter-oceanic waterway will efficiently serve the increasing needs of sea transport and world commerce and all other exchanges beneficial to humanity.

5. To convene a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to commemorate the signing of the Panama Canal treaties.

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