Secretary for Legal Affairs
Office of Legal Cooperation
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AG/DEC. 22 (XXIX-O/99)


(Declaration adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 8, 1999)


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the recent events in the sister Republic of Colombia and, in particular, the Government’s efforts to bring about a negotiated solution to the internal conflict;

BEARING IN MIND the emergence of new circumstances that facilitate progress toward a peaceful and enduring solution in Colombia, founded on a broad-based national commitment; and

CONSIDERING the need to lend the utmost support to all efforts in pursuit of the noble cause of peace and democracy in the sister republic,


1. Its resolute and unconditional support for the peace-building endeavors of the Government of Colombia based on the desire of the majority of the people of that country for a definitive settlement of the armed conflict through an agenda for peace and national reconciliation.

2. Its satisfaction at the progress made in the quest for peace in Colombia and its appreciation to the Government of President Andrés Pastrana for the political determination and commitment shown in the fight to consolidate democracy and attain peace, through the widespread involvement of different sectors of society.

3. Its support for the willingness shown by the international community to cooperate by complementing and assisting the Government of Colombia’s efforts to find a peaceful solution to the internal conflict.

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