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AG/RES. 1453 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the sixth plenary session, held on June 4, 1997)


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization (AG/doc.3512/97);

RECALLING the report of the Permanent Council on the status of the Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission (IANEC) presented in 1989 (AG/doc.2419/89), and resolution AG/RES. 1008 (XIX-O/89), "Operation of the Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission," adopted pursuant to that report;


That the financial situation of the Organization has not allowed for funding of IANEC since 1989, when its funding under the program-budget of the Organization was suspended, which has meant that the Commission's operations have ceased; and

That the present financial situation of the Organization does not allow for the financing of activities not included in the current program-budget and that no change in the program-budget is anticipated in the near future; and

REAFFIRMING, nonetheless, the importance of the peaceful use of nuclear energy,


1. To dissolve the Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission (IANEC) effective forthwith.

2. To thank the Executive Secretary of IANEC for his report and his suggestions to the Permanent Council on this matter.

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