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AG/RES. 1159 (XXII-092)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on May 22, 1992)



Resolution CIES/RES. 424 (XXIV-0/91) on the challenges for the decade of the 1990s;

Resolution CIES/RES. 436 (XXV-0/91) wherein the Inter-American Economic and Social Council decides to hold its twenty-third special meeting at the ministerial level, to discuss this topic; and

The report presented by CIES to the General Assembly at its twenty-second regular session (CIES/doc.4586/92 rev. 1);

RECALLING that in the Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System, the ministers of foreign affairs of the member states of the Organization declared their determination to continue to prepare a relevant agenda for the Organization so that it can respond appropriately to the new challenges and demands in the world and in the region;


That the close interrelationship among democracy, integral development, economic growth and social justice is a fundamental element in hemispheric cooperation;

That inter-American cooperation for integral development is the mutual and joint responsibility of the member states, in the context of the democratic principles and institutions of the inter-American system;


That serious political, social and economic problems persist in the region and threaten the stability of the democratic governments in the Hemisphere;

That corrupt practices are inimical to transparency in relations between states and undermine democratic institutional stability;

That corrupt practices can thwart the process of integral development by diverting resources needed to improve the peoples' economic and social conditions;

That corrupt practices have adverse consequences for international business and investment flows;

That the effects of corrupt practices are serious when they occur in a national scenario, but are even more so when they move to the international scenario;

That this problem has penetrated all spheres of the world economy and world trade, which is why the United Nations has turned its attention to the subject;


That the effects of corrupt practices and other unwarranted constraints on free trade are detrimental to international business transactions that attract external investment, financial resources, technology, specialized knowledge and know-how and other important resources from abroad and promote economic and social development worldwide, particularly in the countries of the region that are trying to revitalize or develop their economies;

That the formulation of recommendations or the adoption of mutually agreed upon instruments that focus on preventive measures and mechanisms to avoid corrupt practices, will significantly improve the international climate of trade, investment, external assistance and cooperation;

That the region must voice its profound concern in this regard;

That the culmination of an effort of this nature will significantly enhance future inter-American relations and the region's relations with the rest of the world, and will also complement the effort that the United Nations is making in this regard; and

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that resolution CIES/RES. 436 (XXV-0-91) instructed the Executive Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs to conduct the necessary consultations so that the Permanent Executive Committee of CIES (CEPCIES) might establish the date and venue for a special meeting at the ministerial level and asks it to review and update the supporting documents prepared on the challenges for the 1990s, making the necessary recommendations to be studied,


To instruct the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES) to include the topic of corrupt international trade practices on the agenda for the special meeting that will examine the economic and social challenges for the 1990s and that, when reviewing and updating the supporting documents for that meeting, it include a study of the detrimental effects of corrupt practices, including recommendations, to be considered at the twenty-third special meeting of CIES at the ministerial level, planned for the last quarter of 1992.

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