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AG/RES. 1443 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


HAVING SEEN Article 78 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, according to which the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) shall prepare its own statutes and submit them to the General Assembly for approval; and

CONSIDERING that CIDI, at its first regular meeting, held on June 2, 1996, resolved to recommend that this session of the General Assembly approve the draft Statutes of CIDI drawn up by the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI,


To approve the following Statutes of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development:



Article 1. Nature

The Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) is a body of the Organization of American States (OAS) which is directly answerable to the General Assembly, with decision-making power in matters of partnership for integral development. It is also a forum for inter-American dialogue on issues of hemispheric interest related to such matters.

Article 2. Purpose

The purpose of CIDI is to promote partnership among its member states for the furtherance of their integral development and, in particular, to help eliminate poverty. It achieves its objectives through implementation of the strategic plan for integral development.


Article 3. Functions and Powers

CIDI shall have the following functions and powers:

a. To formulate and recommend the strategic plan to the General Assembly;

b. To formulate proposals for strengthening inter-American dialogue on integral development;

c. To promote, coordinate, and oversee the execution of the strategic plan;

d. To convene regular meetings at the ministerial level or its equivalent, spe-cial meetings, and specialized or sectoral meetings;

e. To propose to the General Assembly the holding of Specialized Conferences, in areas within the Council's competence, to deal with special technical matters or to consider specific aspects of inter-American cooperation; to convoke them in urgent cases, as provided for in resolution AG/RES. 85 (II-O/72), and to coordinate, when appropriate, the holding of said Specialized Conferences in the framework of the specialized or sectoral meetings of CIDI.

f. To promote cooperative relations with the corresponding United Nations agencies and with other national and international bodies, particularly as regards coordination of the inter-American technical cooperation programs;

g. To adopt the general guidelines to be followed by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development in carrying out its cooperation activities;

h. To convene high-level meetings and seminars to study development problems and identify efforts that could be undertaken within the CIDI framework, including those resulting from the application of Article 36 of the Charter;

i. To periodically evaluate the execution of cooperation activities with a view to adopting decisions it deems appropriate to improve them and make the best possible use of funds, and to report thereon to the General Assembly;

j. To participate in the formulation of the program-budget of the Organization in the area of cooperation; and

k. To fulfill the other functions entrusted to it by the Charter of the Organization, other inter-American instruments, the General Assembly, and the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, as provided for in Article 69 of the Charter, as well as those functions established by these Statutes, and to make recommendations in its area of authority.


Article 4. Membership and Representation of CIDI

CIDI is composed of all the member states, which shall appoint ministerial-level representatives, or their equivalent, who shall meet in regular, special, and specialized or sectoral meetings, which may be convoked by the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, or on its own initiative. Each state may appoint alternate representatives and advisers as it sees fit.

Article 5. Bodies of CIDI

CIDI shall have the following subsidiary bodies:

a. The Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI);

b. Nonpermanent specialized committees;

c. Special committees; and

d. Other subsidiary bodies and the agencies established by the Council.

Article 6. Permanent Executive Committee

The Permanent Executive Committee (CEPCIDI) is the permanent executive body of CIDI. It has the same seat as the Permanent Council and the General Secretariat.

Article 7. Purpose of CEPCIDI

The purpose of CEPCIDI is to adopt decisions and recommendations for the planning, programming, budgeting, management control, follow-up, and evaluation of cooperation projects and activities executed in the CIDI area.

Article 8. Functions of CEPCIDI

CEPCIDI shall have the following functions:

a. To decide on the execution and level of financing of cooperation projects and activities presented by the member states or the General Secretariat, taking into account the initial evaluation made by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development;

b. To analyze the execution of cooperation activities with a view to submitting a report to CIDI;

c. To carry out mandates received from CIDI, follow up on the decisions and recommendations CIDI adopts, and carry out the functions assigned to it under its Rules of Procedure;

d. To propose that CIDI establish subsidiary bodies as well as agencies for the development of hemispheric cooperation in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes;

e. To establish its subsidiary bodies; and

f. To entrust the Executive Secretariat with the execution of tasks and support activities in fulfillment of the mandates and functions assigned to CEPCIDI.

Article 9. Membership of CEPCIDI

CEPCIDI is composed of the principal and alternate representatives designated by each member state. Each year, at a regular meeting, CIDI shall elect the Chair and Vice Chair of CEPCIDI. Their functions and powers shall be governed by the Rules of Procedure.

Article 10. Meetings of CEPCIDI

CEPCIDI shall hold regular or special meetings, which shall be convened in accordance with its Rules of Procedure.

Article 11. Nonpermanent Specialized Committees

The nonpermanent specialized committees are technical bodies that lend support to CIDI in dealing with specialized matters or in developing specific aspects of inter-American cooperation in the priority cooperation areas approved by the General Assembly. They shall be established by CIDI for a period decided on at the time of their establishment and shall not exceed the number of said priority areas.

Article 12. Functions of the Nonpermanent Specialized Committees

Within their respective areas of competence, these committees shall have the following functions:--

a. To assist CIDI in the formulation of the policies and sectoral programs of the strategic plan;

b. To coordinate and examine the proposals for cooperation programs, projects, and activities made by the member states or the General Secretariat and submit them, with their recommendations, to the Executive Secretariat for consideration by CEPCIDI;

c. To periodically study the execution of the cooperation activities and their results and present to CEPCIDI those recommendations they consider pertinent;

d. To support the preparation of CIDI meetings;

e. To fulfill the specific mandates that CIDI assigns to them and report back to it in this regard.

Article 13. Membership of the Nonpermanent Specialized Committees

Each nonpermanent specialized committee shall consist of no more than seven specialists of recognized competence in their areas of specialization, who shall be elected by CIDI from among the candidates proposed by the member states for a period established at the time of election. No committee shall have more than one specialist of the same nationality. Each committee shall elect its chair.

Article 14. Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee of the Nonpermanent Specialized Committees

The chairs of the nonpermanent specialized committees shall make up an ad hoc committee to coordinate sectoral cooperation activities from an overall perspective and contribute to the preparation of CIDI meetings, in which they shall participate in the capacity of advisers, when so requested.

Article 15. Special Committees of CIDI

CIDI may establish, with the approval of two thirds of the member states, such special committees as it deems necessary and shall define their nature, purpose, structure, and operating procedures.

Article 16. Other Subsidiary Bodies and Agencies of CIDI

The subsidiary bodies and the agencies that CIDI may decide to establish shall have the nature, purpose, structure, and operating procedures that the Council itself determines.

Article 17. Functions of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development

The Executive Secretariat for Integral Development is a component of the General Secretariat responsible to CIDI for the execution and, when appropriate, the coordination of cooperation activities.

The Executive Secretary, appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of CIDI, shall direct the Executive Secretariat and fulfill those functions and responsibilities that are established in these Statutes, within the framework of the Charter.

Specifically, the Executive Secretariat shall:

a. Design the procedures and supervise the execution of projects in the following areas:

i. Presentation and initial evaluation;
ii. Preparation of plans for activities;
iii. Authorization of obligations and disbursements; and
iv. Follow-up and evaluation of results;

b. Support CIDI in formulating the inter-American programs and incorporating them into the strategic plan;

c. Coordinate General Secretariat support to member states that request it in the formulation of projects;

d. Conduct a preliminary evaluation of all requests for cooperation presented by member states or the General Secretariat and submit the results to CEPCIDI for consideration;

e. Support CIDI and its bodies in seeking the participation in cooperation activities of other inter-American and international organizations and of cooperation agencies of member and permanent observer states;

f. Authorize the obligation of funds and the use of other resources approved by CEPCIDI for financing projects and other partnership activities; and

g. Report to CEPCIDI on a regular basis on the progress, results, and final evaluation of the inter-American cooperation programs.

Article 18. Exchange of Knowledge and Information

The Executive Secretariat shall encourage the exchange of specialized knowledge and of information among the institutions of the member states and between them and the institutions of the permanent observer states.

Article 19. Coordination of the Executive Secretariat with Other Bodies of the General Secretariat

The Secretary General shall establish the necessary mechanisms to ensure that the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development coordinates the cooperation activities that the Organization carries out through all its components.

Article 20. Responsibility of the Executive Secretariat

The Executive Secretariat shall be accountable to CIDI for the execution and coordination of the cooperation activities supported by the OAS within the framework of the Council, for the use of resources allocated by the member states for their execution, and for their progress and results.


Article 21. Regular Meetings of CIDI

CIDI shall hold at least one regular meeting each year at the ministerial level or its equivalent to consider matters of a general nature in the area of partnership and integral development and in particular to:

a. Identify topics and initiatives of common interest to promote hemispheric dialogue and partnership among the member states with a view to promoting their integral development and, in particular, supporting their efforts to overcome poverty;

b. Convene specialized or sectoral meetings at the ministerial level or its equivalent and adopt their draft agendas and schedules;

c. Examine and, if appropriate, adopt proposals for the formulation and updating of the strategic plan;

d. Evaluate reports on cooperation activities and their results and adopt any recommendations and decisions it deems appropriate;

e. Entrust CEPCIDI, the Executive Secretariat, and, as appropriate, other areas of the General Secretariat with fulfilling the mandates and carrying out the activities that CIDI deems appropriate;

f. Establish nonpermanent specialized committees, other subsidiary bodies, and agencies;

g. Approve the annual and other reports to be presented to the General Assembly; and

h. Decide on the date and place of the regular meetings.

Article 22. Specialized or Sectoral Meetings of CIDI

CIDI may hold specialized or sectoral meetings at the ministerial level or its equivalent in order to:

a. Make recommendations on policies that are hemispheric in scope;

b. Promote initiatives to strengthen and consolidate forums for hemispheric dialogue;

c. Recommend specialized, sectoral, and intersectoral inter-American programs for possible inclusion in the strategic plan;

d. Recommend the establishment of nonpermanent specialized committees, other subsidiary bodies, and agencies of CIDI to develop specialized topics within the priorities and areas of competence of the Council. The sphere of competence, operating procedures, and membership of the nonpermanent specialized committees and of the subsidiary bodies and the agencies established pursuant to such recommendation shall be determined at the specialized or sectoral meetings.

e. Periodically examine the execution of cooperation activities, evaluate the results thereof, and make recommendations as it sees fit; and

f. Adopt the measures necessary to ensure that future meetings are duly held and their decisions followed up on.

Article 23. Special Meetings of CIDI

CIDI shall hold special meetings to consider specific issues or those cases provided for in Article 36 of the Charter.

Article 24. Election of the Officers of CIDI

Each meeting of CIDI shall elect a chair and vice chair, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Rules of Procedure.

Article 25. Quorum

A majority of the member state representatives shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Council.

Article 26. Voting

Each member state has the right to one vote. The decisions of CIDI that are adopted by voting shall require a majority vote of its members, except as otherwise provided for in the Charter, other inter-American instruments, or these Statutes. Budgetary decisions shall require the approval of two thirds of the member states. Procedural decisions shall require the majority established in the Rules of Procedure.


Article 27. Content and Structure of the Strategic Plan

The strategic plan shall incorporate the policies, programs, and courses of action in the area of cooperation for integral development, within the framework of the general policy and priorities for cooperation adopted by the General Assembly. It shall be structured around inter-American cooperation programs. The strategic plan shall have a four-year planning target period, subject to adjustment when the General Assembly considers it appropriate.

Article 28. Inter-American Cooperation Programs

The purpose of the inter-American cooperation programs shall be to facilitate inter-American dialogue on integral development, strengthen the national programs, and promote cooperation, with emphasis on multinational activities that take into account the participation of the relatively less developed countries. The inter-American cooperation programs shall include the purposes, goals, strategies, approaches, and spheres of action, as well as guidelines and mechanisms for their evaluation. Projects and other cooperation activities shall be included in these programs.


Article 29. Financial and Budgetary Provisions

Under the following financial and budgetary provisions:

a. CIDI shall formulate guidelines for the General Secretariat, in accordance with Articles 94.b and 111.c of the Charter and the pertinent articles of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, for preparing the program-budget in the area of cooperation, on the basis of the strategic plan. In addition, it shall also define the means, forms, and sources of financing the programs approved by the member states;

b. CIDI shall have a chapter in the program-budget of the Organization, as well as the Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (FEMCIDI), whose functions shall be governed by its own Statutes;

c. At its regular meetings, CIDI shall establish the rules governing its financing mechanisms and shall receive from member states pledges of voluntary contributions to FEMCIDI that indicate, if appropriate, the respective subaccounts;

d. At its specialized or sectoral meetings, CIDI may formulate proposals for encouraging and facilitating contributions of financial, technical, and other resources from public and private institutions of the member states and permanent observer states, as well as from international organizations, to support the development of inter-American programs in their respective sectors; and

e. CIDI shall evaluate the program-budget guidelines that it has established.

Article 30. Report of CEPCIDI on the Proposed Program-Budget

CEPCIDI shall submit a report to CIDI, including necessary recommendations, on the proposed program-budget in the area of inter-American cooperation.

Article 31. Financing of the Participation of Members of the Nonpermanent Specialized Committees

The program-budget for cooperation shall include the necessary provisions for defraying, when required, the cost of participation by the members of the nonpermanent specialized committees in their meetings.


Article 32. Rules of Procedure of CIDI and Its Bodies

CIDI shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure, those of its special committees, and those of the other subsidiary bodies and the agencies.

Article 33. Amendment to the Statutes

CIDI may propose to the General Assembly any amendments to the Statutes that it deems appropriate. Any proposed amendments shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly.

Article 34. Special Committee on Trade

The Special Committee on Trade (CEC) shall be incorporated into the framework of CIDI as a special committee, whose mandate, membership, and structure shall be determined by the instruments that govern it.

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